1:45pm – 2:10pm Dan is in the arcade room talking to himself. Dan starts talking about the jury. He says that Ashley, I didn’t really do anything bad to her, I didn’t really talk to her in the game. He says that with Britney I basically stabbed her in the back with the funeral so she’s going to be mad at me. He asks if he has any shot at Britney’s vote? He then says possibly. Dan wonders how he can get Britney’s vote? Dan says that Britney might vote personally. Dan then starts talking about Frank. He says I have lied to Frank’s face twice. Then he says probably more than that and stabbed him in the back. Dan says that Frank might not want to vote for Danielle over me. Dan says that Frank doesn’t want a girl to win. He says that if he stroke Frank’s ego then he may get Ashley’s vote too. Dan then starts talking about Joe not liking him in the game. Dan says that Joe will tell Jenn that Danielle was playing her the whole time and had no intention of taking her to the final two but that Dan did. Dan says that now he has to get Danielle in the final two and wonders how to do it. Dan says that he has got to finish this game off. He says I have come way too far not to make it to the final two.
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