1:15pm In the cabana room – Jackie tell Shelli that she wants her to know that she will always be there for her as a friend. I know a lot of things have happened last week, this week but I am always here for you. Shelli says thank you, I really needed that. Jackie says I know I have been distant but I wanted you two to enjoy your time together. And I don’t want you to think that I thought you had leprosy. Its been hard to watch. It makes me sick. Its not even fun any more. I know this is just a game, it doesn’t need to be all stupid. I never said anything about you. I have your back in this situation.
Tag: big brother 17

Big Brother 17 Week 6 Top 10 Animated Gifs
Another week of hilarious Animated gifs. Meg ramming her chest into Clay, James and Steve share a kiss, Steve being Steve.. Let us know your favourite in the comments. *** Presented in no order *** Honey Cut and Meg Clay going for the gold @bigbspoilers #BB17 pic.twitter.com/O4NKYe0GaS — Dawg (@DawgsBigBrother) August 2, 2015 James kisses […]

Steve “I’m voting against the way they want me to! We control the votes (to keep Shelli), its done!”
10:15am The live feeds return. In the bathroom – Vanessa is talking to Steve. Steve says that he talked to Johnny Mac and he is on board. Vanessa shakes her head and says they tricked you. Don’t you see what they’re dong? He’s telling Johnny Mac to tell people he’s on board but in reality he’s voting the other way. And he is acting all mopy and sad as if he’s going home. Steve says he has the 5 votes! Freaks and Geeks are on board. Vanessa says I know but I don’t think he knows you’re on board that’s why. Steve says that Clay told me that Johnny Mac was on board (with voting Clay out). Vanessa says Johnny Mac was told to act like he is on board but he’s not. Steve says got it.

Big Brother 17 – WEEK 6 OBB Power Rankings
OW what a big week so much changed… I love this season!
Firstly was the collapse of Clay and Shelli’s game. Together they’ve been leading the power rankings for the last 4 weeks but their skillz finally ran out. Being on the block together with the opposing side holding the Power of veto really didn’t give them many options to work with.

James “Shelli’s got to go! I kinda want to rattle her cage and be like look you’re going home!”
12:05am – 12:50am Havenot room – Julia tells Vanessa that she had nothing to stay about Clay in her goodbye speech to him. Julia says that she said her goodbye speech was I’m going to miss your morning coffee and that’s the extent I know about you. Julia says I just hope we all vote to keep Shelli. Like I hope Austin does if Liz is. He should vote that way too. Even Steve was thinking everyone is going to go after Shelli if she stays. Vanessa says that Steve thinks its better to keep Shelli. Julia says I think Liz wants to keep Shelli for sure. We not only gave her our word. That girl has protected us.

BB-Bowling Tonight “I’m losing miserably.. I’m about to take it out on this toilet”
10:02pm Clay and Shelli talking about when they first met.
Shelli – I saw you and knew I would know you .. you know
She brings up how weird it will be when they get out of here and watch the feeds. they can go back and re-watch all their time together.
Steve joins them says he’s losing bowling and is going to take it out on the toilet. He decides to do that damage in the HOH bathroom.

“They are campaigning like nobody’s business .. they want Shelli out”
Steve leaves
Meg – Steve grows on my every day
Jackie likes steve
Meg – i used to not have patients for him, when you talk to him you realize he has thoughts
Jackie – he has thoughts
Meg – no I mean when he walks around he’s like a caricature
Meg asks them if their agreement last night was for this week or double eviction.
James – double eviction
Steve comes up tells them Clay is volunteering to go home.
James – you do what is best for your game

“I’m leaning towards keeping him for many reasons” Austin to Liz
2:48pm Bathroom Austin and Liz
Liz holds Austin arm they plan out their days routine. Work out Chest, play bowling etc etc..
Liz says they have 2 more days of slop. Austin hopes they are done with it for the season.
Liz – I’m not going on slop ever again
Liz – I’m torn

Liz “I’m going to have to break the news to him in jury. I’m just not that into you”
1:15pm – 1:30pm Julia tells Austin and Liz that its so awkward. Every time I go into the bathroom Clay is just laying there. I do not like that guy. Do you think he’s going to try and talk to us today? Austin says probably. We’ll see. Austin leaves. Julia comments on how cute Liz and Austin look cuddling. Julia tells Liz I will never forget what he said about me. Liz says I don’t know where I would be without her (Shelli). I love her. Julia says we have to do what is best for our game because if we vote one way and they vote the other. Liz says we have an opportunity to take a really big player, why wouldn’t we take it. Julia agrees.

Vanessa “We out Becky as being two faced. It’s f**ked up to play both sides. Its a rat in my book.”
10am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Steve comments to Shelli that his toothache is still bothering him. Steve says that his goal is to not pull a Victoria. (BB16 Victoria passed out in the bathroom stall due to a toothache/dehydration) Steve heads back to bed. Vanessa joins Shelli in the bathroom. Vanessa tells Shelli she wants to talk to them today. I will fill you in completely. Shelli asks what happened? Vanessa says its a really long story.. I’ll fill you in later. I have a plan though. I have an idea. Its the only hope. Shelli asks its the only hope for what?! Vanessa says for both of you. Shelli asks is it a plan for next week?

Becky “People won’t even know I’m in the game till I make top five!”
12:50am Hammock – Vanessa is talking to Steve. Vanessa says here is the problem he’s (James) pressuring people .. he is basically bullying people to evict Clay. I was the only one that stood up and said I was going to evict Clay. Steve says so you lied. Vanessa tells Steve that she is trusting him with information and letting him know what’s going on because if I didn’t you would think that our final 2 meant nothing. I was the only one that said what I was going to do and Austin starts to argue and defending himself saying who is coming after me. I feel uncomfortable keeping him (Clay) because he is more likely to come after me than Shelli is. Liz joins them and the conversation ends.

“He’s going to be a stray dog running the streets, animal control will pick him up”
8:58pm HOH Jackie, James and Meg
Meg – we can convince Liz twins and Austin Vanessa is a floater
Meg – If I win HOH I will have a really hard time taking out Clay I’m more scared of Vanessa than Clay
james – why
Meg – Clay will be a little puppy dog
James- if he wins HOH you might as well consider one of us gone