1:10pm Britney and Dan are in the have-not room talking. Britney tells Dan about how Ian told her that he is tired of Joe being on the fence and that he needs to make a decision as to which side he is on. Ian comes in and says that he thought of one thing, Danielle is throwing it today right?! Dan says yes. Ian says she has too, if she wins it and pulls herself down, that is part of this deal, you understand? Dan says that it’s hard to tell Danielle to throw it because it is her life on the line. Ian says no funny business right?! Ian leaves. Dan asks Britney so you don’t mind if I take prizes? Britney says no. Britney explains how it works to Dan. Dan and Britney talk strategy for the comp.
Tag: Big Brother 14
Big Brother 14 premièred on July 12th and concluded with the finale on September 19th, 2012. Ian Terry was crowned the winner with Dan Gheesling being the runner-up.

Power Of Veto Players are PICKED! Who wants it more?!
10:40am – 11:15am When the live feeds come back, Joe says that he is on the sidelines. He is the only one sitting out. Dan and Ian are in the bedroom talking. Dan asks where Brit is? Ian says the diary room. Dan tells Ian that at least we got the pick we wanted. Dan says we don’t want anyone to throw it. Dan tells Ian that he understands if he doesn’t use it, but you understand how I would react and what I’d do in the Jury house. Dan and Danielle go to sit in the living room. They think the competition will be a who wants it more or the spelling one. They talk about how they can’t hear any building going on in the back yard so that it probably will be the “who wants it more” competition.
Watch it ALL on FlashBack: Big Brother 14 Live Feeds – FREE 3 Day Trial!

Frank says if I act broken, maybe they can take advantage of the situation and work with me.
8am Frank and Jenn are awake and talking. Frank tells Jenn that if she plays in power of veto today she needs to play her heart out because the four can still be intact. Jenn tells him to be cautious of Ian. Frank talks to Jenn about who would go up if one of them comes off of the block. Frank says it would have to be Jenn or Joe. He says that they would have the votes. Jenn says that if Dan leaves they hope Danielle rolls with them too. Jenn says that Ian was real nervous last night. Frank says that he thinks Ian is afraid that if Dan doesn’t win the veto today then he will be after Ian to use his power on him. Jenn says that she doesn’t think Ian will use it because he wants to stay in the game so he will save the power for himself. Frank asked Jenn if she would vote Danielle out over Britney. She says that it will break her heart. Jenn says that she doesn’t want to say yes. Frank hopes the competition isn’t a how bad do you want it. Jenn agrees. Jenn tells Frank he is not rolling by himself. Frank thanks her and they hug. They head into the kitchen.
Watch what happens, AS it happens: Big Brother 14 Live Feeds!
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Danielle is delusional, she actually thinks if Dan won the POV he would use it on her..
12:30am Shane, Danielle, Britney and Jenn are sitting around talking about random stuff. Jenn starts talking about how her and Boogie will get together after show and have dinner at her friends place. She talks about how they will laugh about everything. Britney says that on her season she cried when Monet went home and now when Janelle went home. Britney wonders how Janelle is doing. Shane says that Ian played better then Boogie. Birtney says that Boogie just underappreciated both Jenn and Ian. Everyone agrees. Jenn brings up how its just a game and some people forget that. Danielle comments on how some people take it personally. Jenn says that she thinks they will start to see different sides of frank now that Boogie is gone. Shane says that Frank will be more genuine. Jenn says that and he won’t have someone pumping him up all the time. Britney and Danielle head inside. Shane says he won’t forget Boogie and Frank saying he was a b***h and a p****y. Jenn and Shane talk about how he was prepared for it though. Shane says that he knew they were going to act like that.
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Big Brother Spoilers – Veto Competition Tomorrow Probably “How Bad Do you Want it”
8:45pm Cam 3-4 Bedroom
Dan says he as a strong feeling it’s going to be “How Bad Do you Want it” If thats the case they need to throw the POV to Shane or Britney. Danielle doesn’t want to throw the POV competition but she understands it needs to be done.
Dan is concerned about Britney scheming in the HOH with Frank for the past hour. Daneille tells him not to worry she’s just working Frank in the event that Dan or Danielle go home this week.
Britney comes down..
Dan: “You need to know that every time I go up there that i’m not going after him (Frank) next week”
Dan: “I just talked to Ian and he said that if Shane or Britney win POV he will use his power” Dan adds that if Frank, Dan, or Danielle win the veto Ian will not use his barbarian power (barbarian power = ian’s veto power.. Dan is calling Ian Conan the barbarian now because of his performance in the Competition) .
Britney: “Frank won’t fight hard for the Veto.. “ Britney adds that Frank doesn’t trust Ian at all and he’s really worried Ian will use the power but not worried enough. Frank is also skeptical that tomorrow’s Power of Veto Competition is “How Bad do you want it” )

Big Brother 14 Live Feed Screen Capture Gallery – August 24, 2012
Big Brother 14 live feed Gallery.Images are straight off the live feeds.. We update these pictures throughout the day. There’s thousands here enjoy! Each photo produced has a file name of when it was taken and by which cam. For example one may have the title “BB13-C3–7-8-2012–12_06_08.jpg” C3 = Camera 3 on the feeds 7-8-2012 […]

Big Brother 14 Spoilers – Nomination Results
6:37pm Kitchen.. BRitney, Shane, Joe, Dan, Danielle and Jenn
They are screaming in their microphones “We can hear the DR.. PEOPLE we can hear the DR”
Danielle: “Oh my god that 4 times this year”
Shane: “As least we can’t hear the responses”
Jenn: “Still those Questions.. “
(It’s Ian’s Diary Room they can hear.. Frank was in the HOH at the time.. )
You can see on the memory wall that Dan and Danielle are nominated for Eviction this week. Ian is back from the Diary Roommm. Just random chit chat..

Big Brother 14 Pandora’s Box Results
3:05pm Cam 3-4 Dan and Danielle
Danielle thinks Frank will put Ian up and try to backdoor Dan.
Dan wants Danielle and himself up on the block
Dan: “Ian said if the perfect scenario came up he would use the POV… sometimes things work this way.. like if you won it or I won it was a waste of a veto.. “
Dan :”Something Bad For Frank”
Danielle: “Ya it was good for use”
Dan: “That wasn’t good for him because 2 people can be protected”
Dan: “Ohh my god I’m so glad I didn’t rat him out.. “
Danielle: “You now have to get close to him again”
Dan: “We can keep 4 out of the 5 safe this week.. perfect scenario”
Dan: “I’m embarrassed.. I’ve never acted like that in this game…”

Joe says that Frank wants to hurt Dan in some way.. Britney says there is no saving Dan.
10:30am – 10:50am When the feeds finally come back.. Frank and Joe are in the arcade room talking. Frank tells Joe that wants Dan out. Frank says that he will give him the vote to vote out Dan. Frank says that Dan is the double crosser, he is the one that got Danielle, Shane and Ian to put him on the block. Frank says that he was hurt, that Boogie deserved at least a 4-3 vote. Frank says that Dan was pretty much threatening Ian, and that Ian couldn’t even see that or understand that. Frank says that hopefully moving for I can find people to work with. Joe says that when the time is right, let me know and I can do what I can to help. Joe says he is in a tough spot and if he can help he will. It will be in our best interest to help each other. Joe says can I ask what Dan did? Frank says that it started off as the week Frank was up against Joe and Dan said all week that he was working getting me the votes. He told us 100% that it was rock solid that I had Danielle vote. Then right before the reset, he told Boogie that he had to push it, your boy was going home. Then after the reset he told Boogie that two company, three’s a crowd. So that was why he was trying to get Danielle vote me out. Frank continues to give other reasons why he can’t trust Dan and how Dan manipulated people.
Watch what happens, AS it happens: Big Brother 14 Live Feeds!
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Frank says that people keep saying that Dan is such a nice guy, but he isn’t a nice guy.
8:25am – 8:40am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Joe and Shane are out in the backyard sitting around the hot tub. Joe says so that was pretty much our worst case scenario. Joe says that if he has anything to say about it Frank will not get any of the votes in jury. Shane says but he has won a lot of comps. Joe says that just because someone wins a lot of comps doesn’t mean they win the game. Ian is in the hammock swinging back and forth. Meanwhile up in the HOH room, Jenn comes up to talk to Frank. Frank tells Jenn that Danielle and Dan are going up on the block and that he would like her to vote out Dan. Frank says that Danielle is up on the block because she is a vote for Dan and if she won the POV she would use it on him. Frank says that people keep saying that Dan is such a nice guy. Frank says that he is not such a nice guy. Frank says that he needs to win the POV tomorrow. Frank tells Jenn that he didn’t come into the house wanting to win a lot of competitions but that he has been forced to win them just to stay.
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Frank tells Ian that Dan and Danielle are going up on the block; its a lock!
1:30am Britney and Frank continue to talk in the HOH room. Frank says he doesn’t blame Ian. Frank says that Ian is just a kid and that he blames her people for talking him into doing their dirty work. Frank wonders how he can even trust Britney, and trust that she won’t scumbag him next week. Britney tells Frank that if he makes it to the final two there is no way he won’t win. She says that he had the hardest road to the end. Britney tells Frank that she would be okay with voting out Dan. Britney says that Danielle will never go against Dan. Britney says that Danielle will vote to keep Danielle to stay, even though she doesn’t want to be the one to send him home. Britney says that it is a good strategic move for her game. Britney says that Dan is a good social player, but that he has probably scum bagged her already too. Britney asks if they get rid of Dan this week, would Frank be willing to work with Britney, Shane, and Danielle? Frank tells Britney that he trusts her and wants to work with her. Frank says that he wants Dan out. Frank tells Britney that its possible she could be the replacement nominee if Shane were to in the power of veto and use it.
Watch it ALL on FlashBack: Pick the Day, Time and Camera View!

Big Brother Spoilers – Double Eviction Aftermath Joe: “We definitely need beer tonight.. Like c’mon BB”
10:09pm cam 3-4 Britney and Ian Livingroom
Britney to Ian :”you are going to have to go to bat for me”
Britney: “As long as we can get him to put up Dan or Joe we will be fine”
Ian: “I know.. I Know”
Britney: “You either have to Backstab Dan or Backstab Frank.. the guy who can’t play for HOH next.. I’m counting on you to have my back..”
Ian: “I have your back”
Britney:’You took a HUGE risk today… I know where you stand“
Ian: ”I went to bat for Dan once.. he went went to bat for me.. I went to bat for him he went for me a… “
Ian implies that he’s still down with the quack pack. Britney explains to him after what he did today she trusts him.
Britney: “What did you put on your chalkboard.. “
Ian:” I put 1000”
Britney: ‘I thought you were going to put 1”