7:05pm When the live feeds come back, Ian is in the arcade room with Danielle. He hugs her and tells her that one of us just won a half million dollars. Shane and Ian are talking by the kitchen. Shane says it happened exactly how we wanted it to. Shane wonders if the HOH competition will be tonight. Ian says he hopes it’s like the one Dan had in his season, the one where you have to answer the days of the events in the house.
7:10pm Shane goes to talk to Dan in the kicks room and he says thanks for not putting him up. Shane says I appreciate it. Dan asks Shane not to tell anyone about their alliance. Shane says that he won’t tell anyone. Ian comes in and Shane leaves. Dan tells Ian that they need to vote Shane out. Dan says that he will lock Danielle in a room for 24 hours just to get her to vote out Shane.
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