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2:40am Up in the HOH room are Rachel and Jeff are talking. Rachel says that she doesn’t want to start a lot of drama but she was told that Jeff threw the corn hole competition. Jeff asks who she heard that from. Rachel says maybe from Dani. Jeff says Dani told him that too. Rachel says that is funny because that is the competiton Brendon went home because of… Jeff says he never said that or did that. Rachel says it is not that she doesn’t believe Jeff but when it comes to something that involves her fiancé she has ask. Jeff tells her to think about the situation Dani is in, she is now stirring up things and telling lies in an attempt to stay in the house. Jeff says how the BLANK did I throw it? Rachel says she doesn’t know and that she wasn’t playing the game. Rachel says she believes Jeff but they all agreed to come to each other with stuff. Jeff says he isn’t upset with Rachel they did agree to come to each other. Rachel says that she is so frustrated with Shelly and Adam right now and Jeff agrees. Jeff tells her that this is exactly what they want, to stir everything up before the vote. Rachel says that Dani thinks Shelly and Adam will vote to keep Dani. Jeff says that Shelly and Adam are protected no matter what, if Porsche or Kalia win then they aren’t going up and if Jordan or Rachel wins then they are also safe. Jordan asks if they think Shelly’s vote is still good? Jeff says he was thinking about going to get Shelly right now and talk to her but wonders if he should do that right now.
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Tag: BB13
Big Brother 13 premièred on July 7th and concluded with the finale on September 14th, 2011. Rachel Reilly was crowned the winner with Porsche Briggs being the runner-up.
Big Brother Spoilers: Dani tries to get Rachel’s vote & tells her Jeff threw the Cornhole POV that could have saved Brendon..
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12am In the bathroom, Dani and Porsche are talking. Porsche tells Dani that she should be out there practicing and that you never know she may still be in the game. Dani says that Adam is scared that he can’t beat Dani. Dani says that she doesn’t want to hang out with everyone. Porsche tells Dani to do it anyway and to stop moping. Kalia joins Dani in the bathroom. Dani is crying and tells Kalia she is really sad and wishes she could just leave. Kalia says if it makes you feel any better …I’m not doing well at that game. Dani says that that makes her feel worse. Jeff comes in to the bathroom and the conversation stops. Jeff leaves. Dani says America’s Sweethearts. Dani asks Kalia if she has finished her speech for tomorrow. Dani tells Kalia that the second half of her speech tomorrow will probably anger some people. Dani says that she could be really mean but she is going to keep it just above the belt.. possibly on the belt. Dani says that maybe if I could make people hate me like Rachel and then I could stay in the game. Dani says that Adam told her that if Rachel does make final two she has his vote. Dani tells Kalia not to let that Rachel get to the final two. Dani says that the first thing she is going to tell Brendon in the jury house is that she thinks his girlfriend is the most horrible person. Dani says that Kalia can’t turn your back on Porsche. Kalia says she won’t she has no one else. Kalia starts crying. Dani tells Kalia that Shelly found Rachel’s dog beanie Quackers. Kalia asks what was she doing in the toilet? Dani says that she probably pooped.
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Big Brother 13 Spoilers – Jordan is having doubts about Shelly/Adam “They’re playing both sides they don’t care to win HOH” **updated**
8:40pm Rachel is searching through everywhere trying to find her stuffed dog. Rachel found Mr Quakers..
9:00pm Bathroom Porsche and Shelly Shelly tells Porsche that rachel found Mr Quackers. Porsche tells her they hid it in the HOH toilet tanks. Shelly saying that Adam is the 3rd person in the JJR alliance she knows that now. Shelly thinks it’s worth another shot talking to Adam to safe Dani. Shelly mentions that Adam told her if Rachel was in the final 2 he would vote for her. Porsche is shocked.. Shelly says she almost choked when he said that. Shelly says that all threw this game she’s helped Adam out, told him what to do and gave him information. Shelly tells her that in the beginning of the game she thought Porsche was a liar but it was later that she found out it was Rachel feeding Porsche the lies.
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Big Brother 13 Spoilers: Jeff’s take on Adam “He has done BOZO”
6:41pm HOH JJ They start to question the loyalty of Adam and Shelly. Jordan is worried that Porsche, Kalia, Adam and Shelly are going to come after JJR. Jeff agrees thinks that a very possible scenario. Jeff says there’s nothing he can do if they flip they flip..
Jeff: “If SA Flip they will have to deal with me all week.. you think Shelly can sit outside with me and look me in the eyes”.. Jeff is confident that they will have Dani gone this week and the rest will be easy pickings as long as JR win HOH this week.
Jordan: “I’m talking about after Dani is gone they will flip..”
Jeff: “If they are going to flip why don’t they do it now.. Now would be the time to flip and Keep the stronger player.. What are they going to do team up with Kalia and Porsche that win BLANK”
Jordan thinks adam feels he has Shelly, Kalia and Porsche..
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Big Brother 13: Jordan warns Adam if he accepts a deal with Dani, DK will make it to final 2 **Updated**
4:23pm Bathroom Dani and Porsche Porsche is giving her a rundown of the day’s campaigning efforts. Porsche says that Kalia is doing the same type of campaigning but in her side. Dani says if Adam votes for Kalia to stay she doesn’t owe him anything but if he flips and votes her to stay she owes him her life.
Porsche brings up that it’s painfully obvious that Shelly is playing both sides. Dani knows but all that Shelly is doing is keeping herself save from both sides. Dani is sure Shelly will vote to Keep Dani
Porsche told Kalia last night if it’s Kalia and Porsche that survive it’s just the 2 of them.
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Big Brother 13 Spoilers: Shelly tells KP she’s tried everything in her Power to convince Adam, “I’m telling ya he has a deal with JJ”
3:12pm Backyard Suntanning Shelly, Porsche and Dani They are going over how they could convince Adam to vote to keep Dani. Shelly swears she’s done everything she can think of. Dani is optimistic says they still hav a day. Porsche doesn’t understand they’ve run the numbers by him he should see the logic in their statement.
Dani warns Shelly if Dani leaves.. then it’s a clear sign Adam is working with them. Dani brings up that Adams main argument is if Rachel and Jordan win the the HOH then he’s going up with Dani..
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Big Brother Spoilers: Porsche starts working Adam for his vote to keep Dani..
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1pm – 1:15pm Porsche and Adam are talking in the purple room. Porsche doesn’t understand why Adam would want to be on Jeff and Jordan’s side. Adam and Porsche discuss how Dani has some valid arguments. Adam says that he just can’t because working with Dani he becomes a bigger target. Porsche doesn’t understand why. Porsche says that Jeff will never put up Rachel. Jeff comes inside and gets everyone to come to the kitchen for a group photo. They all sit around the kitchen table and take a happy photo and a funny photo. Jeff, Jordan, Adam, Shelly and Rachel head outside. Jeff comments on how Rachel is in every photo. Meanwhile in the kitchen, Porsche is telling Dani that she was in the purple room talking to Adam and that Jeff came in to do photos and was baby sitting Adam because he saw me talking to him. Porsche tells Dani that Adam said that he will be a bigger target if he votes for Dani. Porsche says she doesn’t get it. Dani says that Adam is stupid. Dani talks about how she was having a good conversation with Adam until Rachel interrupted them.
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Big Brother Spoilers: Dani says that she knows this is pathetic but she is even willing to give a one sided deal where if he gets the chance he can vote her out. *Updated*
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11am – 11:50am Out in the backyard, Adam says that he for sure thinks this HOH will be one where the winner is crowned on the show. Rachel starts quizing Adam on what happened on certain days. Adam is thinking and trying to answer… and says that it too early to be answering questions. Rachel says I don’t think anything happened that day anyways. Rachel continues to ask him dates. Dani tells Adam to stop hurting his brain its not worth it. Adam says that one thing he won’t miss is smelling other peoples farts. Rachel goes over to the washer and dryer where Shelly is… Dani says please call Rachel to the diary room! Dani starts whispering and tells Adam that she swears on her grandmothers life that if he does this for her she will own him and do anything he wants. Dani that he doesn’t even have to tell anyone and that they can surprise everyone… Rachel comes back over and Adam changes the conversation saying he wants to work out. Rachel sits inbetween them both. Dani is annoyed and gets up and goes inside. Dani complains to Shelly about how Rachel sat right between them both… she is so annoying. Shelly says and why is he telling her information about the days …I have told him no less than five times not to do that. Dani says study your on your own.
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Big Brother Spoilers: Shelly finds the missing chess pieces.. Will Dani still use the King & Queen in her speech? *UPDATED*
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7:30am – 10am Shelly wakes up and starts her morning routine of smoking and cleaning. Shelly heads into the storage room and opens the draw where Dani had hid the chess pieces and finds them. (I wonder if Dani will still use the chess pieces in her speech on Thursday now that they’ve been found?) Shelly says Ahhh..HA! Shelly then goes up to the chess board and places the chess pieces back on the chess board. Shelly then heads back outside to have another smoke. Big Brother cuts the live feeds… and when they come back ..all four cameras are on the other houseguests still sleeping with the lights off.
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Big Brother 13 Live Feed Screen Captures – August 24th, 2011 Updated LIVE!
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Big Brother 13 live feed Gallery for August 24th 2011. Each minute we take a series of screen captures from each Live Feed cam in the house and upload them to our Gallery every 10 minutes. This system runs 24/7 expect thousands and thousands of Screen Captures every day. Alerts are sent out via our Twitter account @BigBspoilers and Facebook page.
Each photo produced has a file name of when it was taken and by which cam. For example one may have the title “BB13-C3–7-8-2011–12_06_08.jpg”
C3 = Camera 3 on the feeds
7-8-2011 = July 8th, 2011
12_06_08 = Taken at 12:06:08
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Big Brother Spoilers: Dani tells Porsche she will be remembered as the blonde bimbo with big boobs! Porsche says and a big butt!
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11:40pm Rachel and Jordon are talking. Jordan says that she thinks Shelly is 100% with us. Rachel thinks the double eviction isn’t this Thursday but the next.. and says that they have to win HOH this Thursday so they will be set for the final three. Rachel says that we have to figure out the whole Adam thing, and says that maybe if she goes and plays pool with them and see if she can find out his zing… like calling him Uncle Fester. Rachel and Jordan start reciting the facts Big Brother gave them like the perimeter of the backyard is 19 and a quarter laps around the yard to equal one mile. Rachel says that Dani is probably coaching Porsche and Kalia. Rachel says that if they aren’t studying the questions then they don’t even deserve to be here. Jordon says that when she played this game during her season Big Brother changed just one word and got it wrong. Rachel says she doesn’t know how Big Brother is going to change the words in the competition. Jordon said that it will be easier to remember what was said as soon as she hears it. Rachel says that she is going to go play pool with Adam and Jeff scheming that maybe they will tell her exactly what the zingbot said about them.
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Big Brother 13 Spoilers: Dani to Kalia “they don’t care about Adam he’s expendable.. Jeff is like every other tool in Orange County”
9:26pm Kitchen Dani and Porsche Dani is saying that she will not give up there is still 2 days to work Adam for the Vote, “He can’t be set in stone”. Dani is worried that Shelly may be telling them the same thing she’s telling adam.. Porsche doesn’t think so. Porsche says her life is going to be hell next week if dani goes she has to win HOH. Dani brings up Kalia and how happy she is right now. Dani says that Kalia gets mad at her for not being happy..
Dani starts talking about how Adam will not win the money if he stick with JJ… She’s sure he must know he’s screwed in the end. Dani starts to give Porsche some hints for her game next week. She says Prosche needs to put up JEff and rachel and if POV is used she has to slap Jordan up. Porsche also has to forget about any deals with Adam he’s clearly with JJ final 3