Julie Chen shows off the Big Brother 14 House for ET Canada. During house tour Julie points out all the Little nic nacks that make up the new decor. The Godzilla, Ghetto Blasters, Shoes, Games in the Arcade etc etc. Nothing new just a bit more detail of the house. Other than the Have Have-nots room the entire Big Brother House has been seen and the excitement is growing. “Noobie” Cast get’s revealed tomorrow and the première is only 8 days away.. Internet rumours are running wild this summer the 12th cannot come soon enough.
Tag: Big Brother 14
Big Brother 14 premièred on July 12th and concluded with the finale on September 19th, 2012. Ian Terry was crowned the winner with Dan Gheesling being the runner-up.

Big Brother 14 Cast Revealed July 5 at 9am PST
The wait will finally be over The “Noobie” Cast for Big Brother 14 is known on Thursday. I say Noobie cast because of the possibilities of a returnees this year. This seasons pre BB14 rumors are getting painful and nausea inducing. The Mentor twist posted last week is the most dominate twist. Colette Lala from the bitchy network has posted some very scary casting rumors. The list of Mentors is about as bad as it can get. Rachel, Boogie, Dan, Michelle, Danielle and Janelle have all been named as potential returnees. Although I doubt we’ll find out if the mentor twist is true on Thursday we’ll definitely find out who the Noobies are.
When do we find out about the cast?
The “New” BB Cast will be revealed on July 5th at 9am PST.
Where can I see the Big Brother 14 Cast?
Onlinebigbrother, CBS.com and almost every one of the 30000 Big Brother Blogs out there.. You can subscribe to superpass and the cast interviews the second they come out.
superpass subscription link You can also get your Live Feeds on a iPhone it comes with a subscription.

Evel Dick Teams up with ZingTube for Big Brother 14
Big Brother Winner and RTVzone.com Host Evel Dick Donato has teamed up with new new social television platform called ZingTube For Big Brother 14.
What is ZingTube?
Live Tweeting between Fans and celebrities while they watch their favorite reality show. Zingtube has also figured out a way to circumvent the “Spoiler” effect that occurs when east coast celebrities tweet spoilers to west coast fans. Now using ZingTub this problem has been solved “by time-stamping comments, or zings, to an exact moment in the show so they can be replayed to a viewer at the appropriate time”
I just signed up for my Zingtube account Looks pretty cools.
When does it start?
The launch will coincide with the Big Brother 14 Premiere, July 12.
How do I sign up?
Go here to sign up -> Zingtube.com

Big Brother 14 Rumor Control Part One – Distilled Version
Rumor Control was suppose to be free today to anyone with a iOS device but unfortunately the full length show was only available to superpass subscribers(For $29.99 get 3 months of Live Feeds. limited time offer). For BB14 there will be 2 episodes of Rumor Control the one today with Daniele Donato and Rachel Reilly and one the follow Tuesday July 10. Again you need a superpass subscription to watch rumor control and the Live feeds.
Last year’s Rumor Controls with Dani and Ragen really didn’t give away anything big and today’s episode followed in that theme. If you are following all the crazy rumors on the internets like the mentors Rumors and Janelle tweets then you would have found the show interesting. It you are looking for any hard Spoilers than your shit out of luck. The show confirmed 2 things for me A) Nothing new done to the house other than the new “Tokyo POP” theme B) Dani Thinks CBS will not put Rachel on the show for 3 straight years the ratings would suffer (And so would the live feed watchers)

Big Brother 14 Spoilers – House Pictures
Today the Big Brother 14 House pictures were released. Not too big of a shocker since they were leaked a couple days ago. Still we have a complete look at the house all we need now is the Cast, twist then we’re good to go.
The pictures do not show you much of the HOH or upstairs but from what we’ve seen today the house structure is pretty much the same as it has been since season 2 season 6 (Thanks for the correction razor). All those rumors about a second floor and no chess table were false. This year it is a 80’s theme (Officially it’s called Tokyo Pop) looks cool enough big on colour and low on taste… How do you think this house compares to last years?

Exclusive Big Brother House tours for Live Feed Subscribers
Starting Tomorrow there will be exclusive Big Brother 14 House content for live feed subscribers. This includes tours of the house and interviews with crew. We’ve seen what the BB14 House looks like from the pictures leaked on Friday night but these videos will give us a closer look of the house. They will show […]

‘The Talk’ Big Brother 14 Preview Show Airs July 12
The Talks Big Brother Preview shows are usually the week before the Premiere episode. This year however it will be the day of the Big Brother 14 Premiere (this blows away my prediction I posted earlier in the BB14 Road-map ) @TheTalk_CBS tweeted @CBSBigBrother fans! Want to win VIP tickets #TheTalk special Big Brother preview […]

Big Brother 14 House Images Leaked
Looks like someone jumped the gun in releasing the Big Brother 14 House Images.. Every year CBS brings in various people from the media and has them participate in a day mock day in the Big Brother House. Last Friday we got word about media day and some hints about the participates. The following Monday we saw a short clip of Julie Chen “painting” a wall in the Bathroom of the Big Brother 14 House. Now Finally we get to see the whole enchilada, the entire collection BIG BROTHER 14 HOUSE PIC curtoseay of the good folks at welovebigbrother.com .

No Zingbot on Big Brother 14?
Love it or hate it the Zingbot’s future is in question. The once great Zingbot 3000 has been spotted in the back of a props room on show Hollywood Treasures on SyFy (Episode 6 Season 2 “Vampires, Swords and the Queen of the Night”). The power cells appear drained and there is no more sass […]

Big Brother 14 After Dark back in Canada on Slice
The BB14 fans in the frozen Tundra get to watch Big Brother After Dark. Shaw Media has announced that they have the rights to offer the viewers Big Brother After Dark exclusively on Slice Channel. It’s the same service that the Americans get on Showcase Sho2. Last year After Dark aired on Rogers Digital VIP Channel 67 since Global Reality Channel has been discontinued the program is now moving to Slice.
Big Brother 14 Starts on July 12th with After Dark beginning at 12:00am EST until 3:00am. All you need to subscribe to the Slice Channel
Canada Loves Big Brother, They get the live Feeds (** early bird special save 25%**), they get to vote for Food Penalties and “America’s Choice”, there is even a Big Brother US Spoilers blogs run by Canadians. All Canadians are missing now is to be able to Play Big Brother but that’s about to change Spring 2013 When Big Brother Canada premieres
In case you are unfamiliar with Big Brother After Dark. You get to watch 1 out of 4 live feed cameras for 3 hours every night. Some pretty crazy Sh!t has happened during that time slot in the past.

First Look at the Front of the Big Brother 14 house
A new Big Brother 14 Commercial aired tonight and it reveals a few potential BB Spoilers.
- Premiere Episode 60 CAPTIVATING Minutes
- 4 Supersized TWISTS
- 1 Game changing SHOCKER
The video also show the front of the Big Brother House, yesterday we saw a short clip of Juli Chen in the BB Bathroom .. The Rumors for the season are starting to pile up but nothing close to official has been released.
I would even take these commercial “twists” with a grain of salt. it’s not uncommon for them to be completely off the mark. Every season of Big Brother has at least one Game changing shocker and 4 supersized twists could mean 4 Pandora boxes containing Jessie Godderz. Still it’s exciting that Big Brother is starting and in my opinion the crazier the rumor the better. Let us know in the comments what crazy rumor you are hearing.

Big Brother 14 RUMOUR – Big Brother Alumni Return as “Mentors”
One rumor floating around about Big Brother 14 is that big brother alumni will return this season to act as “mentors” to new cast. The past big brother players could help and coach the newbies on how to play the game, what Big Brother Strategies to use and when, how to avoid Scandals & Controversy, whether or not its a good idea to have a Showmances or Flirtmances, suggest who to align with and who not to align with, how to get by eating only Big Brother Slop, how to win or throw Competitions, who they should vote to evict, what to say and how to act to get further in the game, etc. If this rumor is true it could completely change the game and give the newbies a huge advantage from the beginning. They will potentially be able to avoid making mistakes that could cost them the game. Just think of how Jeff Schroeder could coach someone on how not to get evicted during a Fast Forward / Double Eviction.