The two-hour finale starts at 6:00 pm PST. As is the drill It will show copious amounts of filler and pharmaceutical/political commercials. In between, we’ll see the last two parts of the Final HOH. Part 2 for which we know Cody wins and part 3 where Cody and Nicole will face off. We’ll see the questions from the jury, the final vote, and America’s favorite player (if there is one.. lol) From what I’ve seen I think Cody and Nicole will take each other to the end. Cody should win this season but of course, it’s 2020 and I’m fully expecting some sort of upset. Cody winning final HOH taking Nicole only to lose again would be a perfect end to this fantastic year.
Tag: Bayleigh Dayton

Nominations results “If you backdoor me or put me up I won’t be mad because I deserve it”
1:57 pm Tyler and Dani
Tyler – hows life
Dani – it’s real stressful
Dani – I’m good with you, you know that right? you keep making comments.
Dani – lets make an agreement we won’t go after each other until the committee final 6
Tyler – I’ll go one step further final 4 you can go after me final 6 and I’ll know but I won’t go after you until final 4
they shake
Tyler – if I were I would backdoor me.. because I hold grudges..
COdy comes in ..
Tyler – it’s freaking one on one time. Ian hasn’t gone..

“worst case scenario Memphis and Christmas will be the only ones voting to keep him everyone else will vote to get rid of him” (Tyler)
10:40 am Nicole and Dani
Dani – you had your DR last night
Nicole – no, Did you about it?
Dani mouths something
Nicole – you’re joking
Dani – no.. I know.. I thought you had it already. I figured that’s why you went to bed
Nicole – about what
Dani – same thing. Ian already had his too.. I know ..
Nicole they’re not going to give me one?
Dani – I’m sure they will it’ll be today

“I just don’t want someone to come down [Kevin/David] it’ll be chaos. [Tyler] he’ll start saying sh1t”
4:19 am 2/3rds of the love triangle strategizing
Cody says he doesn’t know what type of game Tyler is playing that worries him
Dani – his game last time was trying to make everyone feel like they’re his friend
Cody – I don’t think hes trying to make me feel like I’m his best friend
Dani says the outwards appears make her think they are really close friends.
Cody says he’s not nervous right now but 3 weeks from now he is.
They talk about the jury battle back. Dani doesn’t think there will be. Says there’s less than 7 weeks
Cody brings up Memphis theory that there’s going to be.
Dani – he’s on pain killers what do you want me to say

Tyler “I won’t be mad at you if you put me up or backdoor me because I deserve it.”
11:18pm Bathroom. Tyler and Dani.
Dani – are you hurting? Tyler – yeah, I’m hurting. Dani – my shoulders are killing me. Tyler – my neck! You killed that though… that was crazy! Dani – that was really hard. Tyler – were you looking at me and saying drop? Dani – no. You thought I said that? Tyler – when you looked at me. Dani – I said Good Job! You thought I said that?! Oh my god! DROP! No I said good job because he dropped and I didn’t want to yell it. Tyler – do you know what you plan on doing? Dani – I guess. I feel bad. This game sucks. It sucks because I like everybody. How did you in 20 because you liked everyone didn’t you? I’ve never played like that.. like I am used to hating people. Tyler – I know it really does suck.

Big Brother 22 All-Stars week 5 review and eviction results
This Big Brother week went as planned for the majority alliances in the house. Christmas won the Head of household beating out Da’Vonne in the final 2 of Filter Face off competition. Christmas nominates Bayleigh and Da’Vonne it benefits her allies, break up a couple, Bayleigh is getting a little too sassy and something about untouchables. The Veto is played and Christmas the “Comp beast” wins again. There was a lot of chatter from houseguests to nominate Dani, Ian, Tyler and of course not use the veto. Ultimately Christmas doesn’t use the veto and the nominations stay the same. Bayleigh will be evicted.

Enzo “I’m getting jealous of whoever is leaving this house! We’re here to the end YO! I think the jury house sounds good YO!”
Head of Household Winner – Christmas Have nots – No havenots this week Nominations – Bay & DaVonne Power of Veto Players are – Christmas, Bayleigh, Da’Vonne, Nicole, Ian and Dani. POV Host: – David Power of Veto holder – Christmas Power of Veto Ceremony – Veto not used. Powers – Christmas, Dani, David Live […]

Enzo about Cody and Nicole “they came pre-alliance”
1:08 pm Enzo, Bay and Da’Vonne
Enzo is pushing hard that Dani and Nicole are not their allies.
Da’Vonne says Cody has got to go points at Enzo and tells him he’s not taking Enzo he’s taking Nicole
Enzo – they came pre-alliance
Da’Vonne – not only that nobody is going to make her a two time winner so he’ll automatically win. Plus you’ll beat him flat.
Bayleigh points out that everyone in the jury will have seen through Dani’s sh1t
Da’Vonne says if it’s Dani and Cody together.. those people are not going to give Cody the money “Nobody likes the way he’s playing this game.. he’s made an alliance with every single person.. he’s going to take Nicole”

Christmas “I’m the new Tyler for Bayleigh”
7:30pm Bedroom. Christmas, Dani and Nicole.
Dani – have you talked to them? (Bay and Day) Christmas – They won’t even look at me. Like that is not my place to approach. They let me know what they want me to hear though. Like when they want me to hear something they start talking loud when they know I’m in the other room. Like I don’t do well with that kind of passive aggressive and like yesterday was my fault for not removing myself before it exploded. I should have just don’t that. I know better. I just haven’t been to that point in so long and I didn’t recognize that I was there and like the double whammy.

“who’s crying right now? The three of you. Who’s chillin and laughing having a good time in the house? Look at it. “
1:16 pm Bayleigh and David
Bayleigh – what I told the group last night because you went to sleep it was me, Enzo, Kevin and Day
Bayleigh – before this takes place we need to chat we need to make a decision (on the vote) everyone needs to vote that way so they don’t have it all split teh way they want.
Bayleigh – we need to figure this sh1t out then we need to GO, Enzo said he’s down he’s sick of this sh1t. Kevin still thinks.. it’s a work in progress with Kevin he still thinks we should be really nice. I’m like no kevin
David – stop
Bayleigh – we need to go
David – yeah they are having open meetings in the rooms openly
Bayleigh – or else nothing is going to change

Bay “GET YOUR FINGERS OUT OF MY FACE! BACK UP!!!!” Christmas “You just came at me!!”
Backyard. Day crying and talking to the cameras.
Day – if you cuss her out everyone is going to blame you! OHHHHHHHHHH GOD!!! OHHHHHHHHHHH GOD!! OOOOHHHHHHHHH GOD!!! I DON’T get it!? I hate this game! Why does she get to talk to me like that but if I respond everyone is going to look at me like I’m crazy!! And she is talking to me like I am her child! And if I respond to that I am going to look crazy! I’m going to look like DaVonne .. there goes DaVonne! That’s the eruption we were waiting for!! That felt like a set up! I feel set up! I was having a calm conversation. The more people that started coming into the kitchen ..she kept getting louder and LOUDER AND LOUDER!

Day “That motherf**ker said I feel recharged, like I can restart and play this game now.”
8:35pm Bedroom. Kevin, Day and Bay.
Day about her conversation with Tyler – when I tell you that Jesus himself had to sit on me he said now I feel like I can restart and play the game. Bay – I told you! That was the plan the whole time. That’s why I keep saying he is trying to get me out.. because he can’t play with me in here. Are you surprised.. everyone thought I was crazy! Everyone thought I was crazy .. and now you understand why.. this was my whole season. Day – that motherf**ker said I feel recharged, like I can restart and play this game now. He said we’re at the jury point so now I am in it! Bay – I know its me.. I know for a fact. I know when people are setting me up. I know the verbiage. He does NOT want me in the jury because he thinks I am going to pollute the votes.