12:50am HOH room. Jed and Beth.
Jed – its one of the strongest things we have in this game. Beth – what’s that? Jed – just like our work ethic and commitment. Beth – oh yeah. Jed – that is huge! And I don’t think a lot of people have that. Beth – no. It is true, a lot of people are here to just have a good time. Jed – exactly. And so are we but at the end of the day we’re here to win and that will be why we’re successful. Beth rubs his chest. Jed – if we’re in the final two I swear to god ..proposing! Jed laughs. Beth kisses him. Beth – you’re not. Jed – that would be a sick story! Come on! Beth – you know it would. Jed – even if.. Beth – it would be the best actually. Jed – oh my god. Beth – and to think we’re only half way through.. we’re going to be so close by the end of this.