The Third week of Animated Gifs For Big Brother 18. Twitter now allows us to upload gifs 3 times larger this is a big deal as file size has always been a problem. Good times await! Gif’s in no particular order.. Let me know which one is your favorite. Mine has to be Zakiyah walking […]
Tag: Big Brother 18
“Brontosaurus.. It was so hard to come up with your goodbye speech because.. I’m like she’s not going to see this.”
9:31am Bridgette, Frank and Michelle
Going over details they were shown on the screen last night. Michelle says she’s sick of studying can even stand studying around Tiffany she gets so stressed on the minute details.
Frank talks about James putting a dirty tampon on top of the garbage can, Frank asks who would dig inside the garbage to pull something like that out.
Paulie “Make it a 5-4 vote so Frank has no idea. We want him to not be able to figure out who it is.”
12:25am – 1am Bathroom – Paulie, Zakiyah, Paul and Tiffany are studying facts they remember about the HOH photos. Big Meech is showing. Tiffany stars asking them true / false questions to test them. They finish their study session and everyone but Paulie and Zakiyah leave the bathroom.
“Getting rid of a powerpuff girl will diminish Frank’s power.. It’ll be 6 to 3.”
9:51pm London room Paulie, Nicole and Michelle
Michelle – Do you still think it’s a good idea to send Tiffany home
Paulie – I dunno I’m been thinking about it
Michelle going on about how it’s better for their game to keep Tiffany.
“Somebody needs to tell Tiffany to not waste her time trying to remember shit..” -Frank
8:05pm Bridgette and Frank
Frank tells her he’s got a weird feeling, if he wins HOH he’ll put up Da’Vonne.
Bridgette – follow your gut
Frank wonders who else should he put up.
Frank – somebody needs to tell Tiffany to not waste her time trying to remember shit..
Frank “What girl do we send home?” James “A vet” Frank “Day?! I wasn’t sure you would be on board!”
5:20pm Nicole, Zakiyah, DaVonne and Corey are chatting outside of the HOH room. DaVonne says I don’t want to give him the opportunity to play in the veto. But if ya’ll think like that’s what you want to do then we can. I just don’t want to swing and miss. I don’t want to be in jury with him. Nicole leaves. Tiffany joins them. She asks Corey you’re going to gun for HOH right?!
“I think you, Me, Bridgette, Frank would be the strongest alliance in the house” – Nicole to Corey
12:06pm Main Bathroom Michelle and Natalie in the bathroom doing hair
Michele – I heard stuff that Paul and Bridgette said about me.. They said I wish I died
Natalie – that’s a lie.. (See image above)
Natalie “OH MY GOD! He’s the dumbest idiot! I’m going to drop kick him in the head!”
12am Hammock Nicole and Paul are talking. Nicole says I am 100% okay with her (Tiff) going. Don’t get any ideas. But from a personal perspective I’m not even eligible for her to put me up on the block. We’re not doing it to be selfish. We’re doing what’s best for everyone else, not what’s best for us. As long as people see that later, like someone else takes a hit.
“She [Da’Vonne] just wants to make Frank mad.. I don’t want to make Frank Mad” – Nicole
8:23pm Nicole and Paulie
Nicole asks if Da’Vonne is trying to talk him into keeping Tiffany. PAulie says no
Nicole says Da’Vonne is trying to talk her into keeping Tiffany but she doesn’t want to
Corey joins them.
Z – “I just don’t need him [Frank] coming back” Paulie “He can’t, its pre-jury. If he goes, he’s gone!”
5:20pm Bedroom – Frank asks Tiffany doesn’t see it coming, do she? Michelle says no she’s been cleaning. Frank says this morning I walked around the corner and smiled at her and she turned around and kept cleaning. I’ve tried to be nice and get her to open up to me but she just won’t. She doesn’t sit down and bug me like she bugs ya’ll. Gosh if Natalie goes home next week Natalie is going to be sh*tting bricks.
James- “If we put in the wrench work we could get the house to flip”
9:35pm James and Da’Vonne bedroom with Michelle sleeping off to the side
James is going over his conversation with Tiffany where he said she has 4 votes.
Da’Vonne – if we flip to keep her in here.. We don’t have the votes
James – even if we flipped nobody would know we flipped… honestly Frank wouldn’t know who did it..
Frank “You can write me scripts & sh*t! I’m addicted to morphine!” “I love it!”
12am – 12:40am Bedroom – James, Bronte and Natalie are talking. Natalie and Bronte both say they don’t even want to be friends with Jozea and Victor. Natalie says if I see them I will… turn my back to them. James asks Natalie if she went to the open casting call or if she submitted a video. Natalie says neither. I was recruited.