8:40am Frank and Mike are in the bathroom talking. Mike is taking a shower. Mike says that they’ll be on lockdown for 34 hours. They talk about how they hope it will be an endurance competition. Mike says Ian needs to step up to the mic. Frank tells Mike that Dan took Janelle into that room last night, whatever that means. Mike tells Frank that he trust Dan for now, later on he will be trying to make big moves, but right now I trust him. Mike an Frank comment on how messy these people are. Mike says that Ian and Danielle are the worst. Frank says that if I end up going home for whatever reason, you can have my workout shirts I left in the backyard. Mike comments on how this will be the longest lock down of the season. Mike thinks Ian will do really well at an endurance competition. If Danielle keeps you, she would be the perfect person to win HOH. Frank and Mike head into the arcade room to talk. Frank comments on how he doesn’t think Dan knows we are working with Shane and Britney. Mike says that if we get the HOH then we nominate Wil and Ashley and if we get the POV we back door Shane and get rid of him. If not then we get rid of Wil.
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