8:18pm Balcony.. Ian all ready for his Date with Ashley. Saying to himself that all eyes will be on him and that he cannot beleive he’s doing this shit on Big BRother. He’s mumbling things to himself.. “In the big brother house”
Ian goes down to the kitchen to talk to Janelle he briefly mentions the last date he was on where the girl had just broken up with a guy. Janelle says he looks great. Ian thanks her says that Boogie gave him the bow tie. Britney walks in tells him he looks great says she loves the bowtie, asks him if he wants some bronzer on his face. Ian says no.
They go into asking him about where he meets women. Ian says mostly school but the last one was a girl from work. The girls keep asking him questions about New Orleans and mardi gras. Ian says he usually dresses up in ridiculous costumes gets drunk and screams. Joe walks in asks Ian if he’s going to kiss Ashley on the first date Ian laughs and says no. Janelle wonders where Ashley is. Ian says she’s in the have nots sleeping, “she still has 45 minutes”
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