2:35 pm Derek and Xavier (pacing)
DF – this is what I told Hannah .. In Hannah’s conversation, I let her know that once again you boys are definitely going to go at it because of that whole thing.. how y’all talk to each other.
DF – Hannah also let me know me sitting next to you, You win. Me sitting next to Ky, Ky wins. She said she’s not coming after me and Azah next week. She doesn’t know where your heads at. Ky didn’t take any of the deals she offered her.
DF – Umm…. She’s got a lot of respect for this game. She knows that umm.. she feels as though it’s best for her to be here.
DF – I told her the goal for me was to make sure the boys go at it.. If the boys go at it I sit there and look pretty. I did tell her I’m leaning towards her for staying. X, Y, Z that was my conversations with her. I told Ky, I’m telling you so you all know.