Big Brother 19 Spoilers Week 10 Summary and Double Eviction Results

At this point Josh is starting to get worried about how Paul is playing, he feels that Paul is making game moves that really only benefits Paul’s game. Josh confronts Xmas about this but she doesn’t buy it, sounds like she thinks she can beat Paul in the final 2.  Xmas and Paul continue to reinforce Josh telling him that Paul playing the middle is best for them all. The tell Josh if Alex wins the HOH Paul can manipulate her to take out Kevin or Raven instead of Josh/Xmas.  Josh is worried that Jason/Alex will be pissed at him when he votes Jason out after telling them he was voting Kevin out. Josh is worried about jury votes, he’s worried about making enemies, and he likes Alex/Jason and doesn’t want to be a dick. 

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Big Brother 19 Spoilers Week 7 Summary and Double Eviction Results

Well folks.. Here we are the Double eviction. True to form CBS is treating us to no feeds, “But it will be worth it” they say, hardly. All that juicy awesomeness that happens after the double will be missed. I had some fun with this recap that I know will cause some of you great distress. the comments are there for you to vent at me. It’s just for fun. Enjoy 😉

Here’s how things went down

Jessica was evicted by a near unanimous vote. Cody, of course being her one vote to stay. In case you are wondering Jessica is not coming back, she’s on twitter. Julie also mentioned no Jury members will be returning. So hopefully this means there’s a damper on the late game twists. They’ve done enough damage already.

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Big Brother Canada 4 – Double Eviction and HOH Spoilers!

Last week ended with Maddy being evicted and becoming the third person in the jury. The fate of who would be the next head of household was left up to the house guests family members. Cassandra’s Dad won the HOH competition for her by being the one to his his buzzer when the rocks dropping into the volcano had reached closest to 1000. As head of household, Cassandra then nominated The Brothers and Nikki for eviction. In the power of veto competition, Phil was willing to risk it all to stay in the house and ended up winning the veto because Jared wouldn’t cut his hair.

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Big Brother 16 Spoilers – Week 10 Summary of Events, HOH/Eviction Results

Going to keep this weeks short and sweet this week.. We’ve been waiting for something to happen all season but it hasn’t with 2 weeks of feeds left let’s hope for something. I don’t really care what just something unexpected would be nice. Earlier today Julie Chen tweeted that she will be announcing a new twist tonight.. kinda wonder what it could be this late in the game. Scroll down to see the picture.

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Big Brother Canada Season 2 Double Eviction Results

Just a refresher in how double eviction works. (I’m not 100% sure how Big Brother Canada will do it this year so i’m going by BBCAN1 and the BBUS format. Safe to assume there will be a couple powers given out to Allison and Adel 😉
1) Allison and Sarah are nominated the house votes to evict one of them
2) HOH is played
3) Nominations are selected
4) POV is played
5) POV Ceremony
6) Houseguests vote to evict one of the nominees
7) Sometime late Thursday or Friday another HOH is played

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Big Brother 15 Double Eviction Results and Discussion

Chewbacca Vs. Creepy Uncle Spencer Vs. Clownie

Tonight the Big Brother house will finally be given the shake up it needs. Even if predictable people go home everyone will start to smell the money and big players will finally be seen as targets. Looking forward to tonight double eviction is always a turning point on the Big Brother Feeds. I’m starting to feel like whoever makes a big move first will gain the lion share of fans That is why I’m Team whoever makes a move against this house.

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