Big Brother 14 Spoilers: Power Of Veto Ceremony Results

11:35am Frank and Shane are talking in the arcade room. Frank comments on how Joe isn’t too happy and that he is up in the HOH talking to Ian right now. Shane says yeah and Ian doesn’t even have a vote. Frank says yeah that’s why I am talking to you. Shane is talks to Frank about how wishy washy Joe is and how he can’t be trusted. Shane says that he is still down to work with Frank. Frank says we just need to worry about Danielle’s vote right now. Shane says that he will work on her. Frank and Shane shake hands and leave the arcade room. Shane heads out into the backyard and tells Danielle just a heads up, Frank is going to be all over you for the vote. Danielle says gross. Shane says that Frank thinks he has Jenn’s vote but he doesn’t. He thinks he just needs your vote. Shane tells her to just tell him that you are voting the way Dan does or just tell him that you aren’t telling anyone how you are voting. Danielle says that she will just do that, I am going to tell him that I am not telling anyone how I am voting. Joe comes out into the backyard and tells Shane that Frank is going to come at him hard. Shane says he knows. Joe says that he and Frank just made a deal not to campaign past 1am, because last time we were on the block we campaigned till 5am.

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Big Brother 14 Spoilers: Joe says that if Dan wasn’t going to use the Veto, now he surely will!

9:45am When the live feeds come back from waking up the house guests. Dan and Jenn are awake and then they head back to bed. Joe leaves the kicks room to change his batteries. Dan jokes with Shane about how Joe thought he was Shane last night. They both laugh. They both roll over and go back to sleep. Frank and Joe are the only two house guests awake.

10am Frank is sitting alone on the backyard couch. Frank says that today is the veto ceremony, and Dan is supposed to use it on Jenn, and then Joe should go up in his place. Frank says that he got a little panicky last night, but sometimes you need to take a gamble in this house. Frank says that he figures if Dan wasn’t working with him he wouldn’t use the veto on him anyways. Joe joins Frank out on the couch and then goes back inside.

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Frank tells Dan he needs to just use the veto on him because there are only 6 people left, so why not?!

12:30am Frank is in the backyard shooting hoops with Joe and Shane. Ian and Dan are in the backyard playing pool, while Jenn and Danielle are sitting on the backyard couch. Danielle asks Jenn what she should do with the Shane situation. Jenn replies by saying we are always talking about Shane. Danielle tells Big Brother to give them something new to talk about and to give back their junk food. Danielle talks about the guys in the house and says that although they’re various ages, they’re all the same. Jenn agrees with her. Danielle tells Jenn that there is only 3 things you have to do to make men happy, feed them, screw them and let them have the remote control. Jenn adds and let them think they’re smart every once in a while. Jenn and Danielle start talking about random things. Jenn tells Danielle that her guy friends thought for sure that Jenn would wrangle one of the lovely ladies in Big Brother house.

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Dan makes fun of Ian and calls him the shower peeker, then says sorry I know it’s a sensitive subject.

8:05pm – 8:30pm Frank, Ian, Dan, Joe and Shane are eating in the kitchen. Joe tells them that black olives are second rate olives that are dyed in a brine to hide the bruises. Dan and Frank don’t believe it. Dan says I buy a lot of what you are selling but I am not buying that. Dan looks at the can and says it says these are ripe olives, not battered olives. Frank laughs. Frank starts to believe it. Dan says don’t start drinking his koolaid. Dan says these are too delicious to be second rate olives, their skin is too intact to be battered and bruised. I will not buy your black olive story. Joe says that he doesn’t understand why that is so hard to believe. Dan tells Danielle about the olive story Joe is selling. Danielle says she isn’t buying it either.

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Ian says he told Britney the true beauty of the season was evicted, but I’ll get that hairy orange beast out.

5:30pm Shane, Dan and Frank talk about the secrets some of the house guests had and wonder who else in the house has a secret. Dan says that he thinks Joe has a restaurant. Not a big milti-million dollar restaurant but maybe like “Arvin’s Diner” Shane talks about Kara being a playmate and Jojo being a go-go dancer. Frank says that Jojo wasn’t really hiding that though. They talk about how they only have two more weeks to go. Joe joins them.

5:40pm Ian joins Danielle on the couch. Danielle says that it’s just too weird that we are finally getting him (Frank) out. Ian says yeah we have all the votes. Danielle just imagine you are the one getting him out. Danielle says I wish I could see Britney’s face right now. Ian asks about how long Frank and Ashley were making out. Danielle says that they were making out for a couple weeks.

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Big Brother Spoilers – Ian and Danielle agree Frank is Going home this week

General Chit Chat about past competitions. Ian rocking the hammock hard..

Danielle: “I can’t wait until Thursday”
Danielle really wants to see Frank get out of the house. Ian didn’t think they would be able to do it. Last week he had a feeling they would try for 2 weeks to get Frank out and fail. Danielle is happy they can do it now. she’s confident they have the votes because her and Dan will vote
Danielle warns Ian that Frank is going to be really working Ian once Joe is out up. Danielle thinks that Frank is going to feel that he has 2 votes and it’s up to Ian to vote him out. Danielle wants Ian to be ready. Ian assures her the only way Frank is staying is if he flips 3 votes. Danielle: “There is no way that is going to happen”

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Big Brother Spoilers – Is anyone immune to Dan’s Misting powers?

12:20PM Danielle and Dan continue talking about nonsense while Shane is sleeping beside them. Joe is inside the house, Frank has been working out for the past hour and Ian is rocking the hammock. ? is probably sleeping.
12:24PM Danielle is saying she almost bought the new Nissan Maxima before coming on to Big Brother 14. Dan starts pushing her to get a FORD. Danielle says that her father will never allow her to get a FORD. Dan: “Does your dad tell you who to date?” Dan really pushes the point that he drives a older model Ford it runs fine and he has no payments. He bought it straight out and his only payment is gas and insurance.

Danielle says she really likes Nissan. Dan: “Drop the Nissan.. whats this about Nissan”
Danielle: “I like how they look.. they make good cars”

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Dan tells Frank that as long as you are cool with it, that’s what I will do.

9:50am Frank is out in the backyard talking to the camera. Frank says that the truth is that he didn’t have any trust issues before, but he will when he leaves this house. Frank says that he is just surprised that a lot of the people here don’t know the game, it’s sad. I guess all the people that do know the game, went home. He says that he almost got it yesterday, OTEV got me! I just hope losing that competition doesn’t get me sent home. I just don’t know how much I can trust Dan. If he uses it on Jenn, then I know I can trust him. He has no reason to keep me if he isn’t trying to work with me. He (Dan) thinks he can’t win against anyone in the end. Jenn joins him. Frank tells Jenn that he hates that we have to trust Dan right now. Jenn says yeah it hard when we were working so hard to get him out and now we’re working with him. Frank says that at least for you if he turns on us, I will be going home, not you.

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Joe tells Frank that his social game sucks. Shane says his does too because Britney was his social game.

12:15am Shane grabs Danielle’s bikini top to try and see the label. Danielle tries to get it back so Shane throws it to Dan. Dan tries to look at the size, but Danielle also grabs it back. Dan throws it back to Shane and he reads out the 34D label. Danielle chases Shane and he eventually gives her top back. Ian calls Danielle a stage five clinger for chasing Shane all over the yard. Ian and Dan start playing pool. Dan notices that the word p***s is scratched into the table and asks who did it. Ian confesses that it was him when he was smashed. Dan tells Ian that he has an obsession with Matt Hoffman & Shelley Moore and says that he isn’t sure why. Ian asks Matt Hoffman? You don’t get why? Dan says that well Matt didn’t win. Ian says that Maggie won, so winning isn’t everything. Ian starts talking about how he would want to meet Renny from Dan’s season.

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Ian says “Right now I could put Osama Bin Laden up against Frank and Frank would go home”

8:53pm Cam 3-4 Frank and Jenn

Frank is worried about Danielle’s vote. He doesn’t think he can get it. Jenn tells him to relax she can get Danielle to vote to keep Frank, “I trust Danielle”. Frank: “OK OK if you trust her i’ll trust her” Frank: “Think Danielle will roll with us to the final 4” Jenn: “YES you are being much to paranoid”

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Final 2 deals for everyone – Joe “I’m playing for second.. it’s a great prize”

6:04pm Cam 3 HOH Joe and Ian
Ian tells him that he told Dan not to use the Power of Veto. Ian doesn’t think Dan will risk it, Ian, Shane and Danielle will all be pissed at dan. Ian adds that if the Veto is played he will have to put up Joe as the replacement nomination but he wants Joe to know they have the votes.

Joe says he’s worried that Dan and jenn are close because she used the Veto on him last week he might want to return the favor this week. Joe tells Ian that Jenn “Hates” Ian.

They agree it will be 3 to 1 if Joe goes up against Frank with Jenn being frank sole Vote. ian: “This is our shot.. the one shot to get rid of Frank”
Joe: “Obviously I think it’s a great idea.. I have run through scenarios and it’s looking like it will come down to Shane, Dan, Danielle, me and You”
Joe: “very nice”
Ian: ‘Very Nice.. I want to know if I would go up if you won HOH”
Joe: “I’m giving it to you now 100% you are safe” (Joe will never win a HOH)
Joe: “right now I believe the best move in this game is with you.. 100% with you”

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Big Brother 14 Power of Veto Results Till Quack Vs Quack

4:44pm Cam 1-2 HOh Dan and Ian is in the Shower
Dan Wins VETO!!

Dan is talking to himself saying how crazy his week has been.. back from the dead, Public enemy number one, not nominated won the Veto and Made a Final 2 deal. Dan yells at Ian.. tells him this deal is legit even when it gets down to Quack Vs Quack. Dan adds that Ian must never tell anyone about their Deal. Ian says he won’t Dan puts the Veto up to the Cammera says “finally my ticket to getting Frank out”

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