Quick Big Brother Spoilers Head of Household: Reilly Nominees: Corey, Felicia, Kirsten, Jared POV Players: Cirie is host, Reilly, Bowie, Kirsten, Felicia, Hisam POV Winner: Hisam Veto Ceremony: Veto wasn’t used Havenots: Luke, Jared, Corey, Hisam, Lock your ranks in before midnight Rank Houseguests View Results Detailed View Results Compressed The situation Veto wasn’t be used. […]
Tag: big brother 25

“These younger players are very cutthroat. They get an idea in their head and they are out for blood”
8:26 am Luke, Cirie and Izzy
Luke – I didn’t know about the moves people were making
Cirie – people were saying Luke Luke Luke. I like Luke.
Luke – I went through my whole little thing yesterday. I was in my thing.
Luke – I think some of these younger players are very cut throat. They get an idea in their head and they are out for blood immediately , weather or not it will endanger them or not.
Cirie – that’s not the way to play a long term game.

Jag – “Going into next week I would feel a lot better if Kirsten is here and Izzy isn’t”
Jag – I like to talk through every option. I feel like we are scared about Izzy right now. Is there a way to backdoor her this week (PLEASE YES)
Reilly doesn’t think so Hisam needs to use the veto and he’s close to Izzy, “He wants to be in an alliance with Blue and Izzy”
Reilly – he would never go with them.
Jag – you would be blindsiding Hisam.
Jag – is there any way Hisam uses the veto to take Felicia off?
Reilly – that would be crazy.

Hisam “We will draw first blood and that will shock the sh*t out of them!”
Hisam – here is what I got to tell you.. we will draw first blood and that will shock the sh*t out of them! Felicia – Yes because they won’t be expecting a strong move right off the bat like that. Hisam – and heres the thing .. she (Reilly) had thoughts of a blindside. I talked to Reilly about it. She said it would have been Luke. Its not Luke. It would have been Cirie for sure. Felicia – who told you she said that? Hisam – I talked to Reilly and she said .. she didn’t tell me that it would be Cirie but she told me. I asked her so what would have happened if the veto had been won by one of them? And she said I was considering backdoor options. She originally told me that she was just going to put Jared or Cory back on the block. Felicia – she told me Cory. Hisam – she said I don’t want any more blood on my hands.

Cirie “Its time to sh*t or get off the pot!!”
5:50pm Comic Bedroom – Cirie and Izzy.
Izzy – my biggest concern is that I don’t necessarily think our paranoia about the backdoor is wrong. Cirie – why?! Izzy – because it would have been brilliant! Cirie – I know but I need more than that. Yes it would have. I need that one plus one equals two .. or at least get close to it. It can’t just be because it would have been brilliant. Izzy – I know. I am still confused why she picked you to be host. I am confused about why she was all hugging and bestie-ing. Red .. it seems like buttering up. Cirie – are we paranoid?! I am not paranoid.. I know what I saw when I walked in. The shuffle and Red started doing this. I am going to ask her what was the conversation in the kitchen when we walked in… its time to sh*t or get off the pot!!

Cory “I hope these losers (Live Feeders) watching don’t think I am talking to them.”
12:50pm Kitchen – Meme and Cory.
MeMe talks about talking to herself and then Jag walked in and asked who she was talking to. She told him she was talking to herself. She says he said oh cute. Cory – Yeah, I hope these losers watching (live feed watchers) don’t think I am talking to them, giving inside to my experience.. I’m talking to myself… you should mute me. MeMe – I think I am worse when I am home. Jared – I do too. I call myself a d*ckhead.

Sunday Funday “You’re Charlie and we’re the angels” **updated**
Quick Big Brother Spoilers Head of Household: Reilly Nominees: Corey, Felicia, Kirsten, Jared POV Players: Cirie is host, Reilly, Bowie, Kirsten, Felicia, Hisam POV Winner: Hisam Veto Ceremony: ? Havenots: Luke, Jared, Corey, Hisam, Blue Lock your ranks in before midnight Rank Houseguests View Results Detailed View Results Compressed The situation Alliances: The handful = Reilly, […]

Kristen “I honestly feel like I am being used!”
6:20pm HOH room – Kirsten and Reilly.
Kirsten – I know that when the sh*t starts to get tough .. I know that I want to be the person that made it easier for people in here. Because I have delt with that. I’ve been on my own since I was 17.. I’ve done everything on my own. Like last year, it was just me in my car. So I know how it feels to not feel f**king safe and I look at this and what it gets to be later. So if I could be around so that someone doesn’t have to f**king feel that, like I am happy with that. Reilly gives her a hug. Reilly – its very easy to lose yourself in this environment. I honestly feel like I am being used! And that people are telling me sh*t just to see maybe come find someone or whatever… just so that they can confirm ok.. get her out or whatever.

Hisam WON the Power Of Veto! “I think an all Queer alliance would be really cute.”
In the bathroom – Reilly, Jag and Blue.
Blue – he wants to make an alliance with me. Me, Izzy and Hisam. Basically when we were talking about he was like I think an all Queer alliance would be really cute. And as a gay Muslim man its really hard to have representation. Then he was like I want to show America that I could go far. Hisam and Izzy are really sus’d out about Cory. Really, really sus’d out about Cory. With Hisam and Izzy, I think we can take our time. I was just letting you know that this side alliance is going to form and I think its going to be beneficial for us. It sounds like they haven’t really talked game with people in the comic room. I planted the seed. I think it would be really nice for us three, Izzy and Hisam to get together and basically ..

Cirie “That is making me comfortable for the kill. You’re thinking she might backdoor me?”
Quick Big Brother Spoilers Head of Household: Reilly Nominees: Corey, Felicia, Kirsten, Jared POV Players: Cirie is host, Reilly, Bowie, Kirsten, Felicia, Hisam POV Winner: ? Veto Ceremony: ? Havenots: Luke, Jared, Corey, Hisam, Blue Lock your ranks in before midnight Rank Houseguests View Results Detailed View Results Compressed The situation Veto today if Veto gets […]

Kirsten – “I have to get all the way in game mode I mean Spartan mode”
10:22 am Kirsten and Cory
Kirsten – I wish I could wrap my head around what is possible could be.
Cory – you walk out and it’s the work out machines again
Kirsten – I would just lay down and die at that moment.. 100 percent.
Kirsten – honestly. I’m thinking about it. I think when I get out and I see it I’ll know. Right now I can’t wrap my head around 100 Percent what it’s going to be. I’m just know when I get there I have to get all the way in game mode I mean Spartan mode .. like

“It’ll be team work and it’ll be family.” ** Updated **
1:20 am Reilly, Matt, Cameron and Corey
Reilly to Corey – I pulled you down for a reason. I feel super comfortable with you, We feel super comfortable with you.
Reilly – Moving forward in this game like.. I got.. like.. I got a really good feeling with you. Like how are you feeling right now?
Corey – I can saw with certainty I feel a lot better than I did 24 hours ago
Feeds cut.. When we’re back.
Corey is talking about feeling like a human being talking to them all. “It’s a small thing but it means so much”
Reilly says from the get go she felt so bad for Corey “immediately being dragged away.. that must have been so soul crushing for you. Imagine working months to get here and then it’s like BOOM getting taken away”
Reilly – that initial exploring the room with everybody you missed out on that. that’s a bit part of Big Brother.
Corey – the way I see it is like nothing is fair in Big Brother.