7:05pm HOH room – Kyland and Claire.
Claire – I feel good right now. Of course coming off the block is really nice. So I feel good about the week. I feel good about moving forward. I feel like we’re in a nice spot. Hopefully.. the next few weeks might be a little tricky but.. Kyland – yeah that’s what I am trying to figure out next week with the powers and such. I don’t know even what.. I feel like … like what is best case scenario being .. like basically I don’t want it being used at all. But I also wonder about it being used. Claire – yeah I think its hard.. basically there are two tracks you try not to get it used or you try to put someone up that will for sure use or you try to get everyone to spend their money next week. Ky – yeah that is kind of what I am thinking .. everyone spend their money next week. And I look at it like I think of .. of how to go about putting up ahhh… also this week and the vote.