8:07pm Comic Bedroom – Red and Felicia.
Red – I just want to make sure everything is still good. Felicia – oh hell yeah! Red – because last week the way it ended up .. everyone was like sorry Red and this week everyone is dodging me and like I think it is a very smart move. Less blood on your hands. If they don’t get drawn, they don’t get to play. Felicia – well I want Cam on the block to win the power of veto. I am trying to not have the appearance that we’re just attacking that whole other side. Jag is definitely the target. Red – so if I win tomorrow or if we win, do we take him down? Or leave it the same? Felicia – if you win tomorrow, I want you to take Cameron down. Red – yeah. I mean people already don’t talk to me because he’s been on the block for 1 week. T