Joe is worried about Jenn and Daniele. Frank tells him they can have a final 5 deal with Jenn and Danielle and once they get to that point they have to play for the comps to win.
Joe doesn’t want an agreement with what they are going to do specifically he just wants them to agree to work together and try the best they can to get the 3 of them forward in the game.
Joe has thought Deep about it a lot this is a game changer .. this is a turning point.
Frank says that Dan will nominate Jenn and Ian. Shane thinks it will be Frank and IAn. Frank say no that won’t happen. Dan saw something in Ian during the pandora’s box comp.
Joe: “What do you think?”
Shane: “I’m willing to move forward”
JOe: “How to do you want to move forward with this and Brit.. I already said I’m going with Shane”