11am Brett, JC, Haleigh and Scottie are still sleeping. Big Brother wakes them up. Everyone gets up for the day except Haleigh. The cameras zoom in on her covered up with just her head sticking out. Angela heads outside to suntan. Kaycee, Brett and Scottie head outside to workout. Angela and Brett start studying the days / events of the season.
Tag: Big Brother 20

Haleigh “The only thing that could f**k me up is Sam. She is pushing me so f***ing hard.”
**** UPDATED ******
8:25pm Bedroom. Kaycee and Haleigh. Kaycee – how are you feeling about that? Haleigh – I don’t know. Kaycee – you should be good. Haleigh – I’ve already had people come to me like Brett and JC. Kaycee – about what? Haleigh – about if it stays the same I am good. Its literally a repeat of last week. Kaycee – you just have to keep your mouth shut. Haleigh – I’m not saying anything. The only thing that could f**k me up is her (Sam). She is pushing me so f**king hard. Kaycee – just (gestures keep your mouth shut), even with Scottie. Haleigh – I know. 100%! Kaycee – thats the last thing you need. Don’t say sh*t to him. They talk about how immature Fes is.

POV Competition Results! “I should just go f**k myself! Like why am I even here!”
Bedroom. Haleigh and Angela. Haleigh – f**k dude!! When I sat down I got dizzy. Brett joins them. Brett to Haleigh – you were doing good. Yours was slippery as f**k. I was watching you. Haliegh – I really think they hit me as hard as they could with the pie. The greased up my lane. Just kidding. Brett – she (Sam) was like can you turn the water on again. Haliegh – she’s just a f**king b***h. I stopped talking to her the last 3 days. F**K dude! Angela – you’re fine! You’re going to be okay! Haleigh – I should just go f**k myself!!! Like why am I even here. Kaycee joins them. Brett – I think the technique for that was to start with the biggest balls first.

[POV] could be anything it might be something you are good at “Like napping” – Haleigh
***updated ***
Big Brother Spoilers POV Players Picked: Angela is not playing Brett is hosting.
10:28am Kaycee, Angela and HAlegih
Halegih – this veto pick didn’t go great..
Angela – I know I wanted to get pick..
Kaycee says she’s going to get some nausea medication she thought she was feeling better this morning but she’s not sure now..
Halegih – I need to win this veto…
Angela – I want you to win .. you got nothing to worry about stay calm and have fun
Halegih – I can’t beat Scottie or Tyler
Kaycee – it could be anything it might be something you are good at

Nomination Ceremony! “Everyone thinks Haleigh is the target now.”
*** Updated ***
HOH room. Tyler and JC. Tyler – did that sound alright? JC – yeah that was really good acting. Everyone thinks Haleigh is the target now. Tyler- smiles. JC – that was smart because if he wins then you don’t have him after you. Tyler – I know that’s exactly what I did. JC – good job! You’re learning. Finally. Tyler – I really like Scottie. It f**king s**ks. JC – I like him too. But he has never had any loyalty to us at all and he is a really good player. He has a good social game. When Angela was HOH I really though he was going to come to our side. And then he took all the info to those people I like Fes.

“[Scottie] feels really comfortable.. he thinks he’s the pawn and Haleigh is the target” – Angela
Big Brother Spoilers Interesting how much they cut the feeds whenever Scottie talks about bayeligh and Rockstar and their conversations in the Jury house. Scottie and Haleigh are going up we all knew that.
2:04pm Tyler and Scottie
SCottie mentions that he had threatened FES before he left that he was goign to win the Battleback..
they laugh..
Scottie says during the BATTLEBACK competition it was easy for fes to grab the hanging balls and lean over to drop them into the tube due to his reach. it was his comp to lose
Tyler bring sup that FEs and HAlegih approached him and HAlegih a final 4
Tyler- that is the only reason I didn’t go on teh block and Angela didn’t go on the block.. they out of no where day 60 wanted to throw us a life line..
Tyelr – to make sure we would vote Scottie out..
Tyelr bring sup Haleigh telling him and Angela that Scottie was coming after them. “She was saying this before Fes put you up ”
T – I didn’t believe it. I was just telling them what they wanted to hear.. I made sure Angela knew that it was all f*ing bullshit
T – I knew it was bullshit but if everyone is voting out Scottie i am voting Scottie out to

“It’s pretty much the same scenario as last week .. Scottie would use the veto on Haleigh if he wasn’t up there”
****UPDATED ****
Big Brother Spoilers There was a feed leak last night where Production asked Tyler what his nominations will be. He said probably Scottie and Halegih. All conversations this far with his level6 comrades supports this. Haleigh is trying to get Sam up .. LOL
11:19am Brett, Angela and BRett
Brett – Everyone’s waking up crawling out of their corners..
Brett – Scottie’s been in the DR for awhile..
Brett – have you figured out what the plan was.. Scottie and or are your thinking Scottie backdoor
Tyler – it’s pretty much the same scenario as last week
T – Scottie would use the veto on Haleigh if he wasn’t up there
T – repeat of last week
B – to keep the least amount of blood on your hands you putting Scottie up instead of someone else even as a pawn.. the reality is if you say SAm you are a pawn she’s going to wigg the f* out.

“Do you know what your nominations will be?” Tyler – “Probably Haleigh and Scottie”
Big Brother Spoilers Via the Diary room leak Tyler says he’s thinking about Haleigh and Scottie on the block
2:54am Tyler and Angela
Angela – i’m so happy..
Angela – this week will be legit deejay vu for last week..
They start complaining about Fes’ speech and his comments about Tyler being kept on a Angela’s leash
Tyler- it’s repeat of last week.. I just don’t know who should go
Tyler says he’ll talk to everyone tomorrow.
Tyler – when it was Kaycee, Brett, Haleigh and I was like I’m good.. then they both fell
A – can you guys please just win a HOH so we can stop doing this..
Angela says JC is making her mad today it’s like he’s trying to instigate things.

Haleigh “If they don’t let me take a hot shower.. I’m not showering! F**k it I’m sleeping like this.”
12:04pm Bedroom. Angela hugs Tyler and congratulates him on winning. They head back to the kitchen. Haliegh – You did so good Tyler. Tyler – you were solid as f**k! Haleigh – Once I knew it was just me and you.. I knew you would outlast me. Tyler – my arms were about to give out. That was hitting us hard. If it would hit you from the front my feet would slip back. One wrong hit would f**k us up. Haleigh – were your arms tired? Tyler – my biceps were feeling like they were about to rip. Tyler – I can’t wait to see a picture of my dad.

Big Brother 20 LIVE HOH Endurance Competition: HOH PIE SHOP!
10:42pm The live feeds return showing the house guests competing in the HOH endurance competition. Their each hanging onto ropes with a small foot stand as they get swung around in a circle hitting a pie. JC – this is hard! Kaycee – I literally might throw up. Scottie – looking good hot stuff!! Brett – thanks babes!! Scottie – now I’m in some alternate universe where all I do is spin.

Angela “Everything that came out of his mouth was a lie to the point where it was slander towards me”
8pm Bedroom. Scottie is unpacking. The others are sitting around asking him questions. Tyler – I feel like he expected. Scottie – I thought he was going to win it (battle back). I got the last three in. Tyler – and you saw Rockstar and Bayleigh make some? Scottie – yeah they were right there. JC – was Rockstar talking sh*t? Scottie – she was super relaxed. I mean she was still going around like B***HES! But she is relaxed. It was nice. Kaycee – how was Bayleigh feeling? Scottie – she is feeling fine. Angela – She’s cooled off now. Scottie – yeah she’s cooled off. Actually they were really mad when Fes said in his speech this is for Swaggy. They were like that was week f**king two! What the f**k are you talking about dude!!

Big Brother 20 Week 9 Summary and Live Eviction Results BATTLEBACK
Week 9 with still a month to go.. Holy cow these seasons are real marathons. Lucky for us for the most part this is a killer season. I’ll sum this week up in three posts titles..
Fes – If Sam goes home this week I look like a f*ing genius
Fes- “F**k Man! We suck at this game. You sent home Rockstar & I sent home Scottie!”
Haleigh to FES – “You can’t sleep for 48 hours”
It’s a pretty big night tonight we have Fes getting evicted followed by a Juror Battle Back and a Head of household. Should be a full weekend of getting foutte’d.
CBS sent up this.. confirming the head of household on the feeds..