12:05pm When the live feeds come back from TRIVIA, in the bathroom, Shane tells Joe that he had a nice speech. Britney tells Dan in the bathroom that it is a good thing he didn’t go up, because we would not have the votes to keep you. Britney says that was nervous, we should not have even had to be concerned. Shane says he thought for sure he was going up. Joe says yeah but I am still on the block, I guess I didn’t reach his heart. I guess my heart to heart didn’t work. Meanwhile in the kitchen, Ashley tells Wil that she liked his speech. Wil says thanks, but that he forgot the middle. Wil and Ashley sit there staring off into the distance. Joe joins them. He says to them that he guesses he didn’t reach his heart. Wil says that if he is going home he is going out with a bang. Wil whispers to Ashley that they are definitely against us. Ashley says it will be okay we still have time.
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