1pm – 1:15pm Boogie says thank god I got done like this so early, so I can be done with this.. I don’t know if you guys know this but we don’t get any extra money to go to jury. Big Brother cuts the feeds. Boogie says that god you guys made it to the jury because that is a lot of leverage having at least three votes in the jury. I don’t think Danielle or Britney have thought of that yet. Boogie says that he is going to enjoy sitting at home. Boogie says its great that when they are in the final three with with them so that you don’t have to slash their throat on national tv. Dan says that he hasn’t thought that far down the road. Boogie say oh yes you have and beyond. Boogie asks Joe how he is enjoying this.
Re-Watch ALL THE DRAMA on FlashBack: Big Brother 14 Live Feeds – 3 Day Trial!
Joe says that he doesn’t like the bullying aspect of it. Boogie says bullying, who is bullying, we aren’t bullying anyone. Joe says well you are getting into people’s faces. Boogie says we aren’t bullying, he just isn’t answering back. Joe says that they are bullying. Joe explains that everyone got after me when I got mad.