5:20pm – 5:50pm Alec continues to workout in the backyard while Topaz lays out on a pool lounger. Alec finishes up his workout and heads into the kitchen to make something to eat. Talla is sleeping on the kitchen couch. Meanwhile Jillian is up in the HOH room listening to her music and doing her make-up. Big Brother switches the live feeds to the hush, hush screen.
6pm Jillian goes to talk to Emmett in the bedroom. She asks if he thinks Alec threw the competition because he has a diamond power of veto? Emmett says no. Jillian tells Emmett that after she talked to Peter in the HOH room she knows he went down and told Topaz everything because 10 minutes after he left I came down and it was obvious Topaz was crying and she hasn’t talked to me since then.