12:08pm Backyard – Tyler and Kaycee. Tyler – I had a good talk with Sam yesterday. She wouldn’t tell me who she would put up. She wants Kaitlyn to go so if Haleigh comes off the block Sam is going to put up someone that guarantees Kaitlyn to go. Kaycee – MMmm interesting. She asked me today who I would put up. Rockstar. Did she ask you who you would put up? Tyler – yeah same thing. Sam’s personal thing is good but you have to know who was there for you before the pressure you know what I mean? Kaycee – did you tell her that?
Tag: Big Brother 20

“it would be really f*ing weird if you didn’t save me.. would be again another f*ing twist.. “
**** UPDATED **** Big Brother Spoilers 12:38am Fes and Kaitlyn
K – if you don’t save me they’re sending my a$$ home.. Rockstar and I just had a conversation…
K brings up parts of her conversation how the teams has been bringing up week 2 Swaggy getting evicted all day. She say that they were wearing SwaggyC shirts, “you guys were just talking about me and it walking around with these shirts”
Kaitlyn adds that Rockstar told her that what she did messed up their game but they still want to work with her.
Kailtyn says when she put up Swaggy she was still with their side.. She could have easily ran to the other side but she didn’t she stuck with hinm. Getting Swaggy out was about her sticking up for herself

Bayleigh “I am already the angry black woman y’all want me to be! So let me be that!”
9:30pm HOH room. Tyler and Sam. Tyler – I jsut wanted to let you know that he is definitely going to use it. Sam – okay, who is he going to take down? Tyler – I don’t know but still everything is fine. Are you going to not tell him who you are going to put up? Sam – no. I’m not going to tell anyone who I am going to put up until I put them up. And then when I put them up I am going to tell them about the power thing. Tyler – okay is it still Rockstar? Sam – I’m not going to tell you either. Its not you. Tyler – okay. Its not Rockstar? Sam shrugs her shoulders. Tyler – You’re not going to tell me?

Tyler “Don’t tell Haleigh that I’m against Kaitlyn yet.”
POV: FES Next POV: July 21st POV Used ? POV Ceremony July 23rd HOH: Sam Next HOH: July 26th Noms: Kaitlyn and Haleigh Have Nots 6:40pm Bedroom. Haleigh, Rockstar and Bayleigh. Haleigh tells Rockstar and Bay about JC’s plan for how Haleigh should stay on the block and for Fes to not use the veto […]

Big Brother Power Of Veto Spoilers! “You’re the Veto queen!”
5:42pm When the feeds return – Fes is walking into the bathroom with the veto around his neck. Bay – how are you doing? Fes – I don’t know. Bay – don’t be upset this is a very tough position to be in. Rockstar joins them. Rockstar – best case scenario you tell her (Sam) who you want up. JC joins them. JC – You’re the veto queen! Haleigh joins them. Haliegh – your so smart. I got half of them right and I guessed on one. Fes – where’s my trip to Greece man!

Kaitlyn “You’re telling me right now that you can’t save me?! That destroys our friendship.”
2pm Bathroom. Tyler and Kaitlyn. Tyler tells Kaitlyn that he would never swear on his dad’s grave like how Swaggy did it. I just wanted to double check that we were clear on that. So don’t ask me that. Everyone is different and has the right to do it. I just wanted that to be clear. It was just a misunderstanding. Kaitlyn says she won’t. Tyler – are you still 100% that Sam used the power. Kaitlyn – I’m a 100% sure. Tyler – remember what I said, don’t be 100% about anything. Kaitlyn – I am going home if I sit next to her (Haleigh). Bay and Rockstar will vote to evict me. Tyler – do you have an okay relationship with them right now?

Big Brother Spoilers Veto Players Picked “I’m going HAM”
****UPDATED***** Big Brother Spoilers 10:16am Fes and Rachel in the bathroom . Fes tells her if he doesn’t win the veto he thinks he’s going up.
Rachel tells him if he wins the veto it puts him in a really shitty position.
Rachel – it would make more sense to keep Haleigh she’s done less.. personally I enjoy Kaitlyn .. I enjoy both equally..
Rachel says her and Kaitlyn have more inside jokes, “i want that to stay between us”
Rachel – I wouldn’t think you go up as a replacement if there was..
Fes – it’s a game who knows what she will do..

“You are so naive when it comes to her .. she made up that shit about Sam’s power”
Big Brother Spoilers 12:35am Bayleigh and Fes.
FEs is laughing that they have done an entire episode on his hair..
Bayleigh starts to get down
Fes – why are you so happy
Bay – I’m not happy i’m hyper
Fes says if Haleigh get houseguest choice she’s going to pick him
FEs – even though we vote against Sam I don’t know about you but I’ve had good conversation with Sam and that goes a long way with her
Bay points out that Sam has had good conversations with ROCKSTAR before and she’s yelled at rockstar
Bay – Rockstar was attacking last night and Sam was like you need to chill and Rockstar was like I don’t need to chill

Sam “I’m going to say whoever wins the veto can tell me who is going up on the block.”
POV: ? Next POV: July 21st POV Used ? POV Ceremony July 23rd HOH: Sam Next HOH: July 26th Noms: Kaitlyn and Haleigh Have Nots Big Brother Spoilers Kaitlyn and Haleigh were nominated 7:55pm HOH bathroom. Sam and Tyler. Sam – this is the last opportunity to be HOH and not do something really f**ked […]

“I said I do not like white boys that are entitled and privileged.” – Rockstar
Haleigh, Rockstar, Kaitlyn and Bayleigh. Rockstar – did you talk to Sam? Haleigh – no. Bay – are you going to? Haleigh – yeah, I just wanted to put things into perspective and her as well. I think she passed judgement on me unfairly. As far as my conduct and actions in this house, I have nothing to be embarrassed about. There is nothing that I’ve done that I’m like I hope no one sees that. I am aware that we’re on a show and that we’re watched 24/7. So as far as me having respect for myself, I know the respect I have for myself. My friends, My family know that. And my character is strong. And I know my character well enough to not have to explain myself to her. But I do want to let her know it was insulting.

Big Brother Spoilers Nominations “So much for Girl Power I guess”
**** BIG UPDATES **** * ** *Big Brother Spoilers Kaitlyn and Haleigh were nominated
2:15pm Feeds come back
RS – That smug bastard was Sitting their Smiling .. Rockstar is pissed that Brett didn’t get nominated goes on abotu how he must jknow somebody to get away with all this.
RS = So much for Girl Power I guess…
Rs says she tried to give Brett and hug and he told her all out of hugs
RS – f***ing douche bag.. I went after the bros now I have to go after the sisters..

“I know you are having a hard time I’ll just tell you it’s not you.. Don’t bang pots just be normal”
Big Brother Spoilers – 10:22am Sam and RS Kitchen (Kaitlyn and haleigh are also lurking around)
RS saying that Brett lied in front of the entire house, “How are you supposed to be comfortable,. I know America knows”
Sam – if it makes you feel any better, Like I said I’m not going to tell anybody who I’m going to choose to nominated until nomination ceremony
RS – it’s part of the rules
Sam – it’s part of the rules but also it’s now my own personal decisions and because it doesn’t matter if anybody talks to me.. it doesn’t matter it’s not going to change
Sam – It has nothing to do with anything really.. just a very practical decision..
Sam – if it makes you feel any better, I know you are having a hard time I’ll just tell you it’s not you. So you can just rest easy and Chill out. Don’t bang pots just be normal
RS – it’s hard to be normal
Sam – I want everyone to be Normal (boring)