CBS recently released a new Big Brother 15 Promotional Commercial that asks “What’s the scariest thing to a Big Brother 15 house guest this summer?” As usual from the new commercial, no new information is released about season 15 that we haven’t already learned in the last few days. With the Big Brother 15 Cast being released only a few days ago, We’ve leaned that David Girton wants to be an American Ninja Warrior, Andy Herren is a Top Rated Professor, Amanda will use her bo*bs to get what she wants, Nick Uhas does it all, Howard Overyby is a Counsellor that models and plays football, GiGi Zimmerman is a Model and Make-up Artist, Aaryn Gries is a Model / former Miss Colorado Teen International, Elissa Slate is Rachel Reilly’s sister… and that’s just a small portion of what we’ve learned about the new cast!
Tag: big brother 15
Big Brother 15 premièred on June 26th and concluded with finale on September 18, 2013. Andy Herren was crowned the winner with GinaMarie Zimmerman being the runner-up.

Big Brother 15 House Guest Andy Herren A Top Rated Professor
Andy Herren is one of the 16 House Guests to enter the Big Brother 15 House. From his Big Brother Bio we learned that he is a 26 year old single professor. After doing a little bit of digging we found that he is a professor at College of DuPage in Chicago, Illinois. As with most professors they can be found on the website Rate My Professor and as you can see he has a fairly high rating from his students and all of the 23 reviews are positive. He also received the red chili pepper to indicate that his students think he is a Hot professor.
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Big Brother 15 David Girton – American Ninja Warrior Audition
New Big Brother 15 House Guest David Girton set to enter the Big Brother house with the rest of the cast is an extreme athlete that will surely be a beast in the physical competitions. From his Big Brother 15 Bio we already know his favourite activities include surfing and skating but what you might not know is that he is an American Ninja Warrior want to be. You might be wondering what the heck an American Ninja Warrior is; it’s a competition that challenges the most elite athlete on the world’s most difficult obstacle course where the winner wins the grand prize of $500,000. It is unclear if David was successful in being chosen to compete from his audition video below but none the less it shows whatever Big Brother throws at him, he’ll be well prepared.

Big Brother 15 Media Day with BBCA Winner Jillian Maclaughlin!
With the première of Big Brother 15 set to air in just 5 days on Wednesday, June 26th, the video of the media personalities competing inside the Big Brother house has been released. Every year prior to the new Big Brother Cast moving into the house, the media move into the house for a day and play a condensed version of the game including introductions, HOH Competition, Nominations, Power of Veto Competition, and the Eviction Ceremony. As Big Brother Canada Winner Jillian Maclaughlin recently interviews the new cast, it’s not surprising that she also got the opportunity to join the media personalities inside the house. During the initial introductions Jillian introduces herself and comment in her diary room session that she held back a bit of key information about winning Big Brother Canada. (I’m pretty sure as all of these people in the house with you are media personalities, they know full well who you are and that you won BBCA!) In addition to Jillian, another Big Brother Alumni winner also joins the media personalities for a surprise visit. Can you guess who it might be?

Big Brother 15 VIDEO Meet the Cast! “I’ve got Double D b**bs! I use my personal property to close the deal!”
CBS released a video of the new cast of Big Brother 15 where we get a chance to meet the 16 house guests through a string of one liners. From the looks of this seasons cast it looks like there will be a lot of personality clashes and conflicts, not to mention a showmance or two!
Judd “Are you ready to get wild, get crazy and get this party started?!”
Amanda “Big double D boobs! I got hips, child bearing hips!”
Nick “Very good emotional control!”
GinaMarie “My looks might be a little bit deceiving, sometimes until I open up my mouth.”
Julie Chen “Super-sized big brother means its longer, we’re starting 2 week earlier. It’s Big Brother super-sized!”
Andy “People that love to stir the pot, just to stir the pot… are going to piss me off!”
Jeremy “Get your backs ready, my knife’s coming!”

BBCAN Winner Jillian Interviews Big Brother 15 Cast
Big Brother Canada Powerhouse and season one winner Jillian Maclaughlin interviews the Cast of Big Brother 15 for ET Canada. David seems pretty stoned in the interview his plan is to take his winnings and travel around the world surfing. When Jillian asks him if he’s going to invest any of the winnigns he says he’ll blow it all cause “I’m not very much of a stock broker” (LOL team david) Jessie says she was job hunting online and saw a ad for Big Brother. AAryn says she’s not good with numbers and Andy is worried a stupid person will win Head of Household. Jillian points out that Amanda has “big boobs” she says “They are nice”. She asks Amanda if she will use her chest to her advantage in the Big Brother 15 House. Amanada’s answer ‘Of Course that is what I bought them for” (LOL). Jeremy and Candice are both open to a showmance.

Big Brother 15 Nick Uhas – Pro Skater, Model, TV-Host, Actor, and Entrepreneur
Nick Uhas is the studly Pro Roller blade skater who also is a model actor and TV-Host. His Facebook profile says “Nick Uhas is an internationally known professional rollerblader, TV-Host and entrepreneur. He has traveled the world, attended an Ivy League University, and started several of his own businesses.” There is a lot of stuff […]

Big Brother 15 Howard Overby: Model, Actor, Counselor and Defensive Back
The pieces are now in place for Big Brother 15: The Live Feeds, House and Cast are known. We have a decent Idea of what the first couple of twists are going to be like. Thank goodness there are no returnees this is a fresh bunch FINALLY. I’m still kinda expecting Elissa Slater to exhibit […]

Big Brother 15 Cast: Elissa Slater Sister of BB13 Winner Rachel Reilly
Prior to the Big Brother 15 Cast being revealed Julie Chen hinted at the fact that one of the new 16 house guests was a familiar face, but not who you might think. Well today we learned the identity of the house guest that she was hinting about, the sister of Big Brother 12 & Big Brother 13 Winner Rachel Reilly. During seasons 12 & 13 you either loved Rachel or you hated her, there was no in-between. Only time will tell if Elissa Slater evokes the same reaction from the viewers.
Days before the reveal of the cast Elissa did a horrible job at trying to hide the fact that she was going into the house by tweeting she was going to Greece. She was immediately busted by the fans.

Big Brother 15 VIDEOS: Jeff Schroeder Interviews the NEW CAST!
The Big Brother 15 cast was finally released today and we now have 6 days to get to know the house guests before we can spy on them in the Big Brother House. In addition to the Big Brother 15 Cast Bios we also have short 2 minute Jeff Schreoder interviews of the entire cast. Take a good look at each of the videos and size up the competition because as part of the BB15 Twist you are being asked to vote on who is the Most Valuable Player each week. We also want to know what you think of this seasons cast, what are your first impressions?
These 16 new Big Brother House Guests will be living in the newly redesigned Big Brother House for what will be the LONGEST season of Big Brother!

Big Brother 15 Cast: Meet the NEW House Guests! AND The Familiar Face Is…
The long awaited Big Brother 15 Cast has now been released just 6 days before the June 26th première episode. Every season the release of the cast identities is one of the most anticipated as it is who we will be watching for the next few months as they compete, lie, and back-stab their way to the $500,000 grand prize. Today the cast of Big Brother 15 was released and as usual it’s a mixed bag of actors, models, old and young with a super fan mixed in there to win it.
We now have seen the house tours and some of the twists. The show starts June 26th so get your feeds and stock up your cave.
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Big Brother 15 Spoilers MVP TWIST No Floaters Allowed and Three Nominees
As rumoured there will be 3 nominees this year “instead of two Houseguests being nominated each week for eviction, as in past seasons, contestants will nominate three in this summer’s edition.”
Twist Two
The Big Brother viewers will vote for the “Big Brother MVP” before the Houseguests even enter the game beginning with a pre-premiere vote starting Thursday, June 20 vote here .
“The Big Brother MVP will force the houseguests to rethink their strategies. With America rewarding good game play, it doesn’t pay to be a floater this summer,” The Houseguest who receives the most votes will be anointed that week’s, “Big Brother MVP.” The full scope of the MVP’s secret power will be revealed during the season premiere.