7:08pm Tyler and Kaycee Storage room
Tyler- I’m over Sam
kaycee – i am to
Kaycee – it’s personal.. she’s risking our game .. she might put Sam out
Tyler – maybe not because of that
KAycee – i’m over her
Tyler- Dude..

7:08pm Tyler and Kaycee Storage room
Tyler- I’m over Sam
kaycee – i am to
Kaycee – it’s personal.. she’s risking our game .. she might put Sam out
Tyler – maybe not because of that
KAycee – i’m over her
Tyler- Dude..
Big Brother Spoilers – The week definitely had it’s ups and downs. We had the first house meeting with expected blow up! There was standard HIVE f* ups that we’ve all gotten use to by now. There was also some punishments given out along with the Hacker power. In what could be the funniest thing this season the HIVE still doesn’t know the vote flips and I never think they will.. lol.. “Rockstar thinks it was Scottie, Scottie thinks it was Haleigh, Haleigh thinks it was fes.. “
Big Brother Spoilers Gifs from Week 6! The best one for me is hands down Bayleigh screaming with a bloody mouth. Honorable mention goes to Fes and the pec bounce and anything that includes the peanut workout song. (I am looking forward to the song finally getting out of my head)
Big Brother Spoilers Bayleigh getting evicted another wild week
11:20am Haleigh and Tyler
H – I don’t want us to leave the room until our personal relationship is fixed
T – I understand..
H – you scare me in this game and Kaitlyn told me several different alliances you are part of.. I don’t even know they are true.. she also told me all the game syou talked to her..
Haleigh says they never talk game so when she had to take Scottie down she had to put someone up
Tyler brings up that haleigh was the first person to say Kailtyn was a liar.
H – do you have an alliance with Sam
T – no .. I have a friendship
H – do you have a 3 person alliance with Scottie and Sam
T – no.. I never told Kailtyn anything
h – the core
12:35pm Lounge room. Tyler and Scottie. Tyler – I asked Angela so were they really trying to get Scottie put up as the replacement nominee and she said yeah. Scottie – yeah that kind of pisses me off. Tyler – I don’t know man. Scottie – this is the one useful piece of information I got out of that.. that Fes is going around saying that you went to me and him about us needing to stick together. Tyler – you know that’s f**king.. Scottie – yeah I know that’s bullsh*t. Tyler – he’s been pitching that to me for weeks. Scottie – that’s what I said. He’s running around covering his bases.
8:02pm The live feeds return from being blocked. Havenot room – Bay and Scottie. Bay – when he won the veto I told him not to use it. So if I had a plan to backdoor Angela or anybody why would I tell him not to use it? So now I am just really confused and my feelings were obviously hurt as you could see… and I don’t even know how to think or do anything. Scottie – I have literally been living off of guessing. Bay – I don’t even want to guess. Rockstar and I are up against each other and I don’t even want to campaign.
***UPDATED *****
3:22pm JC comes in..
Angela says haleigh just put a HUGE target on her back.
Jc – ok … really quick update.
JC – wheres the peanut
T – DR
JC says Bayleigh is going to go around the house and fight for votes talking to people personally.
JC says him and Fes were laughing at ROCKS because she was counting the votes for Bayleigh in front of them
JC – I looked fes.. are you kidding me right now.. what kinda stupid b1tch are you
JC – fes told me he thinks he has Brett’s vote
A – no way in hell, I’ll make sure that doesn’t happen
Angela and kaycee in the HOH get called down for the house meeting
Angela – if she’s the Hacker I’ll be like umm OK
Kaycee – walk away
H – guys I’m going to start out with I love everyone in this room
H – there’s several people in this room that owe bayleigh an apology including myself.. LAst Thursday I won the hacker competition
H – Tyler I didn’t put you up for personal reasons when Kailtyn was in this game she told me several comments that there isn’t one person that would put you up in this house
H – So that combined with your 4 comp wins makes you a choice
H – Angela – I never wanted to steal you power, never wanted to take something away from you.. I had a chance to make a move so I took it.
*** Updated ***
9:45pm Hammock. Fes and Haleigh. Haleigh – I need to tell you something. I am the hacker. Fes – really!? I knew it! Haleigh – No you didn’t. I am going to call a house meeting and tell everyone. Fes – why would you do that? Haleigh – because Bayleigh is taking the heat for something she didn’t do. Fes – no you’re not going to do that. Did you tell Baleigh? Haleigh nods. Fes – are you being for real? Haleigh – yes. Fes – No, that means you’re going to be the target. Haleigh – Bayleigh is up there for something she didn’t do. People are being rude to her. I am going to tell everyone. Fes – NO! Haleigh – its the only way to keep Bayleigh here. Fes – you know who will be coming after you next week Angela, Tyler.. that’s pretty much it I guess. F**k Haleigh!?
8:06pm Bedroom. Rockstar, Haleigh and Bayleigh. Bay – everyone is saying its just a game and we’ll all be friends outside of here. NOPE! I don’t want to be friends with no body! All these lying, backstabbing, all this little drama running around just causing problems in real life so that you can wreck my life. Not thank you, I’m good! Rockstar – right. Bay – it is a game and game moves I can respect. But for you to disrespect a person. If I was running around cussing people out and saying this and this and that or being nasty. People would be like hey that needs to stop. That’s not okay. When he said power trip is over honey! I literally wanted to kill him.
**** uPDATED *****
1:30pm Rocks, Fes and Bay
Rocks – I just really can’t stand any of these people
Bay – these are the people America loves
ROcks – these are the people we needed to get rid of the first week
Rocks – Angela tell us someone else you dated in your modelling career.. Shut the f* up
Rocks says it’s possible to be very pretty and cool, “I only find her one of those”
Bay – I don’t find her either
Bay thought she was cool but not now..
Bay – nice body.. Real nice body..
Fes says it’s not his type of body
Big Brother Spoilers – The Hive is so clueless..
***** UPDATED ******
10:37am Sam and Bayleigh
Sam is worried that cameras are going to capture her body or her doing something (Shower head?)
Sam – do anything that could be misconstrued ..
Bayleigh – neither am I.. honestly wish had had never signed up for this show
Bay – I had a really good reputation before this show and now it’s ruined..
B – Allowing these people to get at me.. the things we talk about the things we do about the cussing that goes along in this house