
Dan tells the Quack Pack, thank you for trusting me. Ian says one of us is winning $500,000!

7:05pm When the live feeds come back, Ian is in the arcade room with Danielle. He hugs her and tells her that one of us just won a half million dollars. Shane and Ian are talking by the kitchen. Shane says it happened exactly how we wanted it to. Shane wonders if the HOH competition will be tonight. Ian says he hopes it’s like the one Dan had in his season, the one where you have to answer the days of the events in the house.

7:10pm Shane goes to talk to Dan in the kicks room and he says thanks for not putting him up. Shane says I appreciate it. Dan asks Shane not to tell anyone about their alliance. Shane says that he won’t tell anyone. Ian comes in and Shane leaves. Dan tells Ian that they need to vote Shane out. Dan says that he will lock Danielle in a room for 24 hours just to get her to vote out Shane.

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We want to know what questions YOU have for Dan Gheesling’s Wife Chelsea!

One of our loyal OBB fans, Corey will be doing an exclusive interview with Dan Gheesling’s wife Chelsea this monday and we want you to send us your questions. As you all know Dan won Big Brother 10 and a couple years later after meeting Chelsea he proposed to her at a high school foot ball game. If you are as curious about Dan Gheesling as we are and want to ask his wife Chelsea questions about him or the reasons behind the moves he has made in the game, then leave your questions below in the comments.

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Big Brother 14 Spoilers Dead Man Walking.. Double Eviction TONIGHT!

1:10pm – 2pm Big Brother ends the HOH lock down. All the house guests collect their things and head down stairs. Joe asks Shane in the kitchen if everything is all good? Shane says everything is good with me. Frank, Shane, Joe, Jenn and Danielle are in the bathroom getting ready for the live show tonight. Jenn is dying her hair. Ian and Dan are sitting at the kitchen table. Ian says not many keys left, remember how many people there were just a week ago? Dan asks Ian if Boogie and Ashley were evicted day 48? Britney day 55? Wil day 41? Ian says yeah. Dan says okay. Shane is playing cards, Dan is vacuuming.

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Big Brother Spoilers Sh!t!ng on a Dream – Franks last Morning in the Big Brother House

10:40AM Cam 1-2 Kitchen Jenn and Frank
Frank starts talking about a dream he had. When he went back to his home town nobody wanted to talk to him because he was on Big Brother. Frnak explains that in his dream he was still playing Big BRother but was only home for a day.

Jenn says her she kept waking up thinking that Production was calling her to the Diary Room. Jenn: “I kept hearing Jenn please come to the Diary Room.. Jenn please come to the Diary Room”
Frank: “The dreams in this house are freaky”

Frank says he wishes he could have made breakfast for her to. Jenn appreciates the sentiment . She has the breakfast of champions coffee and a protein shake.

The morning shout outs start.. ugh..

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Dan tells Danielle that Joe is a mohawk rat from Kentucky, he’s a f***ing liar!

2am Joe is out in the backyard by himself with his feet in the hot tub. Ian is up in the HOH room listening to his cd with the lights off. Danielle gets up from lying in the kicks bedroom and heads out into the backyard. Joe asks Danielle what’s wrong? Danielle says that she doesn’t want to talk about it. Danielle goes and gets into the hammock. She is upset. Joe comes over to find out what is wrong. Danielle tells Joe that Shane commented about seeing Memphis standing next to Danielle at the finale. She says that it reminded her about the comment Dan had made telling her that she was dead to Dan. Danielle says that the comment still hurts her and she is tired of people having to tell Shane to be nice to her. Danielle says that she wonders if he is a mama’s boy. She says that he is inconsiderate. She says that he acts like a boy when she wants a man. Joe tells Danielle that what Dan said to her was cruel, it wasn’t right. He says that feels Dan is sorry about it though. Danielle says that when she thinks that he really means it, it hurts more.

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Danielle tells Shane if he wants to snuggle he’ll need to initiate it Shane says it’s been hot lately

10:44PM Cam 3-4 Shane and Danielle
Shane wants to get rid of Joe next . Danielle disagrees says she wants to get rid of Ian next because if he gets near the end he’ll win everything. Shane: “Did Dan tell you that” Danielle :”Ya but don’t tell anybody”

Shane: “I know Ian expects us to put up Joe and Jenn if we win HOH.. I just don’t trust Joe”
Danielle: “But we can beat Joe”
Shane: “I know I know”

General chit chat.. Shane mentions maybe Danielle is America’s player and she’s getting paid to hug people in the house. Shane: “I would hug anybody in the house for money.. except for Wil that would be awkward”

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Joe tells Shane we need to start thinking smart Dan is the most dangerous player in the house

9:08pm Cam 3-4 Shane and Joe Arcade room
Joe points out that Danielle is talking a lot with Jenn. Joe is worried that Jenn is pulling her over with her and Dan. Shane saw them talking today a couple times for longer than 10 minutes. Shane wants to go up and talk with Ian tonight but doesn’t want it to look too obvious. Shane wants them all on the same page if it’s a fast forward coming up.
They both Agree that Dan and Jenn need to go up if they win HOH. Joe says Dan is the most dangerous with Frank out of the house. Shane completely agrees.
Joe: “We need to start thinking smart”
Shane: ‘Well you do you think you can beat in a competition…. Jenn or Dan”
Joe: “Jenn” Shane: “Well there you go”
Shane: “So you do care if we leave her in the game”
Joe: “Nope”
Joe asks him what they are going to do tonight to waste some time. Shane doesn’t know.. suggests they play badminton or bags. Shane doesn’t know if Ian will play because of his ankle.
Shane: “Ian seems to think it’s going to be America’s choice tomorrow or you have your own chalkboard and it’s going to say this happened on what day.. ”
Joe: ‘I won’t win that”
Shane: “Don’t say that”

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Frank says all I know is if I win this s**t, CBS owes Mike $100 G’s!

5:30pm – 5:50pm Danielle is taking a shower, while Dan and Shane are cleaning up in the kitchen. Joe is making dinner. Frank is sitting at the kitchen table talking to them. They are talking about how eating soy releases estrogen in your body. Dan says that he will end up going home with D cups. They discuss whether or not it’s true and how they want to see a scientific study done on it. Shane joins Danielle in the bathroom when she is done. Shane starts talking about a car that someone he knows has where you push a button and the top goes back. Danielle says “my friend Trey has a car like that but it’s super nice.” Shane asks your dad? Danielle says my friend Trey. Big Brother cuts the feeds.

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Jenn tells Frank he is good for tomorrow ..he just needs to treat Danielle like a delicate flower.

2:50pm Jenn and Frank are in the have-not room. Jenn tells Frank that she had a talk with Danielle. Jenn tells Frank that Danielle is good with the four of them but that he needs to talk with her again. Jenn says that you need to be really sweet to her, treat her like a delicate flower. Jenn says that she thinks Frank has said things to Danielle in the past that have rubbed her the wrong way. Frank asks like what? Jenn says that she isn’t sure but that you may have come off a little arrogant like saying you deserve to be here more than she does and stuff like that. Jenn says that just rubbed Danielle the wrong way. Jenn tells Frank that he needs to work on Danielle. Frank says oh okay. Jenn says but you don’t necessarily want to bring that up to her, just talk to her and be nice. Frank asks so do you think I am still alright with her for tomorrow? ..But more for down the road? Jenn says yeah, yeah, just have a talk with her and everything will be good.

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Jenn tells Dan that she thinks it benefits him more than he knows to keep Frank around.

12pm – 12:15pm Frank and Jenn continue to talk about random stuff out on the backyard couch. They talk about how empty the house is getting. Frank says that he wants to be in the house when there are only 4 people. He says no one will be game talking; you can relax and sleep wherever you want. Jenn heads inside. Frank talks to the camera and says that these people are as lazy as hell. I would like to be running some game but I can’t. I would like to be running game on Danielle or at least have Jenn be able to run game on her. Danielle and Dan are now awake and in the bathroom.

12:15pm Danielle and Dan are in the bathroom talking. They discuss if the HOH competition is America’s comp. Like who would be more likely to save a cat from a burning building. Shane? or Frank? Danielle says Shane. Dan says that anything good or goofy with be Ian Danielle says that she thinks she is portrayed as sweet because that’s what they say in the dairy room, Jessie said it like 3 times.

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Big Brother Spoilers – Frank: “The Most action I got in this house.. Joe grabbing my butt cheek”

10:20Am Cam 1-2 Jenn and Frank

Frank says he saw Shane and Joe talking late last night, he is worried about Shane’s vote.

Jenn cannot understand why they want t keep joe in the house. He’s so wishy washy.. he’s dangerous to have around.
Frank says the only reason they would keep Joe is he’s easy to beat.
Joe joins them and talk shifts to the wake up music Big Brother played today.

They start talking about sleeping arrangements.
Frank: “The Most action I got in this house.. Joe grabbing my butt cheek”
Jenn: “Joe going in for the kill”
Frank: “correct me if I’m wrong but we’ve only had one Havenots competitions.. “
Joe: “Yup.. the rest were coaches comps”

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