The Big Brother 19 premiere is fast approaching with only 3 weeks to go until the 2 hour premiere episode airs on Wednesday, June 28th. We likely won’t learn the identities of the big brother 19 house guests until about a week before the premiere. There are always tons of rumors floating around the internet but don’t get too caught up in them as they’re rarely ever true. Fan favorite Jeff Schroeder will be back this season doing the cast interviews, however there won’t be any pre-season alumni cast interviews.
Tag: big brother
Big Brother is a reality television show that follows a group of strangers that live and compete together for the chance to win the grand prize. They are filmed 24 hours a day / 7 days a week over the course of the 75-90 days.

With all the controversy surrounding this seasons Big Brother 15 cast over their racial, homophobic and misogynistic comments aren’t bad enough, recently Spencer Clawson “joked” about mast*rb@ting to ch!ld p*rn. As a result after being alerted to the disgusting comments he made the police from his home town immediately investigated him to determine if charges should be laid against him. Understandably, this is a VERY serious matter and it is great to hear that comments like this are not taken lightly. This cast of Big Brother house guests will likely feel the BIGGEST backlash from their comments / views that they have expressed inside the house.

Big Brother Canada: The House Guests Compete in the HaveNot Competition this Morning!
8am Big Brother turns on the lights in the house to wake up the house guests. In the havenot room Topaz comments on how there is a havenot competition in one hour. Talla complains about having cramps. She stumbles getting up and Alec calls her a sloppy mess as she leaves the room. They all get up and head to the kitchen and bathroom to make breakfast and get ready. Liza talks to Andrew in the kitchen about how they need to have a havenot competition so that those on slop can get off it. Emmett and Peter are talking out on the backyard couches. Peter says that they are probably still 4 hours away from the havenot competition. He says that they still have to lock us out of the backyard, set up the challenge, then call us into the living room.

Big Brother Canada Commercial “The Biggest Show in Canadian History”
The First batch of Big Brother Canada Commercial aired today during the Survivor Finale. One showed casting events and said only 14 will Make the cut. The Commercial boasts Big Brother Canada will be “The Biggest Show in Canadian History” with the “Biggest Competitions”, “Biggest Evictions” and “The Biggest Betrayals”.. The the other commercial has Boogie and Dr Will doing their “Ring Ring” …. “Chill town” … “Hosers EH!” Thing.

We want to know what questions YOU have for Dan Gheesling’s Wife Chelsea!
One of our loyal OBB fans, Corey will be doing an exclusive interview with Dan Gheesling’s wife Chelsea this monday and we want you to send us your questions. As you all know Dan won Big Brother 10 and a couple years later after meeting Chelsea he proposed to her at a high school foot ball game. If you are as curious about Dan Gheesling as we are and want to ask his wife Chelsea questions about him or the reasons behind the moves he has made in the game, then leave your questions below in the comments.
Superpass Big Brother 14 Live Feeds: 3 Day FREE Trial!

ABC Responds to Lawsuit – There’s Nothing Secret About Big Brother!
With “The Glass House” series premiere set to air on June 18th, 2012 there is still a black cloud looming over head with regard to the lawsuit filed by CBS. Despite the claims that ABC stole trade secrets from CBS, “The Glass House” is still going full steam ahead with its new reality series. Evidence that ABC is moving forward with their scheduled show is that they just released their first promotional commercial for The Glass House.
ABC responds to CBS’s claims that they have stolen their “Big Brother” trade secrets in the making of “The Glass House” saying that NOTHING about Big Brother is a secret. ABC has filed their response to the copyright infringement lawsuit filed by CBS – requesting the presiding judge to dismiss the “over-the-top” lawsuit as soon as possible.
In the court documents, ABC responds by saying the insinuation that “The Glass House” is stealing trade secrets is “outrageous” adding:
“there is nothing secret about editing a program with multiple feeds together or developing a narrative structure for it. That is reality TV.”

Reality Rally 2012 LIVE Streaming Coverage Brought to you by SuperPass!
In just over 3 months Big Brother 2012 will premiere and if you are anything like me, you CANNOT wait for that day to come! To help pass the time we wanted to fill you in on a reality event called Reality Rally that is full of your favorite Big Brother and other reality stars, it’s an event that is coming up that will not only be fun to watch live, watch on SuperPass and even participate in and it supports a great cause at the same time.
Have you ever wanted to be a part of The Amazing Race or a game like it? Well considering you missed your chance to be on The Amazing Race Season 20, there is another opportunity to be a part of a similar game called Reality Rally 2012, in temecula Valley. The event is taking place from April 13th – 15th, with the race starting on April 14th from 12-4pm.
Reality Rally was created and modeled after the CBS reality TV show The Amazing Race. It is a 4 hour competition where Reality Stars are teamed up with ordinary people like you and I, and compete through 12 gruelling challenges to win the prize & the bragging rights! MOST importantly the event is for a great cause to raise funds for Michelle’s Place Breast Cancer Resource Center in Temecula (