8:55pm -10:55pm HOH Everyone but Lydia. Jordan is being very nice to everyone telling them they can come up anytime and use the shower or sleep. Jordan brings up her family, she wonders what they are thinking about her in the show. She worried that they might of say something they don’t like. Kevin […]
Tag: BB11
Big Brother 11 premièred on July 9th and concluded with the live finale on September 15th, 2009. Jordan Lloyd was crowned the winner with Natalie Martinez being the runner-up.
Big Brother 11 – Kevin, Natalie, and the Super Hero known as Crazy Lunatic Head plan Jeff’s demise. Nat “I read the rules I know what to do”
7:29pm Kitchen Everyone was preparing their meals. Jordan, Michelle and Jeff leave the food on the counter for a minute and step outside. During this time Lyida runs up to her plate and starts eating all it. Lydia is shovelling down the food fast. Natalie tells her not to worry the food is for everyone.. […]
Big Brother 11 – Natalie tries to be original calls Jeff a terrorist
6:00pm Backyard Jeff and Natalie near the couch talking Jordan and Russell near the hammock talking. Natalie is trying to tell Jeff that she has never lied to him once and she was the one fighting for him to stay.. she goes on to say that Jessie wanted him out and she convinced him […]
Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Chima is KICKED out Big Brother 11!! Jeff says ..and then there were 7! Russell says she’s running to the legal department!
10pm Big Brother Time: They go outside and Jeff says Nice! Golf. The veto tomorrow. Nat says GREAT! Russel is good at golf! They take it over and begin to practice. When Michele comes out Lydia tells her it’s the veto tomorrow. Nat tells Lydia when she’s done to go wake up Chima cause they are the ones who need to fucking practice. As Lydia read the instructions. They have to golf and hit the hole without touching the snail glued to the center. Putt Putt golf. Russell is down and Jeff is telling him about the girls tossing his stuff out of the drawers. Russ wants to go check on his stuff. Jeff tells him his stuff is fine. Russ wants to know what Jeff said. Jeff tells him. Michele asks Russ does he happen to play mini golf. He says he’s actually quite good. They both get evil grins. Russ says Jeff plays too. Jeff says Huh? Then says yeah, he does. Kevin’s in the kitchen. Russ offers to cook for Kev and Michelle.
Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Chima to Michelle “we can’t be these dumb weak girls we have to take Russell out”
HOH bathroom Jeff, Jordan and Michelle. They are talking about the competition and how the other side was saying that Michelle and Jordan were trying to throw it. Michelle laughs “ya we don’t want to eat and have showers!” They mentions pies filled with meat and Veggies they had to throw and They won a grill for a BBQ later in the week. Jeff weighs him says holy shit I?m losing weight… Look i got a 6 pack. Michele says she has to give a nomination speech today.. she’s been thinking about it a lot and she knows the house will erupt when she does it. She almost wants to go with what Jessie did saying your people are up you know why “peace”. Michelle says there is no hot water.
Big Brother 11 Spoilers A new twist for the Have Nots
Red Room CHima, Natalie and Lydia. They are trying to figure out the have nots competition. Lydia wonders if the team will be fair or if they are going to get screwed again. Chima tells her not to be worried the producers “got the MEMO”, “I don’t give a fuck what they say they are fucked if we leave and we will leave” Lydia agrees saying “they” big brother production better watch out. Chima says this late in the game the producers cannot bring in new players America has grown to love an date us they can’t get replacements now. Chima starts bashing Russell talking about how stupid he was leaving his rosary here and how he?s not even a catholic he?s a “fucking Muslim Terrorist” Natalie asks CHima if she could talk to Michelle for her, Natalie thinks that Chima has a strong relationship with Michelle and Michelle will listen to her. She remind Chima to bring up Natalie?s offer to not out Michelle up next week if she wins HOH. Natalie also wants CHima to tell Michelle is she’s putting Natalie up she will be going back on her word with Chima.
Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Jeff in the have nots with 1 blanket “these girls can’t break me”
Splish splash room Jeff and Jordan in the same bed whispering that Lydia and Chima got very drunk last night and will be hurting today. Jeff tells her to look out those 3 “women” are goign to be going on a rampage today. Jordan says she had a good talk with Michelle and there?s nothing for us to worry about she on our side and she’s putting Natalie and Chima up. Jordan goes on saying that she sold the idea of Russell, Jeff, Jordan and Michelle final 4 and Michelle seems to like the idea.
Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Chima: “Ronnie wasn’t a Nazi, Russell is a Terrorist and I’m the Twin Towers”
10:10pm Kitchen Cry fest. They go on and on about Jessie and how he rivalled mother Teresa. They all agree that Jeff didn’t deserve the power because he’s never done anything big in the game. Chima goes on about how unfair it is that Jeff won the Coup D’etat power. Natalie says he should […]
Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Saint Jessie is gone, Lydia, Chima, Natalie breakdown – Jeff: “he didn’t fucken turn water into wine”
8:50pm HOH Room Chima and Michelle. Chima reminding Michelle that Russell cannot be trusted, She brings up Russell calling Michele crazy head. She warns Michele that Russell is going to be up in HOH filling her head with lies. Chima says she wants Russell out of the house. She mentions how Russell wanted to […]
BB11 Cry Be a River Edition – Chima “this game is unfair I don’t care if they bribe me with prizes I’m walking out”
6:45pm Backyard Chima and Kevin on backyard Couch. Chima is telling Kevin how much she wants to go home and how unfair the game is. Kevin tell her to stick with it there still in the game. Chima says that her Lydia and Natalie told the DR that they wanted to leave. Kevin “NO WAY!” […]
Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Chima is going to have a “WORD” with Production and Kevin flips to J/J side
START WATCHING the live feeds today! See what they CAN?T show you on TV!! TRY it FREE for 3 DAYS! 6:09pm backyard Jordan, Kevin, Michelle, Russell, and Jeff. Kevin says he thinks was a deaf guy trying for the show… He was a hot deaf guy.. JEff asks how can a deaf guy scheme.. […]
Big Brother 11 Spoilage – Who does the Wizard put up, next weeks HOH and 5th eviction results
As of 3:00pm PST the feeds are still cut.. The lunch show staring BB9’s Chelisa and her sidekick is still on. It appears that these 2 jet setting reporters have just finished eating. As far as we know the feeds will not come back on until 6:00pm PST after the show airs on the […]