11:18pm The Big Brother 26 live feeds go LIVE! In the kitchen the house guests are chatting. Tucker – I am ready to get a train to bed now but there is no way I am being the first one to got to bed tonight. In the bathroom – Chelsie and Makensy are talking about […]
Tag: big brother 26

Big Brother 26 – Two-Night Premiere Recap! “I’m so excited I could throw up!”
Last night episode one of the two night premiere of Big Brother 26 aired. The first 8 house guests moved into the newly redesigned house and after checking out their new home for the summer, Julie Chen ushered them out into the backyard. They learned that there was a 17th house guest (Ainsley) that pleaded for them to vote her into the house. Each of the 8 house guests voted on whether to allow her move in or not she advised them them she would benefit their games.

Big Brother 26 – Paramount Announces NO Live Feed Flashback or Archive Feature this season!
We just discovered that Paramount+ made the horrible decision that this season they will not have the archives and flashbacks feature as part of the live feeds. This is very bad news for the Big Brother fans that desperately need this feature to get the full experience out of the live feeds. I think this is a terrible decision just like how Big Brother Canada kept shortening the amount of time you could flashback on the live feeds to then eventually dropping the feeds altogether for the stupid daily diaries. In my opinion this is what put the final nail in the coffin for Big Brother Canada and why it wasn’t renewed for another season.

Big Brother 26 Spoilers – The House Guests will have the power to decide IF they allow the 17th houseguest in!
The all new cast of house guests was just released yesterday and we’re already starting to make our first impressions of the 16 house guests. Julie teases that the 16 house guests will have the power to decide IF they allow the 17th house guest into the house. It will be interesting to see how this plays out and what decision the house guests make. Will they be tempted to allow another house guest to enter the house or will they choose to deny the other house guests entry into the house? Since the goal is the be the last one standing, why would you want more house guests to compete against?

MEET the ALL NEW Cast of House Guests for Big Brother 26! – The 17th House Guest will be voted in by Viewers
The 2-night premiere of Big Brother 26 is fast approaching and with that comes lots of new information about the season. All the information we’ve been dying to know about the new season like this seasons theme, twists, house tour and cast is all starting to get released. We just learned yesterday that the theme of the season is Artificial Intelligence “BB AI”. I’m sure the BB gods will be running lots of “AI prompts” throughout the season along with throwing a few curveball AI prompt glitches into the system.

Big Brother 26 – The 89 Day Season Finale Will Wrap Up On Sunday October 13th!
The Big Brother 26 – 2 night season premiere is only a few days away on Wednesday, July 17th / 18th where we will meet the first 8 house guests on night one and the next 8 on premiere night 2. It will be an all new cast of house guests moving into the newly redesigned house. The theme for the season is Big Brother Artificial Intelligence “BB AI”. I am curious to see what types of AI the BB producers will inflict on the house guest and how it will shape the season. We also now know that the 90 minute finale for the 26th season will wrap up on Sunday, October 13th. This will make the season 89 days total which is an average length of a season.

Big Brother 26 – Meet 1st 8 House Guests Night One, 2nd Night Meet Next 8! Julie Chen “Put on your Je$us glasses”
As we all know the Big Brother 26 season premiere is just under a week away on Wednesday, July 17th at 8pm ET and with that date fast approaching CBS is very slowly releasing information about the season. We got our first look inside the newly redesigned house the other day and learned that this seasons theme is Big Brother Artificial Intelligence “BB AI”. We’re all patiently waiting .. or not so patiently waiting for the all new cast of house guests identities and bios to be dropped. While we wait for more information to come out, take a look at the below videos regarding what to expect / Julie Chens thoughts on BB and the upcoming season.

Big Brother 26 – FIRST FULL Look Inside the “BB AI” House!
The day is finally here where we get to see the inside of the newly redesigned Big Brother 26 house where the all new cast of house guests will be staying for next few months as they battle it out to see who will be crowned the winner of the season. The 2-night premiere is just days away on Wednesday, June 17th at 8pm ET.
“BIG BROTHER Artificial Intelligence,” known as “BB AI,” is taking over the House and the theme will deliver the most unpredictable season for Houseguests.

Big Brother 26 SNEAK PEEK – First Two Bedrooms “Sci-Fi / Fantasy Fairy Rooms”
Finally CBS releases a sneak peek of the newly redesigned house! Its a very small sneak peek but its something. A short video clip showing two of the bedrooms that the all new cast of newbies will be sleeping in. One bedroom looks like a Sci-Fi room with floating rock formations. The beds look like they’re floating on the clouds.

Big Brother 26 – Rumored Early Cast Move in on Tuesday, July 16th!
Rumor has it that the all new cast of newbies will move into the newly redesigned Big Brother house a full 24 hours before the scheduled 2-night premiere on Wednesday, July 17th. From the sounds of the rumor the cast will be moving into the house on Tuesday, July 16th. Recent seasons of big brother, CBS has had a live move in date for the cast where they moved in on the premiere date and we got access to the live feeds after the premiere episode. I much prefer this as in the past the cast always moved into the house about a week prior which caused a lot of confusion and disappointment among the hardcore super fans as we would miss a lot of the pivotal game talk / alliance building and we were left to try and put the pieces together after the live feeds went live.

Big Brother 26 – Julie Chen teaser “Connect the Dots”
Big Brother 26 host Julie Chen posted the below on Instagram with the comment “connect the dots”. What do all our big brother super fans think this means? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below? From looking at the comments, it looks like Julie Chen has confused people more than actually provided a hint. It could mean something about the upcoming season or it could be a distraction that means absolutely nothing. The cat looks like its part of the newly redesigned house decòr and I could see the vortex photo being the diary room hallway. Comments online reference: An Alice and Wonderland vibe, The cat in Japan means luck, The Butterfly Effect, With only a week and a half to go till the premiere we’re dying for as much info as we can get on the new season.

FIRST TEASER LOOK Inside the Big Brother 26 House!
Two weeks from today big brother will air with a special 2 night premiere on Wednesday, July 17th at 8pm ET. As always CBS is pretty tight lipped about the all new cast of house guests and about releasing the details of the newly redesigned house. We should get to meet the cast of newbies in the next week or so as well as get a full video house tour by host Julie Chen but until then she has teased us with the first look inside the house. Its not much of a teaser, just a shot of the Big Brother memory wall with the new BB logo.