8:54 am DX and Hannah
Hannah says she’s pretty sure the 100 was BIGD, Brit, and DX. She’s not sure who all got the $75 though.
DX – you X, Tiff got the $75
Hannah – could have been X he actually hasn’t told anyone to my knowledge.. He hasn’t confirmed or denied anything, Kyland got $50
Hannah – BIGD played so he only has 50 so you and Brit have the most money. I have second most depending on who else got the $75 I feel like it’s either SB or X
Hannah – I think it’s X
Hannah – so in that case the second most money because Tiff Spent hers
DX – Be and Brit have 100, BIGD has 50, you have 75, X has 75
Hannah – Alyssa has 50
DX – have you told anyone Tiff spent her money?
Hannah – no
DX – let people continue to think she has 75.. no one knows she played
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