Jessica – if you don’t win HOH.. Cody – I’m going to talk to that person immediately. Jessica – lets say Matt wins and he puts you and Alex on the block next to each other and I have to use the hex right then and there. So what does that reset mean. What would that mean? Would that null and void that second eviction? Or would we go back into the backyard and immediately play that HOH comp? Cody – ah… Jess I wouldn’t worry about it. Jessica – we have to be prepared for all situations. Cody – alright, situation is whoever gets HOH .. we be like hey we got this … HOH means nothing if you use it on us.
Tag: Big Brother 19

“I hate to say it she’s (Raven) using that for sympathy, all the time” -Kevin
Big Brother Spoilers 2:39pm Kevin and Paul
Paul says before Jessica comes COdy, Mark, Elena, or Cody, Elena, Mark.
Kevin – I’m with ya .. how about the other two
Paul says Elena is stronger than mark, without Elena Mark is a lost puppy.
Paul – without Cody Jessica is a lost puppy
Kevin – Without Raven Matt’s a lost puppy
Paul – you gotta take out the strong ones first
Paul tells him Raven does better than Matt in competitions.
Paul – without Cody Jessica is nothing
Kevin – bit time.. not even nothing she’s putting her finger up your a$$h***
Paul – Yup
Kevin – sexual harassment yo know
Paul – I said that mulitple times
Kevin – if you put it up her a$$ you know what would happen.. she would play and play until someone took it seriously

“I have a lot of respect for you, You’re Strong, it’s unfortunate how things ended up in this house”
Big Brother Spoilers 12:39pm Jessica and Josh Kitchen
Josh – Seeing those pictures from home and seeing where you come from.. I see the strength.. I know why you’re so strong I have a lot of respect for you and it’s unfortunate how things ended up in this house
Josh and Jessica
Josh – I see the person you are I see the heart.. And the fight and why you do it.. That letter was nice
Josh says her mom knows she’s as strong as f*
Jessica – I appreciate that thank you
JOsh – keep being strong
Jessica – thank you

“I just have this dream Josh walks out that door and there’s a flurry of boos.. I’ll just Bask in it”
Big Brother Spoilers 11:22am Ramses and Cody
Cody asks him if he’s been talking to people to figure out where their heads are at.
Ramses says he has been he hasn’t spoke to Paul yet he was going to..
Ramses says they may keep Josh to get Cody.
Cody says if they keep Josh he won’t be able to trust anyone in the house.
Cody – I just have this dream Josh walks out that door and theirs flurry of boos.. I’ll just Bask in it(lays back like he’s soaking it in)
Cody – my body will be filled with JOy.. satisfaction..

Kevin “What if they [Cody & Jess] have a temptation like what you got? Could she protect him?” Paul “nope”
Josh – I just wanted to take a minute to send a quick message to my family. I can’t stop thinking about them. I love you. Just know that your boy is strong. Nothing can phase me, nothing can break me. Your boys the man. Your boy is strong minded. Your boy can get through anything. Danny, my brother I miss you like crazy. I think about you all the time and your crazy one liners and other sh*t that you say to me all the time. Family, I miss you like crazy. Just know that no matter what you see in this house, I am doing great. I’m doing really good. Just know that I am doing really good and everything is going good no matter what you see.

“he’s (Josh) been an absolute Monster for 4 weeks.. I don’t believe he deserve a sympathy vote”
Big Brother Spoilers 6:31pm Jessica and ramses
Jessica tells him don’t let anybody not vote josh out.. If they come to him and tell him they are going to vote him out because of some personal reason/promise. She stresses to not let them.
Jessica goes on about how she’s advocating a unanimous vote.
Jessica – he’s (Josh) been an absolute Monster for 4 weeks.. I don’t believe he deserves a sympathy vote

“I’m going to give that Meatball mental warfare I’m going to break him down so he leaves the show. “
Big Brother Spoilers 3:33pm Josh going back to calling Mark and Cody Meatballs.
josh – Cody … we got you out once buddy we’ll get you out again..
Josh – I’m not a bully but I’ll bully the bully.. if you want to act like you’re big and bad.. guess what baby..
Josh – I’m going to give that Meatball mental warfare I’m going to break him down so he leaves the show.
JOsh – nothing personal.. no drama.. just purely, just pure laughter..
Josh – Your boy needs the HOH bad.. I’m hungry I’m a lion..
Josh – we’re going to see this 6 foot 4 big muscle guy get mentally broken down.. I’m going to call him a meatball and torture..

Big Brother 19 Week 4 Power of Veto Ceremony Results
Feed subscription lets you go back and re-watch everything we post here CBS All Access Live Feeds with a FREE 7 DAY trial. 12:00pm Jessica did not use the Power of Veto. The nominations Stand at Josh and Ramses. 12:10pm Josh and Kevin Josh – you know I have your back.. Josh says he doesn’t […]

OnlineBigBrother and the Kill Show Talk BIG BROTHER 19 Week 3
Hey Onlinebiogbrother fans, Every Friday I record a Big Brother segment with Ken from the Kill Show. The show airs live on Saturday at 9:00pm . Or you can catch it later on soundcloud, I’ve added the embed code to this post. Send us any questions, opinions or whatever and we’ll bring them up on […]

Mark “No one wants him in this F***ing house” Cody “I want him to get f***ing BOO’d when he walks out”
Check out our BB19 Ranking Grid. . rank your houseguests here 9:10pm Havenot room. Ramses and Josh. Ramses – don’t get your head in a bad head space. This is something we’re all going to have to do. We signed up for this. This is something we knew was going to happen to each and everyone of us. […]

Jessica “The guilt I will feel if I cost this kid the game because I gambled his game this week”
Jessica – Everything he did was absolutely disgusting. Once again attacking a female. Cody – that’s why it is so satisfying to see him go out the door this week. Jessica – I have tried to talk to him over and over again and the kid doesn’t mean a word that comes out of his mouth. Cody – I never want to see him interact with you again. He doesn’t deserve to talk to you. It just boils my blood. Its a damn pleasure to talk to you and he shouldn’t get to talk to you. Its a damn pleasure to have your time and he shouldn’t have it. Jessica – if he is crying this much and its all an act then he is a legitimate sociopath.

Josh “If I go out in that HOH its going to be a meatball dance off!”
Matt – just make sure you’re quiet and act like you’re going home. Matt – and then win HOH and put those two (Jessica and Cody) up. Josh – oh you have no idea, on Thursday I’m going to say its blindside meatball! Josh – I called out Mark. It wasn’t a good idea but you saw how fast he flipped right when Cody walked back in. Matt – I can’t believe it how fast he forgave him. Josh – and this girl went from being friends with everyone and then when he came back in she went back to how she used to be. When he walks out that door she better keep that same attitude. I think I was fine going up because I knew I was going up.