Check out our BB19 Ranking Grid. . rank your houseguests here 9:15pm Bedroom. Matt & Raven. Raven – When Jessica and Cody ask why did we vote out Ramses instead of Josh, Josh is not our target. Ramses was. Sorry its our best game interest. We’re thinking about our own game and not your game. And Josh is […]
Tag: Big Brother 19

Power Of Veto Results! “That’s the second power of veto comp you threw!”
The live feeds return. HOH room – Jessica is holding the power of veto. Jessica – that’s the second power of veto comp you threw.
In the kitchen – Paul you guys are lucky. Paul, Raven and Kevin head into the storage room. Paul – as long as she doesn’t use it, we’re golden.
Havenot room Josh talks to the cameras. Josh – I hope the house keeps their word with me. BB blindside baby!

Jessica “I know that there are bigger targets in the house but I need him out first so that I can pursue them.”
Jessica – I don’t know this but I am going to go off a hunch … are you not exactly thrilled with nominations? Alex – No. Jessica – you’re not happy with them? Alex – no. Jessica – I had a feeling you weren’t and so I want to explain why I did what I did. You feel like you can manipulate Josh’s vote but from experience I know he is too much of a wild card to be controlled. The problem with Josh being in the house is that he distracts me. He distracts me from competitions, he distracts me from ceremonies that we have in the house. He is a constant distraction and he’s throwing off my game. He might not be a huge target because he’s not a big competitor.

“Are you all going to be DUDS and let Paul run the show for Season 19, that’s your season”
Big Brother Spoilers 9:30am Kitchen Jason and Cody
Cody – you and me should have been out of this game way f*ing early and we’re still here..
They laugh.
Cody – you know how much their shitting there pants right now..
Cody – holy sh1t Jessica won the HOH look at who can play next week, Alex, Jason, and I
Cody points out how poor the other side is at competitions.
Cody is worried if it’s a “chance” competition though.
Cody whispers to him he thought Josh was a outsider but now he’s realizing he’s just a puppet for the other side of the house
Cody – Kevin is still solid on your side?
Jason – yeah

Jessica “If you want to see me n@k*d the burping and farting won’t be happening”
Cody – I’m just happy to see you. Jessica – I want to watch Kevin’s show and then come up here and go to sleep. Cody – when’s that? Jessica – 9pm. Jessica – lets go downstairs for a little bit, be social and do our due diligence. Cody – okay. Jessica – and then I’ll be yours for the rest of the night. Cody – f**k DEAL! Cody burps. Jessica – you realize when we’re in the outside world the romance comes back and this (his mouth) gets sown up. You’re getting a pass just because you’re on slop. Jessica – if you want to see me naked the burping and farting won’t be happening.

Big Brother 19 Spoilers BATTLE BACK EPISODE
Results from the Friday Battle Back Episode. Four evicted houseguests compete in 3 competitions to come back into the Big Brother House They need to win 3 competitions to get BACK into the game. Cody studies the game.. . After winning the Battle Back they will compete against a Challenger. The house will vote a […]

Big Brother 19 Week 3 Summary and Live Eviction Results
Cody was evicted as predicted but unlike the prediction the the vote was a little off. There was 3 votes thrown at Ramses and they were Christmas, Kevin and Jessica. The Big Surprise was Christmas, as we already knew Kevin was going to as he promised Paul on the feeds. For the houseguests having these 2 unknown votes caused all sorts of drama in the house as they houseguests work themselves in a knot trying to figure out the rogue votes. The Head of Household Competition was a Spaceship themed wall endurance. Final 3 standing was Jason, Elena and Alex. Jason eventually falls off. It was amazing how well Jason did considering his size, historically the wall competition favours small light people. With Jason out is leaves Elena and Alex to make some deals. Elena offers a deal to Alex where Elena would drop if Alex would promise Elena protection for Elena and “Whoever else she wants safe” . Alex agrees, but later mentions how the “whoever else she wants Safe” is a bit vague and needs to be explained.

Big Brother 19 Week 3 Top Animated Gifs
Every week we go through our list of Gifs and pick the juiciest 10 for your viewing pleasure. Let us know which one is your favorite in the comments below.
Typically Gifs always go to our Twitter accounts (@BigBspoilers) and most times they make their way to our facebook.
This week there was some great ones..
- Josh getting hot sauce thrown in his face by wreck it Ralph
- Christmas working out like a beast with a cast
- After all the Drama Josh still is gangster
- And what collection wouldn’t be complete without someone trying to body slam Jessica nad her boob falls out.
- Alex going complete beast mode during the Head of Household Wall Endurance

“lets flip it and send Jessica home.. Like a switch a switcheroo” – Paul
Big Brother Spoilers 9:20am Friendship chat..
Paul – I say I trust Alex, Kevin and that’s pretty much it.. those are the only people I really talk game with
Paul – the other ones I trust but not really they have alternate agendas
Paul – I made Dominique the target.. we;; she kinda made herself the target i didn’t have to do anything. People did not like her
Paul – she thinks I betrayed her or backstabbed her, called me a snake to like 7 people in conversations.. I called her out on it and asked her why?
Paul – she didn’t have any answers to why I betrayed her or why I’m a snake and she didn’t give me any reasons in a room full of people
Paul – she’s been rude all weekend secluding herself

Paul “If Jess sticks her finger in my @$$ one more time, I am going to make a scene of it.”
Raven tells Ramses – Matt is a really good kisser. Ramses – GOOD! OH MY GOD! (Meanwhile Ramses is blowing up a condom) Did you guys kiss in the bathroom? Raven – no. Ramses – because you guys came out like.. Raven – have you seen him?! Ramses – he’s… he’s … yeah! Raven – I get really flustered when I’m around him. Ramses – he’s gorgeous! Raven – his eye’s are so pretty. He’s so sweet. Raven talks about a very aggressive kiss. Ramses – but was it good? Raven – really good. I thought he would be a sweet kisser .. but he’s aggressive.

Alex to Jason – “we need a word for you to shut up”
Big Btother Spoilers 6:50pm Jason and Alex HOH
Alex is getting pissed at Jason for giving Ramses and Christmas too much information about Jessica.
Alex – we need a word for you to shut up..
Alex – you don’t want him (Ramses) to come back and say ‘jason said’
Alex – any piece of information small or Big is a HUGE thing..
Jason – Can we to get Christmas out, after Jessica
Alex – sure
Alex – it’s week 4 and you haven’t shut your mouth

“ummmhmmm.. the reptile.. not only do I walk on cobras I step on snakes.. I step on them..”
Big Brother Spoilers 3:45pm Dom reading the bible muttering to herself..
Dom – I can do Paul or I can win veto, I can take anybody and at least one other person goes home
Feeds cut
Dom – and Raven..
Dom – mark will be easy they will vote him out
Dom – The moment I put him on that block the true snake is going to come out… ummmhmmm.. the reptile.. the cool thing Is not only to I walk on cobras I step on snakes.. I step on them..
Dom – trampled.. I trample.. little to zero return in life.. ummmhmmmmm.. a Snake.. trample all over you..