9:45am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Mike is talking to Frank saying that they were going to scumbag us. I want to go up there and have a serious talk with them. Frank says that he does too. He says that he doesn’t trust him anymore. Mike starts talking about Dan saying that he had wanted to work with him and they now he finds out he was trying to screw him. Frank says that he doesn’t fully trust Wil anymore either, and what he said about Ian. Mike says now it is fu*king on, if I get a little power it is on! Mike fu*k him, we trust none of ya’ll. Mike says P.S. in the back get your editing sh*t out I am fu*king heated! Frank says it’s a reset, but it’s not a reset. Mike says yeah it’s not a reset we were coaches and now we’re not. Frank tells Mike that he is the only one he can trust. Mike says that Ian is worthless he is all talk, he hasn’t stopped talking about how he will win endurance and memory comps, he isn’t that valuable, he is a liability. Frank says that Ian made a deal during the competition and he didn’t need too. Mike says yeah he wasn’t in jeopardy of going up.
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Tag: big brother 2012
Mike “Ian fu*ked us again, fu*k Wil!” Frank “Can we really just say fu*k everyone and go at this alone?”
12:20am Janelle, Joe and Ashley are in the kicks room talking. Janelle says that there are so many people that are still in the house that they need to get rid of. Ashley says that Dan has been coaching Danielle for this twist the whole time. They talk about how everyone will still be playing in teams. They talk about how mad Wil was that the coaches entered the game. Joe says that he wanted to just leave and go home now. Joe brings up Shane running up and kissing Danielle when she won. Ashley says that she is jealous. Janelle tells Ashley that she needs to win HOH next week so that she can get back rubs from Shane. They talk about how Boogie didn’t want to come into the game and is annoyed. Janelle says that all the work they did as coaches has been a waste and they are basically playing for second place. Joe says yeah you just lost $50,000. Ashley says yeah, right.
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Big Brother Spoilers – Danielle to Shane: “I WON it to keep you safe”
10:52pm Arcade Cam 3-4 Danielle And Shane
Shane says that Janelle’s and Joe have already told Boogie and Frank that Danielle and Wil were going to vote out Frank. Danielle: ‘OMG.. I told you I was going to win.. I did it because I thought Dan and you would be on the block” Danielle says to him she won the HOH to make sure he was safe. Shane thanks her says she did fantastic out there. He ads that they are now even. Danielle is pissed about Janelle calling her a floater and not thinking she could win the HOH. Shane is salty because his HOH was useless it only helped him burn bridges. Danielle points out the people that were cheering her on says Janelle never cheered for her. Shane is surprised to find out everyone hooking their arms in between the bar he wishes he would of done that. Danielle says he did a good job and was proud of him.
Big Brother Spoilers – Live Eviction and HOH Winner Results Frank Vs Joe
There is no eviction tonight!!
Tonight on the live feeds
Endurance Baby Catch it on the Live Feeds 3 Day Free Trial
Which Coaches Enter the Game
Vote results is YES!! Coaches come back.
Britney votes to enter the game
Boogie votes to stay as a coach
Dan votes to enter the game
Janelle votes to enter the game
Shane tells Wil: Frank said if I kept him safe you’re his target. Wil: they told me the same about you.
1pm Big Brother ends the HOH lock down. All the house guests head down stairs. They talk about how the lock down was shorter than normal. Britney and Ashley are sitting on the bathroom couch talking about how Frank doesn’t like anyone to be talking to Janelle’s team. Britney says that he keeps walking back and forth in the kitchen looking in the mirror at them. Britney asks Ashley what if Frank stays today? What if someone lies to us? Ashley says that she will die.
WATCH the ENDURANCE COMPETITION Tonight on Superpass for FREE: Big Brother 14 Live Feeds – 3 Day Trial!
Big Brother 14 Spoilers: Wil showing off the sculpture he made of Jodi
8am – 10am Joe gets up and heads into the kitchen and then into the arcade room. Joe is eating froot loops. Not long after he falls asleep. (He’s not supposed to sleep anywhere but the have-not room. 9:40am Big Brother switches the feeds to TRIVIA. When the live feeds come back, Ashley is up and sits in the living room. Frank, Wil, Jenn, and Danielle are in the kitchen taking and joking around. Ashley asks what time it is? Frank says 7:50am. Ashley says thank you. They all laugh. Frank says no we’re joking its 9:50am. Wil shows the camera his sculpture of Jodi’s face. Joe and Ian are still sleeping in the have-not room.
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Dan and Britney laugh about Joe telling Jenn he had vital information, calling it amateur hour!
12:10am Dan and Britney are in the bathroom. They are laughing and talking about how Joe went to the other side to say that he had vital information. Dan and Britney laugh and call it amateur hour. Britney says that if she was on the block she would want to be up against Joe. Frank comes into the bathroom. Frank says that he doesn’t think Joe had any vital info. Frank tells Britney that he thinks Joe saying he has vital information if I get voted out earlier to Jenn was a weak plan to get votes. Britney asks Frank what the vital information is? Frank says that he doesn’t know. He says that he doesn’t even think there is any vital information. Frank says that they keep using words like expendable, maybe to make Jenn think she is not valued on Boogie’s team.
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Danielle “I weigh Less than Ashley” Wil: “I told him I’m voting to keep Frank” Boogie: “Spool of Lies”
Danielle explains to Dan about Janelle saying that Ashley is their only chance to win the HOH next week.
Danielle said “Thanks Janelle” to her
Janelle replied to her “you’re taller and your bigger than Ashley”
Danielle adds that they all made it sound like Kara was the only player on her team that was any good. Danielle: “I weigh LESS than Ashley”
Danielle says that Janelle is a nasty person she was talking in teh HOH about how she’s going to make personal attacks on Ian during the HOH to throw him off.
Dan tells her next time she needs to stick around when people are nasty becuase
1)Other people see how that person is
2) gives you ammunition when you have to put someone up
3) creates sympathy for you with the other players.
Dan: “It’s like when Jerry called me Judas it really propelled me to final 4 everyone was against him and they all expected me to put him up.. You want people to say those things about you”
Danielle: ‘I cannot stand her DAN.. I cannot Stand her..”
Dan tells her that Janelle personally attacking her is a good thing because She now knows Wil cares about her, it shows other people what kind of person Janelle is and when she goes into the game Danielle has a reason to put her up.
Ashley and Danielle Applied to the Same Dating Show and ended up on Big Brother 14
7:52pm HOH Brintey and Danielle Watch with FlashBack FREE TRIAL!
They are walking up to the HOH when they get to the balcony Ashley asks from the Kitchen if she can come up. They say yes. Britney and Daniellle rush inside the HOh room. Danielle tells her that Janelle told Ashley to come up here. Danielle is pissed.
Ashley comes in says he’s full from all joe’s cooking.. Flops on the bed then kinda passes out. Britney and Danielle look at each other and giggle. AShley finally wakes up says a bunch of weird things.. cut to fish.
Shane in the HOH talking about her husband whose an electrical engineer for the OKlahoma power company .. he’s a Protection control engineer.
Just Chit Chat.. talking about dogs.
Shane: “Did you dog stay with your mom on season 12”
Brit: “Hmm ya”
Britney asks Ashley about how she got on the show.
Ashley applied to Eva Longoria dating show “The One” she didn’t get on the show but the next day she was called to be on Big Brother. Danielle also applied for the same show and didn’t get on but got on Big Brother.
Britney: “What! .. you both applied to be on the same Dating Show and ended up on Big Brother”
Danielle and AShley: “YA”
(Does anyone ever get on BB by just applying ? )
Big Brother Spoilers – Britney: “Get ready Shane this entire game is going to change tomorrow”
Cam 1-2 HOH Shane and brit HOH Watch with FlashBack FREE TRIAL!
Shane: “you and Ian are getting close”
brit: “I’m trying to suck up incase he wins HOH… I think if he wins HOH he’ll put up Janelle’s people”
Shane and Britney agree that a lot of people are being mean to ian right now so they are taking this opportunity to get closer to him. Britney mentions that her and Ian are close and if she gets dropped into the game she wants that relationship to continue. britney thinks a lot of what ian does rubs people the wrong way but he doesn’t do it on person it’s just the way he is.
Shane thinks if Ian wins HOH he’ll put up Joe and Wil. britney agrees she thinks that people are pissed at him for things he does like the quacking..
Britney thinks Wil would nominate Janelle if the coaches come in. Britney retells janelle’s plans to team up with britney and go to final 2 with her. So far Britney has just been agreeing with everything she says.
They both agree that dan doesn’t want to work with Boogie because he was brunt week one. They are sure they can count on Dan for awhile. Britney reminds him the only person she trusts to the end is Shane. Shane says he only trusts Brit.
Big Brother 14 Live Feed Screen Capture Gallery – August 1st, 2012
Big Brother 14 live feed Gallery.Images are straight off the live feeds.. We update these pictures throughout the day. There’s thousands here enjoy! Each photo produced has a file name of when it was taken and by which cam. For example one may have the title “BB13-C3–7-8-2012–12_06_08.jpg” C3 = Camera 3 on the feeds 7-8-2012 […]
Jenn and Ashley agree a that a girl needs to win Thursday’s HOH
1:50pm Jenn and Ashley talk in the bathroom about wanting a girl to win this next HOH competition. Jenn says we need to stick together, girl power. Jenn says that we have to do something or we will be in deep sh*t. Jenn says we need to get Danielle. Ashley says agrees. Jenn says that she was really worried about the coaches coming into the game, but I don’t think it is going to happen. Ashley says that she doesn’t think it will happen either. Ashley asks Jenn if she was a fan of the show. Jenn says no, that she was contacted through facebook by a guy. She says that it all happened in a 2 week period.
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2:10pm In the living room, Britney attacks Ted the stuffed bear and Frank says Birtney to the diary room, Ted to the bathroom. Dan then comes into the living room and super kicks Ted. Frank then chases Dan off camera. They come back and Dan says man you are strong as hell. Shane comes out of the diary room with the BB rules book.