Originally they were going to wait to tell Jared closer to Thursday or at least until after the veto ceremony as they feared he would be too emotional having to evict Blue and might tell her but Cirie could not wait and told him secretly yesterday afternoon. Felicia, Izzy, Matt and Meme do not know that Jared already knows the plan. As a result of the others not wanting to include Jared in on the plan from the beginning he stated to Cirie that they have lost his trust and that he is done trying to keep the group safe. The others plan to tell Jared the plan today after the veto ceremony. It will be interesting to see if he holds back and pretends he doesn’t know or tells them how he really feels about them not including him in on the plan.
Tag: big brother 25

Meme “Wait is he big or little!?” Izzy “Did you feel his knuckle!?”
6:30pm Bathroom – Izzy, Meme, America and Jag.
They talking about the hammock situation with America/Cory. America – He (Cory) started like rubbing. Izzy – I just threw up in my mouth a little bit. I just threw up. Jag – in like the best way. America – and then our hands touched… and he was like oh no that’s marriage. Jag – that’s funny! That’s funny! Meme – YO! Jag – OHHHhhhh that’s funny! Meme – this man is hilarious. America – when Matt comes back its just the three of us. He doesn’t move his hand. And then Matt leaves and we’re still there.. its like 4am and he’s like what time do you go to bed and I am like I don’t know, I could hang out for a little bit longer and he was like oh okay yeah me too. I like this or whatever. I was like I like this and he was like yeah I like it too. Meme – LET MY BOY COOK! America – then he said its your call for when you want to go to bed. Jag – OHhho OHOHHHhh OOHHHhhh… CHEF SKEEZY! NO WAY NO WAY! CHEF!! Meme – ya’ll are funny! Let my boy cook! America – then we started talking about spooning. Meme – wait is he big or little!? Jag and America running around laughing. Jag – HEY HEY HEY HYE!! cut that! Izzy – did you feel his knuckle? Jag – HEY HEY HEY RELAX!!!

Red “I think you ended up on the side that ended up against the majority on some level and I somehow lucked my way into it.”
11:35am Bedroom – Jag and Red.
Jag – I just wanted to see what you’re thinking. Red – In your opinion what would you have me do? If I take one of you down, it puts one of my closest friends in the spot. He has to put somebody up. Who would he put in that position you know? BB blocks the feeds. Red – I need the psychological win. Jag – I mean also I am not going to bullsh*t you. Like I don’t.. I respect myself and I respect you in this game enough to not bullsh*t you. You know what I mean. Like I don’t expect you to use it on me. That is just me being 100% transparent. Red – and of one of the only people that I have heard say my name as a target, it wouldn’t be good for my game to take you down obviously. Jag – right. Red – I am just being real. Jag – yeah I would not expect you to take me down. I just wanted to talk to you out of respect because I know you won the veto and stuff. I am not going to make a case for .. like hey take me down and backdoor someone. That is not how I want to play the game. Red – and making moves like that at this point in the game makes it very difficult.

Cirie “Matt is ready to go to war with us.”
7:45am Backyard – Felicia and Izzy.
Cirie – In tears talking about how inconsiderate you and Cory was because you won’t go to bed. Izzy – what?! Cirie – don’t do nothing, don’t react to nothing. Izzy – no, okay, okay. Cirie – that you’ve been snarky with her all day or a lot and something about you bite Miss Felicia’s head off about something. But I think they’re trying to work me. And that is probably where Cory got the bullsh*t about you being abrasive. Izzy – right because I’ve been like chilling and bonding with people. Cirie – crying in tears. Izzy – WHAT?! Cirie – I was like why Bowie you look so tired. And then she be like dude I ain’t get no sleep. I was like listen.. we got to take care of each other. I think they’re trying to placate me in thinking Izzy is a problem. Izzy – that I am being sketchy or something. Cirie – not sketch… but like me you’re a problem. They didn’t say these words at all… at all.. Izzy – okay. Cirie – they keep being like its hard to deal with Izzy yadda yadda yadda. And I be like listen she is a great person at heart.

“They’re not going to take any deals. Jag is their target and you should probably just shut up.”
8:12pm Comic Bedroom – Cirie, Felicia.
Felicia – maybe if we say listen I know you don’t want to hear this. They’re not going to take any deals. Jag is their target and you should probably just shut up. Cirie – I will tell Jared to tell her. Felicia – because if you do anything, they will flip that script on you. Cirie goes to get Jared. Cirie comes back and tells Felicia – I am going to vote her a$$ out.. I am going to tell him straight up. I am telling him to tell her. Felicia – tell him to tell her if she says anything and we get wind of it.. we will flip that scrip on her a$$ and she will be the one going. Jared joins them. Cirie tells Jared – Jag is the target, they just told us to vote out Jag. But Blue is telling Jag that she wants to talk to Red to see if he will possibly use the veto and possibly put someone else up. I’ve already talked about the 7 deadly sins… if Blue tells them everything, we going to vote Blue out. Jared – I’m with you. Felicia – you better tell Blue to shut up! She ain’t got to tell Jag..

RED WON the POV!! “Damn they cooked us fair and square! HOH then Veto! Back to Back!”
6:12pm Bedroom – Jag and Blue
Jag – Damn they cooked us fair and square! HOH then Veto! Back to Back! Blue – yeah. Jag – cooked! Blue – if Red keeps noms the same how do you want to go about the week? Because for me personally there is no way I am campaigning against you. Jag – F**k. I mean yeah how do you want to go about it. I mean I agree about not campaigning against you but also we have to advocate for ourselves. Blue – oh absolutely. Ah.. this sucks .. it definitely sucks .. its rough because we’re final two you know and I am not going to bad mouth you. I am not going to talk sh*t about you or anything like that. I am definitely going to advocate for myself and make sure my relationship stands with people that I have relationships with but .. yeah. I guess its just a sh*tty situation but there is no way I am going to mess you up or think about you sideways for trying to. Jag – same. Blue – try to win your case but he is just trying to pick at us. America comes in and hugs both of them. So obviously we should both talk to Red and see what he says. Can’t be surprised if he doesn’t use it because his bestie is the one that did it ..

Cam “I think we got some good moves. Stuff like we were talking about in the scare room.. blowing some sh*t up!”
12:45pm Bathroom – Jag and Cam.
Jag – how are you feeling? Cam – slugish. Jag – I feel that. Cam – but you know when the lights turn on… (snaps his fingers). Jag – just the adrenaline. Cam – yeah it will be game on. It will be fun. Jag – yeah so, I am just going to… I mean I have to give it my all I’m on the block. I am hoping for the best. But you have a solid chance too, I feel like. A lot of us do. Cam – it will be a lot of fun. Tough though. If it is timed though, I am grabbing a blanket and going night night! If it is timed, I am going to my lock down spot and going to sleep. Even if it is on the floor in the diary room. I don’t care. Jag – yeah same. I went to sleep early last night but I still need a lot of sleep to catch up on. Yeah we will talk more after veto depending on how it goes. Cam – yeah we will. Jag – to continue conversations. Cam – yeah I think we got some good moves. Jag – yeah. Cam – Yeah all kinds of good options man. Of all kinds of stuff we could really do. If we really wanted to (makes a blowing things up noise). Jag – yeah.

Cam – “It would be a cannon fire shot straight to the boat.. I will be the cannonball”
8:30 am Cameron and Cory
Cameron – I’m really not that close to Bowie we’re just cool.. Any game stuff I have with Bowie is thought REd or through that side of the house. Me and REd are close just because we are close. The people I am closest to it would be Red than you
Cory – I assumed we talked more game than you and Bowie
Cameron – me and you talk more anybody in this house that I talk to.
Cory – for me it’s you and America. I talk to Jared but he operates at a different speed
Cameron – he has to filter things through the people he is closest with instead of thinking
Cameron – we can see how this POV goes if it goes a certain direction there can be some REALLY REALLY Big moves happening.
Cory – yeah..

“I have to stop underestimating our allies who went out first, second and third.”
1:00 am Corey and America
They settle into the hammock
America – I was just being mean with my Cam thoughts. He’s not that bad. He’s not the worst person.
Right after she lays down on the hammock America called into the Diary room.
COrey starts talking to the camera “the more I think about it this Cam winning HOH things is incredible assuming I’m not the replacement nominee. That seems unlikely”
Corey – America made a deal to protect me what a team player and more importantly than that Cam likes me. I have invested time into came while other people didn’t
COrey – In terms of targeting Jag and Blue. I want Jag to win. But Jared up I am fine with that. It’s Jared and Blue we vote out Blue F*** I can live in that world. Keeping Jag in the unreliables. Jag’s not.. I can’t tell if Jag’s not a good player or if he’s in a bad situation and the games hard. I’m in a good situation and I feel like it’s not that hard. Here is what I do know about my position I’m really banking on certain people not talking and comparing notes. I try to cover my a$$ I tell Cameron that Izzy was behind the effort to flip soe votes against him then I tell Izzy that Cameron is suspicious that she’s flipping votes against him.
Corey – if they were to compare notes I have some plausible deniability

Izzy “Do you think there is any scenario where Cam would use one of us as a pawn?”
7:55pm Upper Level – Red and Izzy.
Izzy – has Cam said anything to you about a replacement nom? Red – I mean, America and him made a deal. And its gotten back to her that I said.. Izzy – its gotten back to America? Red – that I said that she was a backdoor option. Izzy – who would have said that? Red – I don’t know. That is just what I am hearing. I may just ask her but I don’t know. But all of a sudden she just stopped talking to me. I know I was the main target for Jag and for Blue. Izzy – They’ve been very vocal about it. Red – but nobody in our group came to tell me that, I had to figure it out myself actually from Cory.. round about and he just assumed that I already knew. Because people know but nobody ever let me know about it. Izzy – I feel like when we talked I thought you had made it clear that you knew you were the target. Red – I had an idea yeah. And when I said that Meme was like Yeah, Yeah.

Nomination Results! Izzy “So are you planning a backdoor!?!? What a loser!”
Bedroom – Blue, Jag, Jared and Izzy
Izzy – did you how I am dying inside with his non existent reason? Also what was that?! Jag – I actually still don’t know what his reason was? It was the house.. it was Red and Bowie I guess?! Izzy – savage! Blue – I was like best case scenario what do you want. He said I hope you both get off the block and we could do an alliance.. and be friends. Excuse me!? Izzy – so are you planning a backdoor!?!? What a loser! Blue – Long story short he was just like I had to do this because it made sense. Like the house was expecting it. Izzy – its your HOH buddy! Blue – I was like what do you mean?! But he was like now that I think about it the last few days the people that I thought I could trust .. ah people that I thought I could trust weren’t really happy for me when I won HOH. You know what I mean?! And I was like no I don’t. Izzy – but the last few days .. he only won 4 hours ago. Blue – and I was like you were safe unanimously. Two weeks so what do you mean?! So what do you mean?! And so he was like I am just saying if you or Jag get off the block then there are a lot of options. Jag – I mean he has to say that to cover his bases.

Cam “we could really blow the damn lid off this house and get an annoying person out” aka Izzy
2:55 pm Cam and RED
Cam says that America is drifting to their side that is the impression he’s getting from Corey and Matt.
Cam brings up the Corey, Matt, Bowie, Red, America, Cam alliance “that’s six on five minus Jared”
Red – I talked to him this morning he said I never told him about Blue
Cam – never told him about Blue?
Red – he’s lying to me
Cam – the point is I’m keeping everything the same this week like we planned. Jag and Blue
Red – how was your talk with IZZY?