12:20pm Joe asks are we doing anything today? Britney says nominations. Joe says oh that’s today. Big Brother ends the outdoor lock down. Ian, Britney and Danielle are up in the HOH room talking about how it’s a difficult to be HOH this week because you have to feel out where the lines are drawn. Ian says that his word is gold and that once he gives it they can trust him. He says that he hasn’t given his word yet because he didn’t want to write a check he could not cash. Danielle tells him that his key will be second coming out of the box after Britney’s key. Danielle tells Ian that he is safe. Danielle asks would it matter to Ian who went up as long as it is not him. Ian says no not this week. He hopes he earned not going up. Ian says he has not given his word to anybody, the only thing was this week if he got HOH he would not put Shane up or Britney or Danielle. Dan joins them.
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