Cheesy AI tells the houseguests it’s double eviction. Angela gives her speech and cries. Leah gives her speech. Kimo votes to evict Leah Chelsie votes to evict Leah Cam votes to evict Leah Rubina votes to evict Leah Leah is evicted. Everyone cries. HOH goes to a tiebreaker between Chelsie and Angela. Head of Household […]
Tag: Big Brother Double Eviction

Jag – “Out of the three of them Bowie will for sure take us to the final 3” **updated**
10:05 am Matt and Jag
Matt – I couldn’t get to bed until 7
Jag – Same I was up
Matt – just thinking about everything
Jag – Dude I’m so excited about this.. I’m so happy for you
Matt – it was a nice letter..
Jag says seeing Reilly’s picture and letter after Matt winning HOH feels like his two best friends in the house.
Matt complains about Felicia always coming up for meetings.
Jag points out that right now he’s having his meeting with him.
Matt says for next week as long as one of them wins veto they make it to final 3.
Jag goes on about how one of their three have to win the veto.

Big Brother 25 Week 12 Double Eviction Results
Double eviction results. It’s DOUBLE EVICTION Night! #BB25 @bigbspoilers — Dawg (@DawgsBigBrother) October 27, 2023 Houseguests are told about he double eviction. First round of nominees plead for votes. Blue – Kitty kitty PURR Matt votes to evict Blue Bowie Jane votes to evict Blue Cirie votes to evict Blue Felicia votes to […]

Big Brother 25 Week 7 DOUBLE Eviction Results
It’s double eviction tonight. My favorite episode to watch! Cameron will be evicted first after that it’s really anyone’s guess. Cirie and Jared are in trouble with most of the house wanting at least one of them out. Don’t worry Stunt fans Grodner has twists coming to keep them safe. We have a Kraken filled […]

Big Brother 24 Double Eviction Results
We’re in the final stretch of Big Brother 24. Today’s double Will bring us down to 5 people! What a season we had. Combine the last two season and they still are no where near at much fun to watch than this one.
Michael won the Head of Household this week and nominated Terrance and Alyssa. Michael won the Power of veto and kept nominations the same. The rest of the week was filled with Brittany overplaying, Terrance trying to form a cookout and Alyssa being cute. Nothing much more to say here.

Big Brother Spoilers – Week 10 DOUBLE Eviction results
Special 2 Hours Big Brother Episode Kyland wins the Head of Household and the power of veto. He keeps the nominations locked at Hannah and Tiffany. The three cookout boys decide to stick together this week and they will be voting out Tiffany. The feeds will be down until tonight at 10pm PST. When they […]

Big Brother Spoilers – Week 9 DOUBLE Eviction results ** updated**
We are in the final stretches of Big Brother 23 after more or less 7 predictable weeks we might have ONE week coming up that is “expect the unexpected”. Seriously though when was the last time this show was unexpected? This is how the week went down. Tiffany went to win the Head of household […]

Big Brother 21 Week 10 recap and Double Eviction Results
Here we go, Folks, the Double Eviction we wanted a month ago to clear out this house. Last week we saw Nick get evicted during Holly’s Head of Household. Going into the week 10 Jackson pull out the HOH win. He nominates Christie and Jess. Tommy wins the Veto and uses it on Christie. Jackson nominates […]

Double Eviction Results and Kyra is the New HOH
Double Eviction Results Este is evicted 3-1. Dane being her one vote Dane wins the Head of household Nominates Kyra and Damien Anthony wins the veto doesn’t use it Damien is evicted 3-0 Kyra wins the head of household. 9:30pm Adam – at least I’ve been working with Kyra these last few weeks while Same […]

“You [Kyra] got to go.. You have to be evicted asap”
Big Brother Canada Spoilers – Tonight is a double Eviction. WhooWEE! The vote’s are pretty much locked to get Chelsea out. 9:57am KIKI alone Saying she needs to get Kyra out of this house before jury, “You got to go.. You have to be evicted asap” Stef joins her. Stef asks if CHelsea has talked […]

Celebrity Big Brother Spoilers DOUBLE EVICTION
Power of Veto is played.. Toms wins Tom uses the veto on Ricky pulls up LOCO Kandi votes to evict Natalie Tamar votes to evict Natalie Rick votes to evict Natalie Dina votes to evict Natalie Natalie is evicted.. As Natalie walks out “FO SHOW FO SHOW… GET IT.” Breaking Celebrity News twist … A […]

Big Brother 20 Week 11 Summary and DOUBLE Eviction Results
This was the week that Level 6 started to break up there was also a “i love you” for those showmance fans. One more thing to note is Haleigh thinks she was staying so expect her to be blindsided again.. Once a HIVE always a HIVE.