The cast of Big Brother Canada season 2 was just released today and already the dirt on the house guests is beginning to surface. One of the house guests named Adel Elseri is an inventor / welder from Edmonton, Alberta. After searching his name online we discovered that he is the co-inventor of “Tongue 2 Teeth” with Said Fayad which is a tongue mounted toothbrush. It is a hands-free toothbrush with a bumpy texture that is coated with toothpaste that you mount on your tongue. Adel states that the idea came to him while he was driving home after a 12hr shift at work.
Tag: big brother Canada season 2
Big Brother Canada 2 premièred on March 5th and concluded with the finale on May 8th, 2014. Jon Pardy was crowned the winner with Sabrina Abbate being the runner-up.

Meet the CAST of Big Brother CANADA Season 2!
As promised the identities of the 15 cast members of Big Brother Canada season 2 were released today! Below are 14 of them along with their answers to a few revealing questions. With the Big Brother Canada season 2 premiere just one week away we couldn’t wait to get to know the new house guests!
The beautiful newly re-designed Big Brother Canada Season 2 house was just released the other day and these new house guests will soon call it home for the next couple months. If you miss the BBCAN2 house tours, make sure you watch them!

Get READY Big Brother FANS! Big Brother Canada season 2 is about to START in a week and a half with the premiere episode airing on March 5th, 2014!
Almost a month ago we were teased with photos of the new house still under construction. Today we finally got to see photos of the completed Big Brother Canada season 2 house and we’re very impressed! Take a look as it looks like one of the best designed and decorated big brother houses ever! Leave a comment below and tell us what you think!

Big Brother Canada 2 New House Pics WOW!
Images from the new Big Brother Canada house were release today. By what we can see this house looks amazing!! We’ll get more information about the house and hopefully the cast tonight when the house is toured on Entertainment tonight Canada. Cast should be released on Wednesday. . Photos of the diary room hall and […]

FIRST LOOK Inside the NEW Big Brother Canada 2 House!
The Big Brother Canada house for season 1 was only built last year and it has already been decommissioned. The exact reasons why the producers of Big Brother decided to build an all new house in a different location is unknown. The only response as to why a new house was built was that it was due to “unexpected circumstances”. The first house was technologically advanced with 64 cameras and 50 microphones in addition to the backyard lighting system that mimicked daylight. Which begs the question – What type of house will the NEW house guests be moving into in just over a month?

Big Brother Canada Season 2 STARTS March 5th!
Big Brother Canada host, Arisa Cox announces the premiere date of season 2! The second season of Big Brother Canada is set to premiere on March 5th, 2014!
Host Arisa Cox says:
“We have such an epic season of twists and drama ahead on Big Brother Canada! So catch the season premiere Wednesday March 5th on SLICE. Plus for the first time ever, we’re launching the Big Brother Canada Side Show. A weekly after show staring two of your favorite season 1 house guests! ET Canada caught up with Gary Levy one of your new co-hosts for the new series tune in tonight at 7:30 for all the details.”

BIG BROTHER CANADA Season 2 – Premières March 2014!
Get ready Big Brother fans! Your favorite reality television show is back for its second season! Big Brother Canada Season 2 Premieres in March 2014!
The first season of Big Brother Canada premièred last year on February 27th and concluded on May 2nd. The response to the first season was so overwhelming that a second season was an easy decision to approve. After the conclusion of US version this last September many fans have been eagerly awaiting the second season from the neighbors to the north. We’re excited to see what type of crazy characters they cast this season and what twists and surprises are in store for the new cast.
Canada’s #1 reality Show is BACK!
Get your FREAK ON!

Big Brother Canada INVADES and the Season 2 Application Deadline is Fast Approaching!
Get ready Big Brother fans! After recently wrapping up Big Brother 15 we are now getting ramped up for Big Brother Canada season 2 set to premiere in February 2014. The casting auditions have been taking place across Canada since the beginning of September and will wrap up with the final casting call in Toronto Ontario on October 19th. If you’re planning on submitting a video application you have just under a month to do it as the deadline is Friday, October 25, 2013. Do you think you have what it takes to last 75 days in the big brother Canada house? Are you able to lie, back-stab and manipulate your way to the $100,000 grand prize?
During the Big Brother Canada season 2 auditions Andrew Monaghan’s brother Pete tried out to see if he had what it takes to be cast as one of the new house guests.