Premiering on July 6th at 9:30pm, the same night as the Big Brother 24 premiere is CBS’s “The Challenge: USA”, which includes 6 Big Brother alumni. The Challenge: USA is a spinoff from MTV’s original competition show The Challenge. Now that Viacom and CBS merged we will likely see a lot more spinoff’s and crossover shows.
Tag: big brother alumni

Big Brother 18 – LIVE FEED Exclusive VIP Chats with Big Brother Alumni!
With Big Brother 18 scheduled to premiere on Wednesday June 22, we’re excited to announce some exclusive content for you if you subscribe to the live feeds. If you sign up for the live feeds today you will get to test them out for FREE for 1 week. As a member of CBS All Access, you’ll have access to the VIP chats with Big Brother Alumni, the Big Brother Marathon (Now playing every episode from Big Brother 1 – 17), and be able to watch any episode of your favourite CBS show.

Big Brother News From the Internets “Never Gonna Wash These Hands”
From the looks of things we won’t be finding out about the Big Brother Canada cast until the premiere episode which I guess is cool since the show starts in 12 Day in correction it has now been tweeted that we find out about the Big BRother Canada Cast soon, “Like Real Soon”. Speaking of starting in 12 days how many of you are ready for BB Canada? Since Media day was today we’ll be getting a peek of the Big Brother Canada House very soon. Keep an eye out for it on ET Canada. Still no word on BB15 open casting calls that should be happening unless it’s all-stars. I have almost zero faith that we will get a episode of 100% rookies.

Jeff Schroeder And Jordan Lloyd Found A Place to Live in Santa Monica
Jeff Schroeder and Jordan Lloyd packed up and moved across the country to live in Santa Monica, California. They both left their home towns to start a new life together in California where they are pursuing their passions. After a while of searching for a place to live, they have finally found a place that meets their needs in Santa Monica. As you can see from the photo and the comment that Jeff posted on Twitter, they still need to find furniture to fill their new place. There is nothing wrong with using beach chairs in the dining room; after all they can be easily brought with you when you want to head to the beach. We are happy to see that they managed to find a place that they like, as it sounded like they were having a tough time as they had to resort to asking for help on twitter.
Jeff and Jordan are both working on a NEW show with CBS interactive (CBSi), which they told us about back in the beginning of May. We are all really excited about their new show and can’t wait to find out more details as to what exactly it will be all about.

Us Weekly mentions Big Brother Couples Jeff & Jordan, Rachel & Brendon
With the 14th Season of Big Brother set to start in less than 6 weeks, one can only wonder what it has in store for us. With the Big Brother 14 Cast Auditions finished and the new cast still held tightly under wraps, the anticipation is growing. We will likely see tons of Drama, Fights, Alliances, and Showmances, in addition to numerous Twists that keep us watching the most anticipated summer reality tv show. Stay tuned for more Big Brother 14 details as they are released.
Us Weekly Maganize had a small write up about America’s favorite reality Big Brother couples: Jeff Schroeder & Jordan Lloyd and Rachel Reilly & Brendon Villegas. Its rare to find someone you are compatible with, let alone find someone on a reality TV show and be able to stay together after the show ends. Two of Big Brother’s recent seasons couples have managed to stay together despite all odds.
The article states:

Reality Rally 2012 LIVE Streaming Coverage Brought to you by SuperPass!
In just over 3 months Big Brother 2012 will premiere and if you are anything like me, you CANNOT wait for that day to come! To help pass the time we wanted to fill you in on a reality event called Reality Rally that is full of your favorite Big Brother and other reality stars, it’s an event that is coming up that will not only be fun to watch live, watch on SuperPass and even participate in and it supports a great cause at the same time.
Have you ever wanted to be a part of The Amazing Race or a game like it? Well considering you missed your chance to be on The Amazing Race Season 20, there is another opportunity to be a part of a similar game called Reality Rally 2012, in temecula Valley. The event is taking place from April 13th – 15th, with the race starting on April 14th from 12-4pm.
Reality Rally was created and modeled after the CBS reality TV show The Amazing Race. It is a 4 hour competition where Reality Stars are teamed up with ordinary people like you and I, and compete through 12 gruelling challenges to win the prize & the bragging rights! MOST importantly the event is for a great cause to raise funds for Michelle’s Place Breast Cancer Resource Center in Temecula (