9:30am Andrew and Emmett kitchen Emmett telling him that in the middle of the night production turned the bathroom lights on. They’ve been doing that a lot during his HOH and it’s pi$$ing him off, he’s going to ask them today why they are doing that. Andrew points out how there is so much light that enters the HOH room from the hallway, “Good thing you can put up the sheets” Andrew says Big brother wakes them up at 9 every morning unless they have some sort of special activity to do.
They start chatting about working out.. Emmett says he use to do preacher curls and his lower biceps were “So Huge” you couldn’t see the vein. Talk moves to sports… Emmett says he’s played competitive Soccer and Hockey, “I played junior C in University.. not super serious.. there’s guys there to drop the mitts and there’s guys there to score goals”