Today we get the first look inside the Big Brother Canada house where the house guests will be competing over the next couple months for the grand prize. This seasons house theme is that of a casino / high-end luxury hotel. The host of Big Brother Canada Arisa Cox takes us on a tour of the newly redesigned house. Arsia Cox “Imagine a high-end luxury hotel in Abu Dhabi”
Tag: Big Brother Canada 4 house

First Look Inside the Big Brother Canada 4 House!
With every season of Big Brother the house gets totally re-designed with a new theme for each new batch of house guests and this season is no different. Last seasons house was well regarded as one of the best designed houses in big brother history with its steampunk theme and this seasons house is sure to get similar attention. The 14 new house guests have already moved into the house so it will be interesting to see how much they’ve destroyed it when the live feeds turn on after the première.