12:25pm When the live feeds return the house guests are inside the house. America voted for the havenot house guest to eat LIVER & LIMA BEANS. Candice is explaining recipes they can make with it. McCrae is super excited and says that he can’t wati to try the liver. He says that he has never tried liver before. The havenots thank America for the lima beans. Nick says that he is stocked about the lima beans but not the liver. Nick, Jessie, Andy, McCrae and Jeremy start chucking the lima beans at the liver.
12:35pm In the bedroom – Jeremy, Andy and Gina are talking about a girls period. Gina says that she fights a lot and gets angry when she is on her period. Nick and Gina decide to go back to sleep. Meanwhile out in the backyard – Jessie, Spencer, Amanda and Judd are talking about religion.