Watch the feeds for free from the US using a VPN we recommend HMA 5:20pm Ika and Sindy white couch Giggling about Ika and Demetres kiss 5:20pm Dre and Karen Red Room They don’t trust Bruno and Kevin and want them out next followed by Jackie. After Karen left the room Dre said she […]
Tag: Big Brother Canada 5

“Losing Neda was disastrous… Neda was a shield to have in front of us”
Watch the feeds for free from the US using a VPN we recommend HMA (FYI videos take time to upload) Sindy and Ika red room Ika says she’s at peace with going up. 11:40am Ika and Dre Ika says Dillon is going to put her and Demetres on the block for sure. Ika says […]

Head of Household Competition BUZZKILLED
Catching up.. Neda and Emily were eliminated During the Double Eviction. Head of household will be played “all night’ on the feeds. get your VPN and watch them for free. Watch the feeds for free from the US using a VPN we recommend HMA Sindy is the host. “You’re in for an all nighter” […]

“If Emily finds out she’s going home she might start chucking sh1t under the bus and smearing sh1t last minute”
Tonight is double eviction. I’m pretty certain Emily will be going home first. After that it’s anybody’s guess. No one is really safe at this point. There has been tweets that the houseguests will be kept up all night and the feeds will be left on. I think there will be an endurance for the […]

“Bruno and Neda.. Target Bruno. Bruno is the glue between Kevin-Neda”
Watch the feeds for free from the US using a VPN we recommend HMA (FYI Videos can take from 10-60 minutes to upload) Dre and William HOH Dre says if they remove William they lose the Kevin-William link to their side but if they remove Dre that link remains. She thinks she’ll be the […]

“I feel very in the middle and the mediator.. I really want the 6 to work”
Watch the feeds for free from the US using a VPN we recommend HMA (FYI.. uploading these videos can take anywhere from 10 minutes to 60 minutes) Dre and William HOH 10:15am Sindy Ika and Demetres (they’re talking about last night’s meeting of the six) Ika denying she yelled at Neda says it had […]

“when we’re back in power she’ll crawl up your a$$ and her toes will be sticking outta your butt”
Big Brother Gave Dillon a task to complete. He failed now they have to wear boxing gloves for the rest of the day. Ika and Dre Talking about Neda saying she’s like a fart going around the room. Talking about Ika being a “Bad B1tch” and Neda isn’t. That is the problem. Ika – I […]

“I think she realizes we’ve put 2 and 2 together, we’re not idiots, she’s scrambling”
(FYI Videos can take some time anywhere from 10 to 60 minutes to upload) 10:14am Bruno and Neda Neda fills bruno in on last night’s conversation with Ika. Ika is worried if she pulls the same conversation with Sindy than Sindy will believe it. Bruno says Ika is talking to Sindy right now but once […]

“What I’m observing is there’s a war going on between Ika and Neda”
4:00pm Neda, Kevin and Bruno comparing notes about Ika Bruno says Ika is really pushing for Emily to stay. Bruno – Emily is gone.. I think we should get her out.. if we don’t get her out this week she’ll make it to the end. They agree Dillon will be a mess with Emily gone. […]

Dillon – “Fake like a 3 dollar Bill”
Kevin Didn’t use the Power of Veto. Nominations stand, EMily and Dillon Ika says Emily needs to sit with Jackie and secure that vote. Bruno saying he can’t believe they “jumped” on him like that. Emily asks why was he saying to both of them that he was keeping them safe. Bruno – I told […]

OBB Kraken Hour Episode 5
In this episode Simon goes it alone.

Ika – “The vets are Snaky.. they’re snakes”
7:14pm Dre Ika and William Ika says she doesn’t trust Sindy or Kevin. Dre – who is Neda working with? Ika says Neda told her Dre is coming after her. Ika – she said if she won HOH she would put you guys up (Dre and William) Ika says Neda is working with Sindy, Bruno […]