So Canada did you enjoy your HOH? We nominated Sabrina and Andrew AKA the boogermance. Jon won the Power of Veto and chose not to use it on either of the nominees. His excuse was that he felt if he used the veto he ran the risk of someone close to him going up, someone like Neda. This is because the assumption in the house is that Neda hasn’t been involved in much “Game Play” she will not be liked by Canada and would therefore have a lot of votes to be nominated. Andrew didn’t do much campaigning to stay, he stated that he loved Sabrina too much to do that.. groan. Kenny did more campaigning for Andrew than he did for himself. Sabrina did a bit of campaigning but again she said she loved Andrew too much to go against him and break their boogermance.
Tag: Big Brother Eviction
Once A week there is a Big Brother Eviction where the house guests vote on who out of the 2 nominations get removed from the Big Brother House
Big Brother HOH and Eviction results IKA vs Heather
Rachelle winning Head of Household who would have thought.. Was it really Rachelle that won though? It was actually more like Sabrina with Rachelle being given a front row ticket to watch. Sabrina talked Rachelle into nominating IKA who’s in her core alliance as the replacement nominee. By doing this Rachelle bought herself the 6th position in the first five alliance and effectively hammered the last nail in the coffin of the girls alliance. (Sarah hammered the first nail) Was it worth it? perhaps… girls alliance has always been unstable and rocky with regards to their loyalty.
Initially Ika never campaigned to stay in the house until Big Brother instructed her in the diary room to fight to stay in the house. However even after campaigning to Kenny she still figuring there was no way to convince people and so she proceeded to cause chaos.
Big Brother Eviction and HOH Spoilers Paul Vs Heather
Another week down and a very busy one at that. I remember during Big Brother US season 14 when Willie had Head of Household it felt like an entire season of game talk in one week. That’s what this week felt like, An entire season of Big Brother Canada game talk in one week. Very exciting and revealing of where the House alliances are currently standing.
The first of Five is still strong but the cracks are already starting to show. Arlie is actively talking about getting Andrew out and starting to set up a backup plan. Sarah and Kenny are also aware that Andrew will have to go sooner than later. They are nervous about how close he is with Allison and Sabrina. On the flip side Kenny thinks if Andrew goes the perceived primary physical threats will be him and Jon.
Big Brother Canada Eviction Spoilers Kyle Vs Paul
The first week of the live feeds are officially over. What did you all think? I found it exciting even though a large chunk of the feeds were blocked last weekend. It is difficult to get a feel for the “teams” with all the side alliances, fake deals and promises. It’s impossible to get a gauge on who is loyal to who. From what I can tell Andrew/Kenny are a loyal alliance (Big reveal I know), Sabrina/Sarah are a duo. Put these two parts together and sprinkle in some Arlie and you have the first 5 alliance. The official roster is Sabrina/Sarah/Kenny/Andrew/Arlie. First 5 appears to be the most loyal and Largest alliance maybe because they’ve been in power this week and the girls seem to think Andrew’s HOH power lasts another week. I wouldn’t be surprised if Sarah is playing the boys just like the boys are playing Sabrina and Sarah. Sabrina on the other hand may be falling for the Andrew/Kenny cuddling.
Big Brother Canada Season 2 First ‘Live’ Eviction
Yesterday we watched the premiere of Big Brother Canada Season 2 and found out that this year one of the twists is to have a 15th player voted into the house out of a potential 3.
Scott A drag queen, Nate the sheet metal worker and Alison psychiatric nurse are the pics. There is also a series of “Twisto Twists” which I place a curse upon.
Paul won the first HOH and proceeded to get a terrible case of HOHitus. The first 12 hours of the feeds was packed full of him making deals and talking game. Paul nominated Anick and Andrew, His reason was Anick was the first Girl to get off the ice block during the HOH competition. Andrew was the first Boy off.
Big Brother 15 Finale Results and Discussion
After what is arguably one of the most controversial seasons of Big Brother we have made it to finale night where either Andy Herren, Ginamarie Zimmerman or Spencer Clawson will be crowned the winner and be awarded the $500,000 grand prize. Spencer is known for breaking the record for the number of times on the […]
Tonight will be the second Double Eviction of Big Brother 15 which will bring the number of house guests down from 7 to 5. Double eviction episodes are always a huge surprise as everything happens so fast and there next to no time to campaign or conspire.
2AM Alliance + Elissa formerly known as 3AM – Amanda, McCrae, Elissa and Andy (Who is faking being with them) all believe they are going to blindside Spencer, Ginamarie and Judd by evicting Spencer.
The Exterminators Alliance – Andy, Ginamarie, Judd and Spencer all believe they are going to blindside Amanda, McCrae and Elissa by evicting Amanda.
The Exterminators Plan for Tonight – Andy has been lying to Elissa, Amanda & McCrae all week telling them he is voting with them to vote out Spencer, when he will actually vote out Amanda. McCrae and Elissa will be voting to evict Spencer.
Big Brother 15 Eviction And HOH Results Poopy Vs The Rat
Poopy Vs. The Rat
A real roller coaster game for Aaryn (Aka Poopy) she went from riches to rags to riches then finally landing in the rags again. For Amanda’s Game Aaryn had a very good reason to keep her but ultimately it came down to who does Amanda and McCrae think they can trust more, Andy or Aaryn. They will choose Andy. Either way I think Amanda and McCrae need to win the HOH or they will go up. The rat (AKA Andy) says he’s targeting Amanda/McCRae. Maybe he thinks if he takes one of them out it will be the big game move he needs to win the 500K or maybe he’ll continue playing his safe game by hiding in the shadows jumping in on conversations.
Amanda/McCrae have lost a lot of influence in the game this week they need comp wins to get it back. JUDD and Elissa would most likely be their targets.
Big Brother 15 Eviction, HOH and Returning Player Results
Helen Vs. Spencer
Over the past 72 hours we’ve seen Helen and ELissa try every conceivable alliance, deal and scheme to keep Helen in the game. It’s a carbon copy of what Jessie did a week prior and the result was the same. With the tables turned it was a exciting week on the feeds and nice to see Helen and Elissa get a taste of their own medicine. Is it time to get out Amanda yet?
Helen/Elissa started off trying to get the house against Amanda/McCrae… didn’t work. They then tried to get the house against Aaryn/GM… didn’t work. Then tries to threaten their way to get the needed 3 votes… didn’t work. Finally Helen decides to play nice.. didn’t work.
Big Brother 15 Eviction and HOH Results Butterscotch Vs. Jigsaw
Alliance break down
3AM alliance ([Andy,Aaryn] and [McCrae/Amanda])
Mom Squad (Elissa and Helen)
3 person (McCrae, Helen, Andy)
Boys (Andy, Spencer, McCrae)
Bunnies (GM/Aaryn)
Essentially it’s the 3am alliance running the game, they have established side alliances with everyone in the house and have set themselves up nicely going into this new week. They have the numbers, the comp wins and strategy all that stands in their way is Helen and possibly some Pandora’s boxes. It’ll be interesting to see if Helen and Elissa figure out the 3am alliance before it’s too late. One thing holding this back is Andy. Helen trusts him too much and it could be the game for her.
Big Brother 15 Double Eviction Results and Discussion
Chewbacca Vs. Creepy Uncle Spencer Vs. Clownie
Tonight the Big Brother house will finally be given the shake up it needs. Even if predictable people go home everyone will start to smell the money and big players will finally be seen as targets. Looking forward to tonight double eviction is always a turning point on the Big Brother Feeds. I’m starting to feel like whoever makes a big move first will gain the lion share of fans That is why I’m Team whoever makes a move against this house.
Big Brother 15 HOH and Eviction results Candice Vs Howard Vs Amanda
Helmanda show with special guests the superfriends
It’s not all roses with the superfriends Helen has told many people in the house that she’s going to go against McCrae and Amanda. McCrae and Amanda have done the same.. It would be very exciting to see these two groups go to BB war this week instead of waiting until final 6. Lets hope CBS has something planned to stir it up or we can just call Big Brother 15 The Helmanda show with special guests the superfriends.
The feeds have been on trivia since before noon this is unusual something is going happen tonight.
My Predictions
Howard goes home with 8 votes against
HOH win goes to Helen because this is how this season is going