POV: Tyler Next POV: July 14th POV Used yes POV Ceremony July 16th HOH: Kaitlyn Next HOH: July 12th Noms: Winston, Scottie Swagz Have Nots JC, Fessy, Haleigh, Rockstar Big Brother Spoilers – They’re all campaigned out. These last 3 days have been pretty dense with the conversations. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Near the end of […]
Tag: Big Brother 20

Swaggy “Plan B, I can go ask for it.” Fes “yes, that’s going to be an awkward conversation.”
***updated **** Big Brother Spoilers 1:10am – 1:35am Swaggy and Fes. Swaggy – I’m all messed up right now. Fes – wait, she said she loves you? Swaggy – we had a conversation in the geometry room where in the event I do get evicted lets just share our feelings right now. So she gave me her Instagram password so I can run her account. So we were talking about our feelings and how we feel and love came up. Love is developing. We were having s*x and I told her I was about to c*m. She said it doesn’t matter. I said it does matter. Do you want me to pull out? C*m on the floor? Put it on your butt? Or do you want

Bayleigh “I feel attacked right now and I’m the only one taking the heat!”
8:30pm Haleigh and Tyler. Tyler – I do think you’re going to be okay. Haleigh – I hope so. I’m stuck in the middle of both sides. Haleigh – I said Rockstar when you know your ship is sinking you jump ship. Tyler – jump off and swin to the.. Haleigh – Life vest… life boat. I just need to tell him I don’t want a t-shirt. (Swaggy C T-shirt) Even if I was voting for him I don’t want a t-shirt. Tyler – I say just sleep on it. Haleigh – I will, its just hard when you’re sleeping in a room with Fes, Rockstar and JC.

“Kailtyn’s move threw everything into perspective nothings set” – Haleigh
*** updated **** Big Brother Spoilers 5:10pm Winston and Haleigh
W – I know it’s hard and it’s hard to say to you because I know you and Swaggy are close
H – at this point he doesn’t have the votes
W – we can’t be sure that is why today I am going around
H – I have to weigh the different options.. I’m good with them but i’m also good with y’all.. again we’ve never talked game
H – at the end of the day I don’t know where I stand with you or Brett or Rachel
W – I won’t target you
Winston teases “brett’s in love with you”

“Stop playing the victim, get your head in the game super fan, start f** talking to people”
Big Brother Spoilers
Swaggy comes in
Rockstar going on about how the other side is acting juvenile “can we laugh about something that is actually funny”
K – I can’t control everyone’s vote
Swags thinks she can
Rockstar goes on about how Winston and BRett are running the house they got out Steve.
Kaitlyn- Let me make this f***ing clear as day. This is not their (bros) move.
Swagz – it’s not you move but they are the main ones that want me out
Rockstar – it’s a win for them
Rockstar says there’s side in the house for her personally adn that other side has been winning every week
Kaitlyn starts talking
Feeds cut
When they are back Kaitlyn is walking out the door

“Your not voting swags. there’s nothing I can say to change your mind.. It would be pretty dope”
Big Brother Spoilers – Swaggy is still going
strong>1:51pm Tyler and Kaitlyn
Tyler – hey there sweet potato.. how are you feeling
Kaitlyn – I don’t trust Scottie he made sh1t up..
Tyler – Brett and Winston told you.. I feel like Scottie is making shit up
K – why do you trust him
T – because I used the Veto on him and he feels like he can trust me
K – Your not voting Swaggy to stay I know you’re not there’s nothing I can say to change your mind.. It would be pretty dope

“He loves this game so much..It’s ignorant, the whole thing is ignorant and stupid” – Rockstar
**** UPDATED ***** Big Brother Spoilers 10:30am Bayleigh and ROCKSTAR
Bayleigh – they had a meeting this morning..
Rock – who
Bay – all of them
Bay – Winston, Angela, Kaycee and Rachel.. they were all in the geometry room before the thing went off (wake up)
Rock – we’ve decided we’re all going to wear swaggyc shirt on elimination
Bay – love it
Rock – fan girls

Kaitlyn “Are you scared I’m going to ruin it for you by being so emotional?”
POV: Tyler Next POV: July 14th POV Used yes POV Ceremony July 16th HOH: Kaitlyn Next HOH: July 12th Noms: Winston, Scottie Swagz Have Nots JC, Fessy, Haleigh, Rockstar 7:55pm Hammock. Haleigh, Kaitlyn and Angela. Haleigh – isn’t that crazy .. first two boys. Angela – lets keep the girl train going. Haleigh – what […]

“Wouldn’t be our fault if Sam voted that way .. if that’s what she wants to do”
**** UPDATED ***** Big Brother Spoilers 5:18pm Kaitlyn and Tyler
Kailtyn wants to know about Tylers conversation with Sam.
Tyler – she didn’t tell me she was going to vote for Swaggy she told me she had a personal conversation with Swaggy and Winston.. She said she’s all personal and no game that’s how she’s playing it
Kaitlyn – when you are HOH I am doing what you want and I like hope it would be the same..
Kaitlyn – the only thing I trust more than you is my intuition ..

“What Kaitlyn was leaning towards you using that power on Swaggy” – Tyler
***** UPDATED ****** Big Brother Spoilers 1:40pm Sam and Tyler backyard
Sam goes over her conversation with Swaggy last night. (we’ve posted this twice now in the last 2 posts)
Sam – I told him he’s zero personal and all game whereas she’s all personal and no game
Sam – I want you to wake up and be a new person.. Sunshine Swaggy
Sam says Swaggy is a very shy person, “I had a really good conversation with him and turned around and this morning had a really good conversation the Winston.. him and Swaggy have so much in common”
Tyler – they do
Winston – I’m like Winston you’re so shy.. you’re getting worried.. I said to him go to your porch sitting with Dixie and chill out you need a break.

“Put old SwaggyC to rest and be Sunshine Swaggy” – Sam
**** Updated **** 9:27am Sam, Angela and Winston
Sam – I sat out here last night for over an hour and talked to Swaggy
Winston – good.. does he feel in better spirits
Sam says she told him he’s all game and no person and she’s all person and no game
Winston – don’t discredit yourself..
Sam – I told him my honest opinion of him.. Is aid you were extremely intimidating, the mask thing, don’t talk..
Angela – bullying people around
Sam – yeah ..
Angela – that’s what GOt me was the bullying.. that’s not game
Sam – Yeah, you came in and you know..
Winston – King of the world
Sam – yeah like this is your house and you already won

Sam “Open the Swaggy gate. Straight up, unzip your chest & let your heart fall out.”
11:55pm – 12:30am Hot tub. Fez and Haleigh. Fez – I feel like you’re scared to .. I don’t know give in .. or commit to. Haleigh – I told you .. what are you talking about?! Because we had this exact conversation yesterday or the day before yesterday and I thought we were on the same page. Maybe we’re not, maybe we’re on different pages. Fez – I’m on your page .. I’m trying to be on your page.. I’m all over your page.