10am – 11am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. In the bedroom – James and Meg are waking up. Meg says she’s happy today. They complain about the wake up music and wonder if it was some kind of joke. James says that music was so old they knew we would connect it you because you’re grandma. “Strangers in the Night” Meg comments on how they (production) are getting ready for the veto meeting. In the havenot room Becky wakes up Steve and tells him the veto meeting is soon. All the house guests are up getting ready for the day and eating breakfast. They talk about how they think the main reason Shelli was pissed was because Clay was going back to Texas and she was going to jury.
Tag: big brother 17

JMac “Vanessa’s lost all her power” Becky “She always looks defeated, it’s part of her poker face”
12:50am Hammock- Johnny Mac comes out to talk to Austin and Liz. Austin tells Johnny he has his votes 100%. And if there were a tie and she’s breaking it, you’re good. Johnny says that makes me excited. Austin says I hope next week we’re all on the same page. Johnny says oh yeah you know what page I’m on. That’s not going to change because the tears are running. Liz says she was asking me if Austin was acting weird. I was like oh my god here we go again. Austin says you don’t think that will come back to me. Johnny says the paranoia that was started last week was so good. Austin says I wish you and Shelli had given us this information about her last week. Liz says I think she left right before all her craziness came out.

“You literally took all his shit you could find”
12:09am Have nots JAmes and Vanessa
Vanessa – “You literally took all his shit you could find”
Vanessa- I love it James it’s very Funny

“Lets have Fun conversation this is our safest week ever”
7:57pm HOh Austin and the twins
Julia – She’s the most annoying b1ch ever
Liz – I’m worried if we keep her here 1 week longer she’s taking Austin Out
Austin – that’s scary what if she decides to flip the script
Liz Goes on about Vanessa freaking out. ‘Shew said I could just tell there’s something up”
Austin is scared “What if she flip the script, Could she?”

“Each boy needs to find a way to mount the shark”
POV Holder: Liz POV Competition Aug 15th POV Used ? POV Ceremony Aug 10th HOH Liz Next HOH Aug 20th Original Nominations: Johnny Mac and Becky After POV Nominations: ? and ? Have Nots Vanessa, Johnny Mac, Steve (Not very much game talk has happened. this post is a collection of tweets, gifs and images […]

“I’m not going to lie to you I kinda do like Him”- Liz
4:39pm Shark and the twins
Julia is freaking about Austin given her a hicky “Is he in mother f****g highschool.. the girl with hickey’s look like their slut”
Julia – the first one was hilarious it’s really disparestful now
Julia – we’re on national television and you have a hickey on your neck
Liz – I know that bro what the f**k
Julia – they will play that stuff, think about Mom and Dad
Liz- I KNowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Liz – whatever I’m not going to lie to you I kinda do like him

Meg “I would never date Clay. Mr. Sweetman!” James “Not the last couple days!”
10:20am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Backyard – Johnny Mac and Vanessa lower the awnings. Vanessa comments that on Thursday they will be 2/3 of the way through the game. Vanessa heads inside and talks to Liz about the James foil / chocolate pranks from last night. Steve says in James’s defence I put the chocolate in the bed. Liz heads back to the HOH room. Liz comments on how thank god Steve was down there deflecting. Austin says Steve is our last loose end with her (Vanessa). Austin and Liz go back to sleep.

Big Brother 17 Austin “Brenchel never made it this far!” Liz “I know we’re killing it!”
12:40am HOH room – Meg asks what do you guys think is the best this week. Austin says I think Becky. Meg says there’s two .. it doesn’t really matter to me. She is always trying to out you guys as her team. She’s won money already (10K). She’s going to jury and could come back but we could vote her right back out. Johnny is willing to work with us and throw something if he feels like he is with a group. We could get him to win the HOH or B throw something to one of us. Meg says right. Austin says I think Johnny did throw the veto because I did really bad on the first round. This is our chance to get her (Becky) out. I know that Liz feels more insecure with Becky. Meg says that’s who we have to go with them. Meg says I’m down, I don’t really have an opinion of either.

“As long as I play the blindly loyal minion you’ll never get rid of me”
Steve says to the camera he’s highly skeptical of Vanessa but he’ll never let her know that.
Steve -I don’t trust you However I need you for FInal two you’re going to take all the blood for the things I do and no one will vote for you in the end
Steve – AS long as I play the blindly loyal minion you’ll never get rid of me

Big Brother 17 Week 8 POV Results “you’ve turned into a little Janelle”
A lot has changed in the house over the last day and a half. Vanessa’a influence has taken a nose dive, Everyone with the slight exception of Steve seems to have turned against her. Since Thursday Vanessa had been scheming hard with the twins, Liz and Jmac. Essentially the house compared notes about Vanessa and what they found gave them all the ammunition they needed to make her the enemy of the house. She is now universally not trusted in the house.

Johnny tells Becky “The only way both of us stay is if you win it so I might throw it!”
1:45pm The feeds return. In the HOH room. Julia says Meg got picked last time. Liz says and Steve he’s got picked in two. Julia says I wanted to play and if I didn’t I wanted to host. I guess I’ll just sit on the side! The one person I didn’t want picked was stupid Steve! I don’t want to change the nominations so he better keep it the same. Liz says we had a conversation with him last night about him not using it. He feels bad for Johnny though. Julia says tell him if he uses it on Johnny Mac he is going up. Julia says she wants to Steve to not throw the POV. He needs to win and keep the noms the same. Liz says no wait he can’t go up.

Becky “You very well could be the one sitting next to me” (If JMac wins Veto) Meg “I would be pissed!!”
9:30am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. In the HOH room – Julia says ewww! His hair is everywhere! I want to throw up. Liz comes over to see and says whatever. Julia says ewww! Nasty f**k! Liz says you know you’re really mean. Julia says get your life, get your hair!! Liz says I’m so scared for me today! Julia says I know! Liz says you understand today sucks. I need to win. I was called to the diary room at 4am. Basically when you’re HOH you get no sleep! I need to sleep more during the day. Julia asks do I really want to be HOH. I’m like a bitch when you’re HOH. Julia asks so you guys make out every night?