12:40am HOH room – Meg, Liz and Julia are talking about Shelli and Clay. Julia says I was being nice to Shelli and Vanessa was in my ear about it. Meg says and Vanessa had this super friendship with Shelli yet she was trying to have her put up. Liz says we were friends with Shelli but she kind of put all her eggs in one basket. Julia says once Clay left Shelli was trying to go to us but I didn’t have more than a minute conversation with her and you have to remember you did very well in the competition part of this game but there is there is a very strong social game and you were looking for a showmance with a guy no offence 10 years younger than you. Meg says and you can’t just be with him the whole time.
Tag: big brother 17

“All of a sudden he’s a glory h*le savant”
11:47pm HOH Meg, Julia, Liz and Austin
Talking about how crazed Vanessa is.
Liz – when she walks in a room I cringe
Liz and Austin tell Meg they have to be cool with Vanessa because if she wins HOH next week “She’ll go rogue”
Meg suggests Vanessa will throw HOH
Meg – James is terrified of her right now
Austin – I am to

“she always talks about how she hates liars, she’s lying to our face”
8:13 HOH The twins
Liz saying she doesn’t trust Vanessa and doesn’t like her
Liz – I believe Johnnymac
liz is worried that Becky will be coming after them with a vengeance
Julia – so now you’re saying you want to send Becky out
Liz says they will have to wait until tomorrow.
Liz – she always talks about how she hates liars, she’s lying to our face
Julia gets called out for not wearing a microphone

“Whoever gets her eviction is a god” – Jmac
5:26pm Jmac joins them says Steve beat him
Austin – he’s very sneaky
Liz – down to the brass tacks.. I hope you are not mad at me for the have nots obviously i’m not puttin guys my sister.. we’re working through the rotating
Austin – Meg and James already did it and Becky can’t do it./

Week 8 Nominations “He’s flipping out he looked at me like he was going to kill me”
3:11pm HOH Julia and Liz
Liz – Sorry bro, not sorry, You’re my main target
They are both scared that Vanessa is going to fill Jmac’s ear
Liz “Drinking wine is the afternoon it’s so Miami”
Liz – I feel like a peace of shot after my speech

Podcast Mashup – Big Brother 17 After Show episode 8 hosted by Kevin Zelman, Ryan Hooks, Ashley Iocco (BB Season 14), Jen Johnson (BB Season 8) – all super fans! On the Block – With hosts Spencer Clawson and Mccrae Olsen from Big Brother 15 talk with Clay Honeycutt about last nights double eviction and Jason Roy gives his rundown of the game thus far. Unfortunately AM 2 PM did not produce an episode this week but stay tuned for one to come out soon. Also Simon did another podcast guest appearance on the Kill Show last week.

Austin “Not that we’re targeting Vanessa but we don’t want to do her dirty work.”
12:07pm – 12:35pm Big Brother blocks the live feeds for an HOH lockdown. When the live feeds return the house guests are heading out of the HOH room to find the havenot extra food on the kitchen table. The havenot extra food is pork chops “Pork-Slop”. Liz says we’re going back into rotation. She then picks the havenots – Vanessa, Johnny Mac and Steve! Liz asks if Meg would eat the pork chops if she was a havenot. Meg says no. They try to get into the storage room but realize its locked and that production is stocking it with new groceries.

Liz “JMac asked to not be a havenot if he was going up” Austin “No! Are you f**king kidding me!”
10:55am – 11:10am HOH room Austin is called to the diary room. Liz wakes up to start getting ready for the day. She tells the camera that she does not know who to put up today .. well that’s not true. I just hate being the bad guy. Well not really I have to put someone up as HOH. I just hope this decision doesn’t come back to bite me in the butt. Liz joins Johnny Mac in the kitchen. She finds tons of ants in the sink and freaks out. John asks Liz is there anything more you wanted to ask me? Do you know what you’re doing? (For her nominations) Liz says she still had to talk to a couple more people.

Vanessa “Please feed her the line I’m not really big into making deals!” Liz “NO DEALS, NO DEALS!”
Dear Steve,
Congratulations on winning HOH! I miss you so much but I am so happy to be seeing your dream coming true. I found the surprise you left for me. (Steve tells everyone that he left her a nice little note that he left in the couch.) It meant a lot and I keep it close. Jerry loved her Birthday present and even opened it early to make us payaya on the first night of our visit. Dad loved his fathers day present and we both loved the present you got us on the trip with Jerry. Allen said you nailed his birthday present perfectly. Your nephew Harrison is doing great. We’ll plan a trip to see him some time in the fall.

Big Brother 17 HOH Results “We get the Brenchal room tonight”
10:16pm Liz wins HOH
Liz – Oh my god I get Win and i’m not giving it to anyone
Julia- I played a good game I threw it too you
Julia – You smart a$$ b1tch
Austin – We get the Brenchal room tonight

“I’m having a F******G bad day everybody wants my friends out”
8:23pm Have nots Goblins and Becky
Meg is shocked that Vanessa tried to make a deal with her during the double eviction.
Becky calls her a b1tch
James – This is Big Brother you can bounce Checks
Meg – I gotta keep calm with Steve man I want to bite his head off
Becky – we’re out numbered don’t

POST Double Eviction “We can’t even sad eat right now” – Meg
7:13pm Bathroom
Meg – We can’t even sad eat right now
James – Hey at least one of them gets a chance to play again
7:19pm Vanessa and Julia
Vanessa says Becky will come after Her and Steve.