11:20pm HOH Gary and Talla
Talla mentions how Liza was going around with everyone in the house spreading lies. Gray know for a fact Liza lied straight ot Andrew, talla, Peter, Gary, Aj and Suzette. Gary thinks 100% that Peter and Suzette will go after Liza if they win HOH (Peter won’t but Suzette will) Tom joins them and wants to talk to Gary. Gary tells Talla to leave
Tom i’ver been thinking through my head.. I know i’m not going home.. I know Liza has done a lot of talking.. I know Emmett, Alec, and Topaz feels threaten by Liza.
Gary: “Me i feel threaten by Liza”
Tom: ‘Liza was going around making deals with people.. She had a bad visions a bad idea that Emmett was coming after her”
Gary: ‘She felt it?”
Tom: ‘yeah she felt it.. “