Lydia votes to evict: Casey Jeff votes to evict: Casey Kevin votes to evict: Casey Russell votes to evict: Jordan Ronnie votes to evict: Casey Chima votes to evict: Casey Natalie votes to evict: Casey Michelle votes to evict: Casey Evicted: Casey No More cliques Mystery Power Given to a Houseguest: coup d’etat […]
Tag: BB11
Big Brother 11 premièred on July 9th and concluded with the live finale on September 15th, 2009. Jordan Lloyd was crowned the winner with Natalie Martinez being the runner-up.
Big Brother 11 – Casey and Jeff Hangin in the “Ghetto HOH”
10:30pm HOH Russell and Chima. Russell is telling her about the calculated moves he has made in the game. HE explain the fight with JEff in week 1 was just to see where the house’s alliances stood. HE goes on to say he learnt that Jordan was going onto JEffs side and Lydia was coming […]
Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Russell Explains a Move
9:45pm Ronnie and Kevin Living Room They are talking about tomorrows HOH. Ronnie doesn’t think it’ll be endurance he’s thinking questions. Ronnie believes it will be based on the facts they have heard earlier. Ronnie now spews out every HOH competitions that was endurance for every season, Season 7 spiders season 9 had alot… Kevin […]
Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Kevin has Figured out What Ronnie is up to and Natalie’s Garbage Fashion Show
7:40pm Pool room Kevin and Lydia. Kevin is really worried about Ronnie. He is telling Lydia to watch what she says around him because ROnnie is up to shady business again. Kevin tells her that Kevin tried to send Lydia signals last night not to say things to Ronnie because Ronnie will just spin it […]
Big Brother 11 Spoilers ? Jessie is saving Himself for Marriage but Jeff is going to “POP” tonight
5:20 Red Room Jordan, Michele, Lydia, Ronnie, Jesse, Kevin and Natalie. They are talking about the casting process and JOrdan brings up taking a plane to get to the studio and how she sat beside this friendly old man. The old man told her he fought in world war 2 and was stations at […]
Big Brother 11 – Ronnie Caught in More Lies, Casey: “I told you so”
11:00pm HOH Natalie, Chima and Jessie trying to make sense of it all. Jessie thinks that maybe Russell is blowing up Ronnie betrayal a bit. Natalie thinks that maybe Ronnie and Russell are planning all this out. Jessie doesn?t think that?s the case Chima said Maybe we can trust Russell more than Ronnie, Natalie says […]
BIg Brother 11 Spoilers – Russell and Casey Listen in on Ronnie Scheming with Kevin and Lydia
9:00pm HOH Kevin, Jessie and Chima. Kevin is giving JEsse his precooked speech to Jessie to try and get the target off his back. Kevin is trying to clear his name about what Michelle said. Apparently Michelle told JEssie that KEvin said he wanted to put JEssie and NAtalie up. Kevin says he asked Michelle […]
Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Shit Storm Brewing, Casey “I’m Punching That Dork in the Throat”
Try the live feeds FREE for 3 DAYS: 7:45pm Backyard Jeff and Casey. Jeff trying to look on the bright side of things he says what goes around comes around. Casey hopes it comes back to bit them they deserve it. Jeff Confident that he is going to win hoh. Saying when he wins the […]
Big Brother 11 – Jessie tells Natalie she Screwed them and Warns of a “Big Fight Before the day is over”
Try the live feeds FREE for 3 DAYS: 6:00pm HOH Jessie and Natalie. Natalie has a huge chunk of pizza she is hammering inro her mouth. Jessie blames all the drama going on with Lydia to be Natalie’s fault. Jessie tell her that Lydia is now moving to the other side and thats not good. […]
Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Lydia demands the Truth, so Jessie lies and she believes him
4:30pm HOH Jessie and Lydia. Lydia confronts JEssie about the conversation she had with Natalie. SHe accuses him of telling Natalie everything and telling her nothing. Jessie remind her that soon everyone is going to be turning on each other so its not going to be a party in here. Lydia says in a matter […]
Big Brother 11 Spoilage – Casey does impersonation Russell: ?Do Jessie? Casey: I can?t I don?t have a shirt Small Enough?
8:55pm backyard CHima and Russell. She says that everyone is ignoring Casey and she doesn’t like it. She points out that Natalie, Jessie and Ronnie don’t even go near him. Russell says he talked to Casey earlier today. Casey walks outside. Chima asks Casey why he said his career is over. Casey thinks things in […]
Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Jessie’s glad Chima is on their Side because “Natalie isn’t too Bright”
7:30pm Backyard, Russell, Jessie working out. They are going over the people that have screwed them over. Russell immediately tells him they have to get rid of ROnnie at some point because he continues to lie. Jessie just tells him if a Athlete doesn’t win HOH they are screwed next week. He thinks they are […]