In just 2 weeks the first of the two night première airs on Wednesday, June 24th at 8pm on CBS. The second episode of the two night première will air on Thursday, June 25th at 8pm. Leading up to the première there will be two live feed exclusive VIP chats with the first being today with Big Brother 16 winner Derrick Levasseur and the second chat will be held on June 15th with Frankie Grande. The exclusive chat session today was a joke in my opinion as it wasn’t a video chat with questions like last season
Tag: Big Brother 17 commercial

Big Brother 17 Commercial “Big Brother put the Crazy in Crazy!”
Get ready Big Brother fans! Your summer guilty pleasure is coming in just over a month with a TWO NIGHT Première starting June 24th @ 8pm on CBS. Applications and submissions for the casting process have wrapped up and the cast for this coming season is now in the hands of the casting directors. Casting director Robyn Kass, stated in a recent interview that they were looking for something “new” and “fresh” this season. (Big surprise there) What type of cast would you like to see this season?