7:55pm HOH Ronnie, Chima, and Natalie. Ronnie is going over the conversation he had with Casey. Ronnie says he told Casey about putting Jordan up. He’s told Casey that Jordan hates him and thats why she’s going up. CHim wonders why they care she’s not going home we have the votes. Ronnie now brings up […]
Tag: BB11
Big Brother 11 premièred on July 9th and concluded with the live finale on September 15th, 2009. Jordan Lloyd was crowned the winner with Natalie Martinez being the runner-up.
BB Spoilage – Jordan is Going to tell everyone the Big Secret about Ronnie during POV Ceremnony: “He licks Jessie’s a-hole”
6:20pm recycling room Jesse and Lydia sleeping. Lydia and Jesse are playing little games under the covers, Lydia sticks her finger in his ear. Jesse says stop and they giggle. Lydia tells him she like him thats why she won’t leave him alone, “how else can I show my affection ?” Jesse tells her […]
Big Brother Spoilers – Ronnie: “Jordans going up NBK 4 Life”
4:56pm Jesse and Ronnie. Jesse telling him that the plan to get rid of Laura needs to be done. Ronnie says that once he calms down he’ll talk to Jordan about it and tell her if that is the way you feel then lets just say that everything that we’ve said to each other is […]
Big Brother Spoilers – Chima Offers a Plan to Get Rid Of Russell, “I’ll Just Get Him to Hit me”
11:05pm HOH Ronnie, Jesse, Kevin, Lydia, Chima and Natalie. Ronnie tells Jesse and Natalie that he plans on Backdooring Russell. Lydia tells them that Russell told her that him and Jesse have been doing all of Ronnie’s dirty work. Jesse really doesn’t think this is a good plan. Natalie agrees with Jesse. But Chima, […]
Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Jeff Gives it to Ronnie, Jeff: “Trust? Somone FUcked us remember”
7:40pm HOH Ronnie and Jordan. Ronnie tells Jordan that laura said “I swear to God if I survive this week Ronnie is gone.” Jordan explain that Laura was upset and really didn’t mean it. Ronnie says he tried telling Jeff his plan. Jeff wouldn?t talk until POV was over. I said my plan was […]
Big Brother Spoilers – POV Today, Ronnie Thinks he’s Better than Dr Will, “I know everything about this game”
9:00am Wake up houseguests….. 10:40am Playing for POV: Jeff, Laura, Ronnie ,Russell, Natalie, and Casey with Lydia hosting.. Bathroom, Lydia, Ronnie and Kevin. They are telling Ronnie hw needs to but the pressur on Casey if he wins POV. ROnnie asks them what do they want him to do he has no power.. Ronnie […]
Big Brother Spoilers – Chima’s views on couples and S$X
10:00pm Backyard Casey, Larua, Jeff and jordan talking about how Casey won the movie with Chima. They joke and say she will claw his eyes out if he laughs at the wrong time. Laura and Jordan wonder if they could ever make up with CHima after what she?s been doing. They are all expecting […]
Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Has Russell Defected? and Ronnie Says they Call Kevin “The Gay”
9:05pm HOH Ronnie, Jesse, Kydia, Kevin, Chima and Natalie. Ronnie is talking about which players they can trust and which ones they can’t. He tells them he can trust jordan and he wouldn’t put her up. They start discussing who they are going to pick to play in POV. Ronnie tells Jesse that he […]
Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Laura and Jeff Nominated for Eviction, Chima: “Michele put Poison in the Soup”
8:35PM Doom Room Laura, Michelle, Jordan. laura is shaking her head saying THEY planned this all out, she tells Jordan if She doesn’t win POV for them all to vote with the group, “Don’t go against them”. Michele leaves. They start talking about hanging out after the show is over. Laura brags to Jordan […]
Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Ronnie is working everyone over and Chima’s got “The Biggest Balls In The House”
5:15pm HOH Ronnie and Chima. CHima is telling them she wants Jeff gone this week, She mentions that Jordon will be lost without jeff. ROnnie agrees. Casey mentions that Michelle has broken away and it now playing for herself not any team. ROnnie saying he plans on having Russell the first jurior than Michelle […]
Big Brother 11 Spoils – Ronnie is Found out, Natalie: “Everyone that Voted to Evict Chima Supports Racism and Hate”
7:45pm pool room Laura, Casey and Jordan are discussing the HOH Competition. They think that the Competition was easy and they are stupid for not winning. Larua says she doesn’t think Ronnie will put her up because he’s smart but if he does and she gets evicted she’s going to get a banner plane. […]
Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Who Flipped their Vote? Jeff: “It was Jordon she got confused and said the wrong name”
6:00pm Houseguests are in lockdown while the CBS crew cleans the backyard. 6:13pm Michelle, CHima and Jordan. Chima is Screaming at Michelle calling her a liar. Chima calls them all fucking bitches, “fucking Bitches in this fucking house”. Chima tells Michelle to tell the fucking truth that she a bitch, “What are you Michelle” […]