8:25am Boogie says that Britney took safety temptation, Shane took HoH. Boogie says he built some trust two weeks ago and should not go on the block. He says he had no need to win that HoH. He says on a confidence scale between 1 and 10, not being nominated, I would say a 9. If it was just Shane, I’d say 10, but Britney is smart so a 9. Boogie says he wants Britney as the first juror and that he wants her to go on a fast forward. Boogie says he needs to keep Jenn around, says she needs reassurance and support and that he can give her that. Ashley is a sweet, sweet nice girl and only complained (Big Brother cuts the feeds) She would be my dream house guest to bring to the finals. She’s like chicken George. Joe has been here longer than than he should have but it has been ok that he stayed, thinks he will be loyal.
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